You For Eternity

Chapter 271: You treat me as your father (2)

"No!" Qiantao said with a smile, "I...I am eating abnormal spicy crayfish! Don't worry! I can still lose me in the big boss house? Drink spicy food every day."


"Really! Come here if you don't believe me, you will definitely be raised for nothing."

"I'm not going," Qianyi snorted, "I don't like eating crayfish. It's fine if you are fine. I won't tell you anymore. It's stuck, I have to clear the customs."

"Hey baby?"

Why is she so pitiful, no one talks with her about two yuan more!


"This court announces that Li Qianyi's custody rights belong to his father Li Hengzhi, dismiss the plaintiff's appeal and leave the court!"

"Mommy mommy--"

"Qianyi...Qianyi—return my son—he is my precious son, don’t grab it from me—Qianyi—"

"One thousand one... one thousand one... one thousand one!"

Qiantao opened her eyes in horror in her dream.

She was covered with sweat, raised her eyes to look at the ceiling and then at the surrounding decorations.

So she was still in Xiangshui Bend...

I don't know when, lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

It's a dream...

Because he was awakened by a nightmare, he was still in doubt about the reality of the dream at this moment.

The dream just now was too real, as if it had really happened.

Qianyi's face, Li Hengzhi's face, were really outrageous.

Not only was she robbed of Qianyi, the man even used his power to deprive her of the right to visit the child!

She can still feel the breakdown of the outcome of that trial even after she wakes up.

Qiantao exhaled, supporting her forehead with one hand, and sighed slightly.

I was really thinking about dreams or something. I was still talking about it with Tong Tong, but ended up having a nightmare to scare myself.

"Knock, knock -" Ji Xuan knocked on the door, "Taozi, are you awake? I seem to hear movement, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, come in, the door is unlocked."

Ji Xuan opened the door and came in.

"I just had a nightmare," Qiantao explained, "it's okay."

Looking at her like this, Ji Xuan still failed to replenish her energy until she slept, and he hesitantly asked, "Brother Li, he..."

Qiantao smiled: "Not suitable for children."

Ji Xuan smiled: "I'm not a kid anymore."

However, she saw that although Qiantao was tired, she was not in the same state as that night, and she was relieved, guessing in her heart that last night should be...

"Are you hungry? I cooked some porridge, I'll heat it up for you, and bring it to you."

"I'm really hungry..." She touched her stomach, "I'll go down by myself."


Ji Xuan stopped her.


"Brother Li gave me a special order when he left in the morning to cook some chicken porridge for you. He also said, let our Mrs. Li lie on the bed. Don't go down."

Ji Xuan laughed thiefly, Qiantao was dubious: "Is there such an exaggeration...I don't believe it!"

How could he leave such an order?

Well, I really ordered to make chicken porridge. As for the latter words, she added it herself, just because of her current situation, she wanted to tease her.

Qiantao hugged and looked at Ji Xuan with a smile: "I don't know who is so lucky to marry us Xuan'er in the future."

Ji Xuan paused, smiled, and left the room.

Hey, Qiantao sighed. In fact, even if she divorced Li Hengzhi, Xuan'er might not be able to marry him.

Even though Mother Li is not satisfied with her, how can she let Xuan'er marry her son?

Although not sure, she still felt that 80% of Xuan'er's love would not bear fruit.

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