You For Eternity

Chapter 272: You treat me as your father (3)

Dessert shop.

Qianyi dangled a pair of calves, drank the cold drink he ordered, waiting leisurely.

The wind rang, and a tall figure pushed the door in. At a glance, he found Qianyi's position in many positions and walked towards him.

The two of them looked like old friends, slapped their palms and punched them, the way the men met.

He didn't want to drink anything, so he sent away the idiot waiter.

His ice-blue eyes were still a beautiful landscape, and everyone liked it very much.

In this Haicheng, most people with ice-blue eyes are mixed, and Qianyi is not too obvious except for these eyes. Although his facial features are exquisite and perfect, there are not too many traces of mixed blood. It should be inherited from his mother's genes.

"Qianyi, your beautiful eyes have attracted many small fans for you, right?"

The locals in Mork have mostly brown eyes and few immigrants. There are certainly not many people with blue eyes like Qianyi. People are very interested in things different from their surroundings.

"But everyone says I am a mixed race."

"Isn't it?"

At first glance, Qianyi's eyes were particularly pure ice blue, which should be mixed blood.

"I don't know," Qianyi shrugged. "Dad's eyes aren't blue, and neither are Mom."

Not Dad?

The probability is really low.

"It's not surprising, maybe someone in the ancestors had blue eyes, and it was passed down to you, and they inherited such beautiful eyes."

"Maybe it's a genetic mutation." Qianyi said he didn't know, and then carefully looked at Li Hengzhi's eyes opposite him.

If grandpa's eyes aren't ice blue, maybe it's grandma? But Xiao Taozi hasn't seen grandma yet.

"Uncle President, have you seen anyone with blue eyes?"

"I have seen it," Li Hengzhi nodded, "I have seen many people with blue eyes."

"No wonder you are not surprised to see me." Qianyi said, smiling.

He said a lot! Does that mean that grandparents have a lot of blue-eyed people, so he is not surprised?

"I have a friend who also has blue eyes," Li Hengzhi said, his tone was plain, "but he is different from you. In their family, blue eyes are ominous, and his family doesn't like him. He doesn’t like his blue eyes. He always thinks, how good it is to be ordinary, having a pair of ordinary eyes is his greatest wish in this life."

"Ah..." Qianyi showed a pity, "Why? He can't decide what kind of eyes he has. Besides, blue eyes are very beautiful, godsend, no one else wants to have them."

" kid knows the truth, but they don't."

Qianyi blinked, with a childlike expression on his face: "Then is he lonely? Why don't we make friends with him? We are all blue eyes."

"Okay," Li Hengzhi nodded, "I have time to introduce you to each other. ——You asked me out, is there anything wrong?"

Qianyi bulged her mouth and shook her head and said, "No, I want to chat with you. Do you hate me, do you think I'm annoying?"

"Of course not, it doesn't matter, you want to talk to me anytime you want to talk to me, I will pick a time to come out and chat with you."

"Really?" Qianyi's eyes flashed with expectation, "I don't have a father... I only have a mother at home... I have something on my mind, I don't want to tell my mother, I just want to tell my father."

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