You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2342 Ye Lin bestows the sword

"You have to remember that sometimes, strength comes not only from oneself, but also from the outside world."

Ye Lin said with a hint of meaning, and Zhuge Yunyu nodded as if he understood.

"But senior, the Earth Spirit Clan and the Ice Bird Clan are mortal enemies. If the Earth Spirit Clan joins our human race, the Ice Bird Clan may..."

After Zhuge Yunyu finished speaking, his eyes were full of fear. The Ice Bird Clan is one of the top races in this remote place, with eight celestial immortals, no, now there are seven.

Even if there are seven, it is not something that the human race can deal with now, not to mention that the Ice Bird Clan has a celestial immortal peak elder in seclusion.

"What? Are you scared? If you are scared, I will let Qin Feiyu come back. The human race in my mind is not so cowardly."

Listening to Zhuge Yunyu's words, Ye Lin said lightly. If Zhuge Yunyu gave up because he was afraid of provoking a strong enemy, he would give up too.

Li Mu, a mere mid-stage celestial being, has been dealing with the Earth Spirit Clan on his own for tens of millions of years, and your human race has three celestial beings. Are you afraid?

The human race is not like this.

A race cannot grow up without going through hardships.

The race that has been smooth sailing all the way will eventually be destroyed, because the pressure does not come from the outside world, but from within.

This is a law, a law that no race can escape.

When there is no danger from the outside world that threatens the safety of its own race, all kinds of contradictions will erupt within the race, and in the end, countless civil wars will erupt. In the end, after a long period of internal consumption, the race will naturally die out.

This is a law derived from the destruction of countless races.

"That's not what I meant. I know that everything you have done is for the human race. I thank you on behalf of billions of human races."

Zhuge Yunyu was shocked when she heard Ye Lin's emotionless words. In just a moment, she thought clearly about the pros and cons, so she immediately changed her words.

This matter is indeed beneficial to the human race.

This senior is really kind. The Tianhe Galaxy Cluster human race has him, which is a blessing for the entire human race.


Ye Lin just hummed and said nothing more.

Liu Yun, who witnessed everything on the side, curled his lips.

As far as she knows, the human race has only three great masters, and the three great masters are all powerful celestial beings. His father is also a powerful celestial being, and his father is not confident enough to kill a master of the same realm with only his own weapons.

A sword can kill a late celestial being? Anyway, he doesn't believe it.

Here, Qin Feiyu walked quickly with the bloodthirsty magic sword in his arms, and came to the ring under the puzzled eyes of the masters of various races in the spectator seats.

"Human race? This is a life and death ring. What is he doing there? Is he looking for death?"

"Something is wrong. How can the human race come here?"

A strong man looked at Qin Feiyu and said.

The human race has three great celestial masters, and the overall strength is actually not weak.

But for some reason, since ancient times, all the major races have not had much good feelings towards the human race, and even hate it.

Therefore, the human race has always been isolated by the major races, and even if they encounter a lone human race in the starry sky, they will directly kill them.

So, in their impression, aren’t the human race the ants who can only hide in their own little piece of land and live in misery all their lives?

But now, they actually saw the human race in the Starry Tower, which is really outrageous.

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