You For Eternity

Chapter 712: Miss Meng, don't get me wrong

"Uncle Sheng, I'm sorry, there was a reason for it, I didn't mean to save you face." The expression on Chu Chu's face was a bit bad, I don't know what answer I heard.

Not only Sheng Hongchang, but Sheng Ming also breathed a sigh of relief and yelled: "Madman!"

Now she doesn't have to play the role of Qiantao at all, so has she completely let go of the power of the wild? We should converge on such occasions! More trouble than him!

Chu Chu bowed apologetically to Sheng Hongchang, was about to leave, was caught by Sheng Ming, revealing the back of her red hand and said: "Dad, are you too careful? As for that little thing, take my sister Chu Chu Are your hands hot?"

"This..." He was also careless.

"Also! Please don't be like a child, and have a temper with Uncle Qian! You two are over a hundred years old together!"

"You don't care about your business!" Sheng Hongchang just said uncontrollably, "I don't forgive them so easily for this matter! If we bully our Sheng family, how can we even say so!"

"Please, how did they bully our Sheng family? Who can bully me Sheng Ming? Just rely on this little girl film?"


Although it is for her to speak, why is it so unwilling to listen?

"She deceived you so much—"

"Dad! Who lied to me? You mean she got married?"

"It's not—"

"I already knew it!"


How did she hear the smell of pride?

"you know??"

"Yes," Sheng Ming said indifferently, "I already knew her relationship with Li Hengzhi, so what?"

"So what??" Sheng Hongchang exasperated, "You stinky boy! If you spread this out, you will lose the face of our Sheng family! You have to grab a married woman, and I will kill you. you!"

The other people present understood it, so...the fact that Miss Qianjia deceived Master Sheng...isn’t it?

Seeing this, Chu Chu backed away: "Then Uncle Sheng, I have something to do, let's go now."

"Eh Chuchu-Dad! So many people! Don't hit you! Be careful to flash your waist!"

Chu Chu withdrew from the chaotic crowd, his eyes seemed to be looking for someone.

In the banquet hall, there are quite a few people talking about her, but the one that slanders her father has not spread. This shows that the surname Jiang is about to spread.

Chu Chu walked a bit anxiously, and bumped into someone.

She turned around, held on to the woman's waist, and looked intently. The evening dress was dignified and elegant, better than the others present, and she looked a bit familiar with her face.

The daughter of the Meng family, the heroine tonight.

"Excuse me, Miss Meng, I'm a little worried, okay?"

"Oh it's okay..." Meng Xiaoran glanced at Chu Chu, with something in his eyes.

"It's okay, then I'll go first."

"Mrs. Li," Meng Xiaoran stopped her, "Do you know where Sheng Ming is? It seemed that someone saw you together just now."

Like temptation and other things, Chu Chu didn’t pay attention to it, and smiled: “It’s over there. Oh, by the way, Miss Meng, I hope you don’t get me wrong, I’m lost, Master Sheng led me a little bit. I wish you a happy engagement."

Looking at the figure of Chu Chu leaving, the other people beside Meng Xiaoran said in a weird manner: "Lead her a little way? Why doesn't she speak a little more pompously? There are so many people in this venue, why is she alone?"

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