You For Eternity

Chapter 710: What about the temperament of your first lady?

Hearing this, Sheng Ming paused: "According to what you said, I am not pitiful if I am forced to come here to participate in the engagement of someone else?"

"What are you pitiful for? You are full of **** energy. If a girl is willing to marry you, just laugh. You are still pitiful!"

"Okay, I'll let you hurt, man man, don't care about your little girl!"

"I'm telling the truth," Chu Chu followed in his footsteps. "If you don't like others, don't harm her as soon as possible. You can just tell her and you will be over?"

"I’m kidnapped by morality! Let me let out the news about getting engaged to me first. If I say not to get engaged, the Meng family will insist that I have ruined the reputation of their precious daughter. At this time, people in the city will think I am not engaged Don’t want her. I said that I don’t mind. Let her quit my marriage. My dad didn’t agree and almost locked me in the house and couldn’t get out. Didn’t I miss you? I have to come out to see you if I say anything. ."

"You are poor!"

She didn't believe it was really for her.

Don't remember this pot!

Sheng Hongchang was talking to his old friends and didn't notice that Sheng Ming was pulling Chu Chu over.

"That girl from the Thousand Family, her reputation recently has fallen to the bottom. Is she really making a TV series? You can do all such outrageous things!"

"Lao Sheng, you're too good to talk, people are bullying you! That Qian Chenghai actually indulged her daughter to behave! This is still an adopted daughter, so she's spoiled!"

"I heard that these thousand mayors treat this adopted daughter better than their own daughter! My daughter knows their second cock, and that **** has been abused and has no food! This cruel sister, too I don’t know what to do to coax Mayor Qian into obedient, regardless of his own daughter!"

"I heard about this... you think, this eldest daughter is not his own--"

They were all middle-aged men. When talking about this time, the smile on their faces looked very wretched.

Sheng Hongchang didn't speak, so he listened to them. Although Qianjia did something to be sorry for them, but he had known him for so long, and his character was still trustworthy. But now I am angry, thinking about what happened just now, I am still angry, and I don't want to explain anything to him at this time.

As they were about to continue speaking, someone broke them open and grabbed the person who had just spoken.

A closer look was Qian Chuchu who was criticized by them.

Chu Chu is not tall among women, but fortunately, the middle-aged man is also very short. She can be a bit taller than him on high heels. The eyes staring at him directly makes people feel scared.

"Uncle Jiang, you eat rice indiscriminately, so you can't talk nonsense. Does my dad know that you are smearing him like this behind your back?"

"! You are too young or too young! I am older than your dad, you hold me like this! How can you have the temperament of a first lady!"

"Just... that's it!" The others on the side also stammered, "What about your education! How can you hold the elders like this!"

At this moment, Xi thought of some words passed on the other day, and couldn't help feeling a little scared.

I heard that her hands are covered with blood! Now it is full of hostility, how can people not be afraid?

Chu Chu's hand holding his collar tightened a little bit tighter: "Our family Qianyi knows that we must respect our elders, and that elder deserves my respect!"

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