You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2343 Sneak Attack

Fanxing Tower is hundreds of thousands of stars away from the human race. How can we safely reach such a long distance?

Their first thought was that it was unrealistic and too fake.

"Boy, what are you doing up here? Get down quickly."

Seeing Qin Feiyu walking towards him, Li Mu subconsciously drove him away. He had no objection to the human race.

In his eyes, the human race is just a race similar to his spirit race, and the weak are sympathetic to each other.

So the first moment he saw Qin Feiyu again, all he did was drive him away.

If it were someone from another race, Qin Feiyu would have been killed long ago.

"Senior, my elders asked me to give you a message. If you want the Earth Spirit Clan to be passed on, let the Earth Spirit Clan submit to our human race. Our human race can shoulder the entire crisis of the Earth Spirit Clan."

"If senior doesn't want to, I can retreat now."

Qin Feiyu looked at the injured old man in front of him and said in a sincere tone.

Although the old man was covered in wounds now, the faint aura of heaven surrounding him still made him feel suffocated.

Even a breath of immortality is enough to kill him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is not playing house."

Li Mu frowned and said, his first reaction was disbelief, but he did not send Qin Feiyu away directly.

After all, Qin Feiyu's bone age is only 2,000 years old. He has such cultivation at such a young age. He is a genius. A human genius will not come here to make fun of him.

But he has no reason to believe it. As far as he knows, the current situation of the human race is more difficult than that of the spirit race, right? He didn't think that the human race had any means to protect the Goblin clan.

"Senior, please believe what I say. If you are willing, I will take you to see my elders after I resolve the crisis of the Earth Spirit Tribe."

Qin Feiyu naturally knew that the old man in front of him didn't believe it, and he didn't blame him. Even if he didn't know the identity of his senior, he wouldn't believe it.

"Okay, boy, I promise you as an elder of the Earth Spirit Tribe."

Li Mu stared at Qin Feiyu, and finally said in a deep voice that he still chose to agree to Qin Feiyu. He was betting that a human genius would never risk his life to have fun with him at this time.

A genius represents the future of the entire ethnic group.

That life is precious.

"What are you two talking about? Since you, the human race, have chosen to intervene, well, I will kill you both this time. It seems that there is no need for the human race to exist."

At this moment, the patience of the three elders of the Ice Bird Tribe across from them finally ran out. He said coldly, and then slapped Qin Feiyu.

The palm wind turned into fiery red palm prints and struck.

This kid is nothing more than an Earth Immortal. To him, he can be killed easily.

After killing this troublesome boy, we can slowly resolve the grudge between him and Li Mu.


Li Mu looked shocked when he saw this scene, and then stepped forward and pulled Li Mu behind him and thrust out the cane.

The fiery red palm print was instantly shattered, and Li Mu also took several steps back.

At this time, he had already run out of energy, and he was still standing just to hold on.

Even if the three elders of the Ice Bird Clan in front of him casually hit him, he would go all out.

"Okay, you old man, use such a dirty trick as a sneak attack."

Qin Feiyu was also angry. The old man suddenly took action and he couldn't react. He couldn't catch the attack of the powerful immortal at all.

If Li Mu hadn't been protecting him just now, he might have died under that palm.

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