You For Eternity

Chapter 499: The child is gone (6)

Li Hengzhi also looked at her hand, "What did you say?"

She said so lightly that no one could hear what she said.

Is that thing really that important to her! ?

If you are gone, look for it as if you are crazy. If you fall into the water without thinking, you have to jump to fish, knowing that you can't swim!

"You fool!" After the nervousness, Li Hengzhi was left with anger, "Anyone here can help you get it back, can't you wait?"

no answer.

She had closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

"Watch, cousin!" Li Tianyou yelled in horror, staring at a place.

The others looked in the direction Li Tianyou was looking at, and their eyes widened.

"!!!" Li Heng's heart was shaken.

The shocking pool of blood under her stung his eyes.

Looking at her face again, she became paler, and even began to sweat.

Li Hengzhi's fists were clenched tightly, and Qian Tao was picked up, and he stared at Ye Yunshen with a more gloomy look than ever before: "She wants to be three long and two short, and neither of you Ye family wants to run. !"

Seeing Li Tianyou still stunned, he shouted: "Find a way to the hospital!"

Ye Chao shuddered and said quickly: "We are familiar with Linshui, hurry, go to the hospital, I will lead the way!"

Ye Yun stood there blankly, only a pool of blood-red liquid left in his eyes.

She is Chu Nian, Chu Chu's sister, of course he would not want to hurt her. But why did things become like this?

Everyone knew that he didn't mean it, someone patted him, "Don't think about it, hurry up and take a look."


Li Tianyou dared not step forward to comfort him.

Li Hengzhi leaned there without saying a word, making people afraid to approach.

Until the lights in the operating room dimmed, everyone stood up.

The doctor came out from inside, took off his mask, and looked at Li Hengzhi: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, your wife and she..."

The heart was hanging in his throat.

Seeing that sorrowful appearance, one of Li Heng grabbed his collar: "Tell me she's okay."

The doctor was startled: "Li...Mr. Li, don't be nervous... Mrs. Li is okay...but..."


"But the child is gone... one month..."

Like being hit hard, his eyes are full of incredible.

In fact, seeing the pool of blood, everyone already has a count. While praying for Qiantao to be safe, they are also praying that if it is really a child, the child must be kept.

But unexpectedly...

The doctor was let go and breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Hengzhi, who turned around, walked towards Ye Yunshen, grabbed him and smashed him with a fist.

Ye Yun staggered deeply and stopped, and immediately greeted him with another kick.

After being kicked in the abdomen, he fell to the ground, knocked over the medical cart, and fell to the ground.

Ye Yunshen did not fight back.

Li Tianyou stepped forward and hugged Li Hengzhi: "Cousin! Cousin is all right! Don't fight, let's go see my cousin!"

The strength of this punch is not light, Ye Yunshen does not fight back, it is possible to beat him to death!

He has never seen his cousin like this! I was shocked for a while.

Speaking of Qiantao, Li Hengzhi's saneness is still there, leaving only a shocking, murderous look.

Others went to help Ye Yunshen.

In fact, they don't know what happened until now, only know that it seems to be because of Ye Yunshen and Qiantao.

Li Tianyou patted him with an awkward position: "Forget Yun Shen, go back first, and let my cousin see you. He can really kill you."

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