You For Eternity

Chapter 343: Love is made (4)

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Gu Tong ran over, sat down and said, "It's very good! I fell in love with Peach!"

"..." Qiantao was speechless for three seconds, "Is this in love?"

"Don't you know there is a kind of love called love at first sight?"

"Then you don't know, all the love at first sight is a sensation?" Qiantao opened her mercilessly.

"Haha! Then don't tell me, I really... I want to overthrow him!"

Qiantao poked the end of the pen on her forehead all of a sudden: "I'm not ashamed of you! A big girl's family, be restrained!"

Gu Tong opened her pen: "Okay, Qian Xiaotao, everyone is qualified to say me, but you don't! You are a little girl who can't close her legs when she sees your adult, so why are you talking here? Me? You are only allowed to be idiots, your family is so big, and you are not allowed to be idiots, my little cousin?"

"Oh...Oh..." Qiantao screamed, "Give it back to your house... Your house has become yours so soon, it seems to be developing well?"

"That's not the case... I'm just wishful thinking at the moment. He doesn't seem to be too cold with me."

"It's because Qian—" Qian Tao got serious.

"No, no," Gu Tong immediately denied it for fear that she would think too much. "He is not the kind of person who cares about this, he can only say...He will not call me. But it's okay, what a big deal. , Men chase women across the mountain, women chase men's interlayer yarn! The big deal, I chase him!"

"Then I don't have much experience to teach you," Qiantao smiled, "because others are chasing me."

"Go go! Fuck off! See what you can!"

Qiantao didn't say much.

If Tong Tong could really cultivate a positive result with Li Tianyou, and they would kiss each other, it would be too good. In future family gatherings, she will be able to have multiple companions, which is pretty good to think about.

After reading the book for a long time, Qiantao stretched her waist, and when she stretched halfway, she shrank back in pain.

She changed her flat shoes to work today to avoid suffering, but the soreness in various parts of the body is indeed inevitable.

Gu Tong glanced at something wrong: "Tsk tsk... You two are... don't you know how to control it? Fallen, fall, Qian Xiaotao!"

Qiantao didn't refute, twisting her neck and arms, frowning and saying, "Tongtong, you said... Why can this *** without love be so harmonious?"

"Puff......" Gu Tong grinned, "Baby, the so-called *****, isn't this the top of the **? This is the most primitive physiological ** of mankind, no way. There is another word, this love ...Isn't it just made?"

Qiantao almost lost something and said, "Gu Tong! Your face really doesn't want you!"


Qiantao waited at the TV station for Gu Tong to drive out the car and go home together. Instead of waiting for Gu Tong, she waited for another person.

Sheng Ming suddenly appeared in front of her and honked her attention in the car a few times.

The show ended after only one day? Yesterday, I was still lying on the bed with a plaster cast! But it's okay, it saved my father's meal.

Sheng Ming touched the corners of his mouth, smiling particularly badly and said, "Do you want me to talk here, or are you coming in the car?"

Qiantao intuitively felt that his smile was not good. This is where she works. In order not to cause any topics, she chose to get in the car and sent a message to Gu Tong to explain.

"Is there a problem?"

"Sister Taozi," Sheng Ming said unhurriedly, "Do you think it's possible, one day I met someone who looks very like you on the street?"

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