You For Eternity

Chapter 498: The child is gone (5)

"Sister..." She also stretched out her hand, wanting to touch her.

She couldn't move her body, Chu Nian smiled and approached her: "Chu Chu, don't be afraid, I'll pick you up. Let's go together, okay? I promise you, I will never leave you behind. Alone."

"Sister..." Qiantao also laughed and shook her hand out.

At that time, there was no consciousness in her mind, and all that emerged were scenes of them being dependent on each other in the orphanage.

"Sister... Sister don't leave..."

Chu Nian fell ill and had a high fever. The nun took her to the hospital. Chu Chu fell and got up again, trying to catch up.

Chu Nian grabbed her hand and promised her: "Don't be afraid, Chu Chu, sister will come back, and you won't be left alone."

The nun said that her sister would die if she didn't go to the hospital. Chu Chu didn't dare to delay, sitting at the entrance of the orphanage and waiting for her to come back.

Without mom and dad, she is not afraid, because there is still a sister with her. But if even the sister is gone, what should she do?

One day the nun came to tell her, don't wait any longer, the sister will not come back. She didn't believe it, and cried and asked the nun to take her to the city hospital to find her sister. She thought that her sister was dead and she was going to bring her back.

The nun told her that a family had taken Chu Nian away. They took her away from Linshui and went to a better place to treat Chu Nian.

The nun said that her sister could survive in this way, and they would provide her with the best medical environment, and only when she recovered, could she come back to look for her.

Chu Chu believed it, and went to the door every night to see if her sister had come back.

Wait and wait until she was also adopted, and didn't wait until her sister came back. The only thing she can remember and commemorate is the tag on her body.

They are twins and they are telepathic. She firmly believes that her sister must still be alive in this world. She also firmly believes that her sister deceived her. She will definitely come back to find her.

Now my sister has fulfilled her promise and came back to look for her.

"Sister..." Her eyes were moist and she nodded, "I finally waited for you... I know you won't lie to me..."

"Well, let's never separate again."

However, the surrounding water suddenly rippled, and Chu Nian gradually disappeared before her eyes.

"Sister...Don't go...Sister..."

"Get out of the way!" Li Hengzhi lifted Qiantao out of the water and laid it flat on the lawn.

Everyone woke up from the wine, Ye Chao and the others were responsible for driving away the onlookers.

Ye Yunshen stood aside and stroked his forehead.

He didn't know that Qiantao would jump directly into the water to find the tag, and he didn't know that she could not swim!

He didn't mean to make her happen!

Now everything else is secondary. Li Hengzhi couldn't take care of other things. He raised Qiantao's head a little higher, and alternated between cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration. The technique was very professional.

"Wake up..." He was doing this while calling her, "Quickly vomit..."

The same scene, different feelings.

She fell into the water five years ago and had never brought him such a sense of tension.

After doing this many times, Qiantao spit out several salivas, and everyone's hearts relaxed.

She coughed and turned her side.

She opened her palm, looked at the tag and held it in her hand, and smiled: "Sister..."

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