"Ah? Do you need to wear special clothes for fitness? But Xiaoying doesn't have any!"

The naughty and confused expression caused a burst of ghosts and wolves howling in the live broadcast room.

On the other side, the elevator had stopped at the first floor. Su Wei waved to the two and said, "Let's go, let's talk upstairs."

Su Wei came forward, and the direction of the barrage suddenly changed. They all waved flags and shouted: [Brother Fu, Brother Fu, have you forgotten something? ]

"Hey, these handsome guys (fog)! Xiaoying will give them a red envelope first."

[Emperor Su, the video of you beating Wu Yong, are you really filming a movie? ]

[God Su, many people on the Internet say that you are just playing around like Dama, is it true? ]

[Master Su, can you explain why so many people say that Jia Quan was recruited by you? 】

Su Wei snorted and said with a smile: "Rumors start with schemers, rise with fools, and end with wise men. Whether it is true or not, you will know after a look."

A large part of the live broadcast room is Su Wei's fans. Everyone knows that Su Wei's favorite saying is "Let the bullets fly for a while."

It seems that every time Su Wei says this, he can come up with new evidence to prove that he is a martial arts master, but these evidences, after thinking about it carefully, seem to be unable to withstand scrutiny.

However, Su Wei seems to be particularly confident today.


Take the bracelet, cross the ramp, and face two neat rows of fitness equipment.

Chest training, shoulder training, back training, leg training, as well as treadmills, spinning bikes, etc.

Going forward along the aisle to the end is the free equipment field, and next to it is the entrance to the locker room and bathroom.

On the other side of the curtain wall is the field for private training. If you want to play these, you have to pay separately.

There are also some small beverage rooms and rest rooms in the gym, where many people sit and drink tea and watch movies.

Du Xiaoying has never been to a gym, and she looks at everything with a hint of curiosity.

Youth is capital. Girls of this age, even if they have a disordered schedule, poor diet, and lack of exercise, will not feel much negative impact on their bodies. So Du Xiaoying naturally never thought that people like her still need to exercise.

The combination of a man, a woman, and a photographer, although a bit strange, did not attract much attention.

These days, those who play fitness are more or less showing off. The confidence brought by their figure and sweat makes them take photos and videos and post them in their circle of friends even in life, and taking a photo is not a big deal at all.

The gym is almost full, but the boss has installed several fresh air air conditioners. There is no unbearable sweat smell in the air, but a hint of calming fragrance.

This is the gym with the best environment that Su Wei has seen in his two lifetimes.

Of course, he has not seen many gyms.

The strength equipment closest to the entrance is a butterfly machine, which is used to train chest muscles.

A big muscle man sat on the butterfly machine. He was not afraid of the camera and did standard movements by himself.

Most of these weightlifters have a strong desire to show off. The small camera can't affect their mentality.

Generally, people who use equipment for strength training do 8 to 12 sets. After finishing, they rest for a few minutes and then do another set. As long as they don't encounter bad guys who occupy the toilet without doing anything, they usually don't worry about insufficient equipment. Just wait a while.

Perhaps stimulated by the camera, the big muscle man held back his energy, his face flushed, and did nearly 20 in one breath before stopping.

After finishing, the young man drank a sip of water, stood up consciously, gave up his seat, and didn't communicate too much with strangers.

This is the norm in the gym.

Su Wei was not polite either. He sat on it carelessly and bent down to adjust the weight to 110kg, which is the upper limit of the weight of this butterfly machine.

Hua Rong received a big red envelope, and naturally understood it very well. He knew that Su Wei was here to show off today, so he hurried to catch up, and the camera was almost hitting Su Wei's hand.

[110kg? What does this mean? Is there any brother who knows how to explain it? ]

[Ask this kind of question, it will make people think that you have never been to school. ]

[Two hundred kilograms, I can't even move it. ]

[No offense, but if Su Di can do it with this figure, I will eat my phone on the spot. ]

The barrage was very chaotic, and the big muscle man next to him couldn't bear to watch it, and couldn't help but remind him:

"Are you a novice? I suggest you start with ten kilograms and add it up little by little. Don't think I do it easily, this thing is still quite difficult."

Start with a full weight? You can't show off like this. With such thin arms and legs, it would be strange if he didn't fall over!

He could see that the two people were live broadcasting, so in order to avoid Su Wei from losing face, he still gave him some kind reminders.

"It's okay, just watch."

Seeing that Su Wei didn't listen, the elder brother snorted coldly, folded his arms and stood aside, ready to watch the show.

Su Wei sat in his seat, moved his shoulders, then held the handle, smiled at the camera and said:

"I don't understand why people always want to suppress me. I have proved myself several times, but there are still a lot of black fans. When I play against others, they always say that I bribed my opponents to play a fake game. In this case, I simply won't play tricks today. Today's live broadcast is to tell those little black fans why I can win!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Wei suddenly closed his arms, and the counterweight of more than 200 kilograms rose with his movements, and then fell with a "whoosh".

The strong man was stunned for a moment, then looked stupid, and opened his mouth involuntarily.

Xiaoying stood aside, staring, counting: "One, two, three..."

When he counted to ten, the sturdy man watching the game couldn't help but crush the drink bottle.

When he counted to thirty, the air around him seemed to be still.

When he counted to fifty, people in the gym gradually gathered around.

"Five one, five two... sixty... seventy... ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred."


The metal collision sound caused by the weight landing and contact with the base was like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room.

This wave is all about numbers, without any skills...

Thanks to the big boss [Daoist Master Duan De] for the huge reward!

Thank you big boss [Falling Flowers Have Never Been Like Flowing Water] for the huge reward!

Thank you big bosses! In addition, there are so few votes, can I ask for a free ticket? Thank you!

Chapter 65 Are you still a human being?

"... Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred!"

Su Wei narrowed his eyes and let go of his hand. In addition to Du Xiaoying and Hua Rong, the surrounding area was already full of jaw-dropping muscle tyrants.

Anyone could see the disbelief in everyone's eyes. Some people even lay on the ground to check the weights after he stopped.

"Fuck, brother, how did you train?"

"Dude, are you the Terminator from the future?"

"With this body, I feel like he'll cry for a long time if I punch him. But in fact, I might sleep for a whole day if I take a punch from him."

Some people couldn't help but start.

In the gym, it's not necessarily the opposite sex that attracts these big musclemen...

"Fuck!" Su Wei burst out a Chinese quintessence: "I know you're curious, and I can tolerate it if you touch me. But who the hell is poking me with a key? Stand up!"

Everyone took a big step back, leaving Du Xiaoying alone to face Su Wei's questioning.

Seeing the girl holding a key, her face flushed, and the cowardly look of not daring to speak, Su Wei had to roll his eyes: "It's you, forget it."

[I want to hit ten! Is it Xiaoying? Forget it! ]

[Challenge-level weights, one hundred in a row? Can you still be considered a human being? 】

[Take a urine test. There is not a drop of urine in the stimulant. 】

Push-ups and pull-ups are the most basic strength training. As we all know, when this kind of training reaches the limit that the body can bear, the difficulty increases exponentially with each additional exercise.

Due to the long arm span and the long force arm, the actual difficulty of the butterfly machine with a weight of more than 200 kilograms is much higher than doing pull-ups with a girlfriend on your back, not to mention doing 100 in a row.

But all this is no pressure for Su Wei.

The words spirit gave him a physical fitness close to the limit of human beings, and improved the explosive power and endurance of all muscles, plus the powerful diamond pills that are three times more effective than stimulants.

"The weight of 220 kilograms is the limit of this machine, not my limit."

[It tastes right, it tastes right! 】

[I give 100 points for this pretense, and I dare not deduct 18 points, because I am afraid that I will be beaten to death by this punch. 】

[Someone come! Make a video quickly! I can't wait to go online with the black fans. 】

"Don't rush to make the video, I will post the high-definition recording later. Don't delete even a second of this part, I said!"

Su Wei stood up, stretched, and walked to the next machine.

Su Wei accepted all those who wanted to train their shoulders, backs, and legs, and he used all the weights, all of which were 100 reps, and treated them all equally.

Gradually, no one was exercising in the entire gym.

When someone is only a little better than you, you will start to compare with them.

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