When someone is stronger than you, you will take him as your goal.

But, when someone has become an existence that you can only dream of but cannot reach, you will respect him as a god!

Today, it is destined to be a performance show by Su Wei alone.

In addition to Hua Rong, a group of strong men in the gym took out their mobile phones, and from time to time there were bursts of "Fuck", "Awesome" and other not very elegant noises from the crowd. Of course, everyone was very polite and left the best shooting position to Hua Coach.

If this was a video, the audience would definitely say: Impossible, this video must have been processed.

But now it is a live broadcast, so everyone is shouting:

[Are you still a human being? ]

Like Du Xiaoying, everyone wants to cut Su Wei open to see if there is an engine inside.

And Su Wei ignored the inquiring eyes of the crowd. After finishing the training of various strength equipment, he ignored the treadmill and spinning bike and came to the free equipment area.

After scanning the free equipment area, Su Wei's eyes stayed on the bench press machine.

Bench press is the abbreviation of supine press, which can exercise the chest and arm muscles at the same time. Compared with other equipment, the biggest advantage of bench press is that it has no limit.

No limit means that Su Wei can show his upper limit at will, and with the blessing of triple BUFF, Su Wei's upper limit is ridiculously high.

After drinking some water, Su Wei did a few sets of stretching exercises, relaxed his muscles, and then lay on the bench press rack.

"Excuse me, 280 kilograms, I'll try the water first."

280 kilograms?

You know, after the millennium, the highest recorded human bench press result is only 320 kilograms, and the bench press record for Chinese men is maintained at 260 kilograms.

At this weight, even if someone is protecting you, there is no guarantee that there will be no problems.

But as soon as Su Wei said this, two fitness coaches came forward to add weights to the bench press bar.

No one doubted whether such a monster could carry 280 kilograms. Everyone just wanted to see where his limit was.

The weights were hung on the bench press bar one by one, and Hua Rong's camera recorded everything faithfully.

The weight marks on the barbell plates, the blue veins on the arms of the gym coaches when they carried the barbell plates...

"Come on."

The hands rubbed with anti-slip powder grasped the bench press bar, and the onlookers held their breath, fearing that the sound would disturb Su Wei who was "challenging".

Two hundred and eighty, this number has exceeded the bench press history created by the Chinese, and everyone is about to witness the birth of a new record.


The barbell trembled and left the rack, and it didn't seem so stable. This is not a good sign.

Just when everyone thought that Su Wei would give up the challenge and put the barbell back in place, they heard this guy sigh...

"Alas, this thing doesn't seem as heavy as imagined?"

Can you still talk?

You are holding a 280-kilogram barbell in your hand, can you still talk?

Are you still a human being?

However, this is not the most outrageous thing.

Dozens of muscular men were stacked up and surrounded a bench press, on which lay a not-so-strong boy. In the boy's hands, a set of barbell plates that were so thick that they were scary were moving up and down quickly...

Hua Rong's camera faithfully conveyed this scene to tens of thousands of people.

And such an extremely professional photographer's hands were shaking. I think he was also extremely shocked in his heart: Is this guy still a human being?

Others push 260 kilograms to set a record, and you push 280 kilograms...

Chest expansion exercise? ? ?

[I don't believe it! Brothers, I don't believe it! ! ! ]

[Come and kill me! I'm trapped in Inception and can't wake up! ]

[Okay, okay, humans are secretly evolving again without me, right? ]

Faced with this outrageous phenomenon that obviously violates common sense, there was a cry of grief in the live broadcast room. The barrage has swallowed up the entire live broadcast screen. If you don't turn off the barrage, you can't see what Su Wei is doing at all.


The barbell returned from Su Wei's hand to the rack, and the heavy collision made the entire solid pillar tremble.

"Increase, increase to 320 kilograms."


[With this power, one punch, even several Sanda champions can't be killed! ]

[I don't understand! He actually practices Tai Chi! ]

[He can kill you with one punch, but he still uses martial arts to fight you on equal terms. He really, I cry to death! ]

[Su Di, I have something to say: "I declare that from today on, I am the biggest black fan of Su Shen! This guy, if you don't black him hard, he won't show his real ability at all!" ]

[Fuck, you make a lot of sense! Black fan plus one. ]

[Fuck! Black fan plus one! ]




PS: I have read it many times. Aren't these two chapters written very well? Not watery! I really don't understand why so many people scold me. If I reflect on it, I almost don't know how to write it.

Also, to be honest, the author is not obsessed with the first order, so he will not hold back for the sake of listing.

The performance of a book ultimately depends on its overall quality. It is meaningless to embarrass readers and myself for those first orders.

My original intention was just to write a good and complete story.

I hope all book friends will be gentle, thank you.

Good people, it's the end of the month, if you don't vote for the monthly ticket, it will disappear!

Chapter 66 These people are very good at playing!

[Why are the underwear of girls in dormitories frequently stolen? Why are condoms sold in small shops? Why is an 80-year-old woman screaming in the middle of the night? Why are hundreds of sows dead naked on the streets? In this regard, the Tai Chi Grandmaster explained: "It's internal strength! It's my internal strength of more than ten years that allows me to do this."

Welcome to watch, micro-documentary: "Are you still a human being?\

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