You For Eternity

Chapter 342: Love is made (3)

"I didn't want your life. If I wanted your life, I wouldn't pay that much. It was you who fell into the water."

"I want reasons."

"Because I disgust you," Yu Jiajia made no secret of her dissatisfaction with her, "Qiantao, don't you think that two words are written all over you? Hypocritical. You are not what people see at all. As cute as he arrived."

Faced with Jia Jiayi’s righteous accusation, Qiantao was silent for a while, and nodded: "Well, I admit that you are right. I am hypocritical, everything I am in disguise, well-behaved, sensible, everything. ,all fake."

She didn't expect Yu Jiajia to see it?

"I hate people with inconsistent appearances like you. How nice you are, you were born with a golden key since you were young, and you are loved by all kinds of things. As long as you want, there is nothing you can't get... And what about me? Poverty, holding a scholarship in your group of young masters, enduring your ridicule, accepting your charity with strange eyes...Why can there be so much difference in life between people?"

Qiantao was not angry, but laughed out of nowhere.

"How long should you hold back these words."

In Yu Jiajia's words, every word hit her heart. She just smiled bitterly and said to her: "No matter who mocks you, at least there is no me in there. You are poor, not caused by me. I live in a different mask, but I didn't hurt others. Haven’t done anything to you. Why are you dissatisfied with this world, why do you want revenge on me? Yu Jiajia, you are mentally ill. You should go to the hospital if you are sick. I can find a hospital for you—"

"Enough!" Yu Jiajia interrupted her and grabbed one of the cups.

Qiantao was quicker. After seeing through her intentions, one hand clasped her wrist, the other hand grabbed another cup, and a glass of ice drink was spilled on Yu Jiajia's face.

Water stains fell from her face, making her embarrassed.

When she loosened her hand, Qiantao grabbed the remaining one, poured it directly on top of her head, stood up, and said coldly, "Since you know that I was a fake before you, be smart. Don't mess with me."

Yu Jiajia raised her head and looked at her angrily.

"What are you looking at me? I just want you to know that I'm not a good pinch. Do you remember the scene where you were forced to drop out of school years ago? If you don't want to repeat it, just live your life and don't bother Me."

This scene, passed by word of mouth, quickly spread across the stage.

There are people who say Qiantao is bullying people because of Yu Jiajia's fight against injustice, and there are also people who hang up high on the matter, but now that they have to be cautious when talking behind them, and no one will come to her to dangle.

When Gu Tong came back and heard about it, he immediately went to the office to find her.

"Okay, Taozi, this thing was done so quickly? I heard that Yu Jiajia was embarrassed when he went back!"

"My reputation is completely over, you are so happy."

"Looking at your attitude that has nothing to do with yourself, you know that you don't care! Fame, can you eat it? People are good to be deceived, horses are to be rided, this world is like this, so why are you kind? Does the United Nations give you a love for the world? My wish is: May the world be peaceful~"

"Okay!" Qiantao glared at her, "Is there any formality? How are people doing?"

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