You For Eternity

Chapter 711: I killed you

"My uncles are all people with faces and faces, but like those three aunts and six wives here, they are indiscriminately utterly indiscriminate with no evidence! Foul language, filthy and insignificant!"

Chu Chu's momentum was not low, and it frightened them all.

Qian Chuchu and the others have all seen it before. It used to be a gentle and lovely person. Everyone praised it when they saw it, but now this black boss really opened their eyes to them.

It turns out that everything is just acting?

"Chu Chu! You quickly let go of your Uncle Jiang!" Sheng Hongchang also had to come out as a peacemaker, "He is your father's friend! Sheng Ming! Why don't you come and help!"

Sheng Ming shrugged and said that it didn't matter, "I support it. Some people have a dirty mouth, so they should be taught this way. Sister Chu Chu, come on! I can't beat my brother."

Sheng Hongchang gave him an angry look.

"My father doesn't have such a friend!" Chu Chu didn't let go. "The so-called friend, if you don't even believe in your friend's character, don't let this friend!"

This made Sheng Hongchang's heart tight, and he was a bit imaginary.

"Okay, okay, your Uncle Jiang also accidentally heard some rumors, of course we believe in your father!"

It's nothing else, she can bear it, but now even such rumors have spread, not only slandering her innocence, but also dragging her father into the water, which is unbearable!

It must be her father's political opponents who took the opportunity to disrupt, she can't let this situation continue!

Chu Chu grasped tightly and did not let go. "Uncle Jiang, please tell me who heard the rumors."

To put it politely, but that imposing manner, obviously you do not say no!


Chu Chu was heartbroken. Shengsheng grabbed the man surnamed Jiang and walked into a room. Many guests watched and talked about it, but apart from the group of people, no one went up to join in the fun.

As soon as Chu Chu pulled him in, he locked the door. Before even Sheng Ming could get in, he knocked on the door quickly: "Chu Chu! Chu Chu, you at least let me in. Don't just let me go by yourself--"

With a "bang", the sound of broken glass bottles shocked the people outside.

Sheng Hongchang was also afraid of the trouble and shouted inside, "Chu Chu! Chu Chu, don't mess around! Go and find someone to open the door!"

"Is the daughter of these thousand families crazy? She wants to commit a crime in front of so many people!"

In the room, the surname Jiang was also frightened by Chu Chu. Seeing her holding the wine bottle in her hand, she stammered: " do you want to do!"

"Uncle Jiang, do you know that I killed someone?"

"You... don't mess around!"

"I don't believe you are listening to rumors. Who doesn't know that Uncle Jiang had a quarrel with my father some time ago. If you don't tell me who made you spread these words, I will kill you."

The wine bottle was held high, and the surname Jiang shouted at the very moment: "I said I said!"


The door opened.

A group of people breathed a sigh of relief as Qian Chuchu came out of it, there was no blood in his hands, shouldn't something happen? Someone rushed in and saw that the man surnamed Jiang was just sitting on the ground with scared legs and weakened his legs. He shouted to the people who came in and cared about him, "How can a thousand families raise such a monster! It's a lunatic!"

When Sheng Hongchang saw that nothing happened, he was relieved and said to Chu Chu: "Chu Chu! What are you doing! Do you know what the occasion is? Fool!"

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