You said you would teach top lane, but are you going to get materials for the world competition?

Chapter 274: Equalizing the score! Master Zhou, lead the brothers to charge again!

When Qing Gangying flew out with his E skill.

Clockwork used his E skill to hang his ball on Qing Gangying.

Qing Gangying locked onto Fox with his ultimate skill.

The ball on his body also emitted a shock wave, which directly stirred Fox in.

Then, Fox took the damage of a whole set of skills from Clockwork.

In addition, Qing Gangying kicked twice with Q.

Before Qing Gangying's ultimate skill expired, Fox's health bar had been cleared.

Fox's head was taken by Qing Gangying.

Qing Gangying had two heads, and Fiora didn't need to play anymore.

And after Faker's Fox died in this wave, he lost a large number of soldiers.

Basically, he didn't need to play anymore.

In addition, without external interference, the LGD bottom lane duo basically played an advantage in pure 2V2.

LGD now has advantages in the top, middle, bottom and jungle.

Even SKT may be the best LOL team in the world to turn the game around.

But given the current situation in this game.

SKT basically has no chance to turn the tables on LGD.

Because Zhou Dian played the Blue Steel Shadow in this game.

His Blue Steel Shadow is so fat.

Even if his teammates are at a disadvantage.

Zhou Dian is confident that he can lead his teammates to win.

Not to mention, in this game, his teammates have more or less some advantages.

Can't lose!

Can't lose at all!

In the end, LGD also chose the most stable way to win.

Focusing on the fattest Blue Steel Shadow, they played the four-one split push that they are best at.

Did not give SKT any chance.

The essence of SKT's strong turnaround ability is their strong ability to seize opportunities.

But LGD was facing Olaf in front.

Olaf with his ultimate could not be used at all.

And the Blue Steel Shadow who was leading the side lane was also a hero that could not be caught at all.

It was too flexible.

Any top laner with a better sense.

When playing Blue Steel Shadow to lead the lane, it is basically impossible to be caught.

There is only one way to restrain Qing Gangying from pushing the line.

That is to have someone who can beat Qing Gangying in a single line.

Or at least not lose to Qing Gangying, and can fight Qing Gangying alone.

You can defend the tower without the help of teammates.

Otherwise, Qing Gangying can't defend the tower and can't catch anyone when he pushes the line.

Then you can only wait for death.

This is also the reason why Qing Gangying's winning rate was so high in the early versions when his laning ability was still strong.

Let this hero win the game easily.

The skill mechanism is so special and useful!

However, Qing Gangying's laning ability is not good now, and it is easy to be broken in the line and can't get up at all.

Therefore, the appearance rate of this hero in the game.

Compared with the past, it has also dropped significantly.

When the game time was just over 30 minutes.

Relying on the unsolvable line pushing of Qing Gangying at the peak of the week.

LGD played steadily and won this game.

On the big screen at the scene.

When the blue side's base crystal exploded.

On the official commentary seat of LPL.

Wawa shouted loudly: "Then, let us congratulate LGD for winning the second game and successfully pulling back a point, tying the score of this MSI final to 1:1!"

"Congratulations to LGD!"

"Congratulations to LGD!"

Miller and Rita also said in succession.

The tone of several commentators was quite excited.

This is inevitable.

After all, the second game that just ended.

It was essentially a life-and-death game for LGD.

LGD couldn't afford to lose at all.

If they lost, they would be 0-2 behind SKT.

Want to catch up with SKT 2-3?

That's just dreaming!

Fortunately, LGD withstood the pressure and won the second game.

The big score between them and SKT became 1:1.

Now, the two sides are back on the same starting line.

Not only these commentators.

The entire LPL region, as long as they are the audience who support LGD.

Now they all feel alive and confident.

The next three games will be played as a BO3.

The probability of winning SKT in BO3 is definitely higher than the probability of winning SKT in BO5.

It is normal for the LPL audience to have more confidence in LGD's final victory.

The camera is directed to the player's seat.

The players on both sides took off their headphones as soon as the game ended.

They got up from their seats and turned to walk into the player's channel.

Under the camera, you can see.

The faces of the LGD players are obviously much more relaxed.

It can be seen that being able to tie the big score.

It also makes the LGD players relax a lot in their mentality.

After all, the difference between one to one and two to zero.

That is really too big.

No matter how good your mentality is.

In the final of this level of competition.

If you are behind your opponent by zero to two.

Then your mentality will definitely fluctuate negatively.

On the other side.

Most of the SKT players have calm faces.

After all, they are all experienced players.

The first two games of the BO5 were tied at 1-1, which is normal.

Except Huni.

Huni had a somewhat dissatisfied expression on his face.

As soon as the second game ended.

He immediately recalled the wave when Peanut's Lee Sin went to gank the top lane, but his Fiora was killed by Shen.

That wave was the turning point of the second game.

It can be said that SKT lost the second game.

It started from that wave.

After that wave, Shen was completely unable to hold back.

The more Huni thought about that wave, the more he was dissatisfied.

How could Zhou predict his subsequent operations continuously?

And those predictions were completely untraceable.

He just predicted them out of thin air.

This is not something a human can do.

It was definitely a fraud!

It was purely because of his bad luck, plus the opposite Zhou's bad luck.

That led to the final situation.

I, Huni, am dissatisfied!

No, I have to compete with him in the next game.

In the next game, SKT is on the red side.

I will counter him with a hero in the back hand, and I will definitely get back on track.

At this moment, Huni is full of fighting spirit again.

After all, in that match.

Witnessed by so many spectators, Zhou Dian made him look like a pig head and made him look foolish.

Any ambitious player would not tolerate this.

He must get back at the right time!

After the second game of the BO5 finals.

Many spectators also talked about the moment when Qing Gangying killed Fiora by crossing the tower.

The discussion was fierce.

During the match, it was a flash of lightning.

Even if the replay was added.

Most spectators could not see all the details of the operation between Qing Gangying and Fiora.

After the match.

As many experts analyzed the confrontation between Zhou Dian and Huni in the comments of various posts or videos.

More and more viewers were amazed that Qing Gangying and Fiora had so many complex games in such a short time.

Regarding the confrontation between Qing Gangying and Fiora.

Many experts on the Internet concluded that Huni's operation and response were actually without any problems.

Including the seduction of Zhou Dian's Qing Gangying in the previous part, it also shows his skill.

Normally, Huni's Fiora should not die in this wave.

However, Zhou Shen found the possibility between this impossibility.

He forcibly created the only opportunity to kill Fiora.

And he successfully seized the opportunity with a very low probability of achieving it.

Some netizens also sighed:

In this wave of confrontation, the level shown by Zhou Dian and Huni.

They are indeed top players!

But as top players, there are also differences in level.

If the player with a comprehensive score of 100 points is called the top.

To use the classic words of that game.

Give Huni 100 points because his level is 100 points.

And give Zhou Shen 100 points because the full score is only 100 points.

There is no way to go up.

Therefore, Huni's upper limit is likely to be just Zhou Shen's offline!

It's scary to think about it this way.

At this moment, many LPL viewers remembered Zhou Dian's magical performances in this year's LPL Spring Split.

Some LPL viewers, although they support LGD in this final.

But they are not fans of the LGD team.

They are fans of some other LPL teams.

At this moment, this part of the audience can't help but remember the fear that their home team was once dominated by Zhou Dian!


Even if LGD's opponent today is SKT, what?

Is the SKT team really invincible?

Didn't EDG do it in the 15th MSI finals!

It's true that your SKT is a dynasty team that has won three consecutive international championships.

But we have Zhou Shen, whose upper limit can break through the sky.

With Zhou Shen, everything is possible.

Zhou Shen, take the brothers to charge again!

For the expectations of the majority of LPL viewers placed on him.

Zhou Dian certainly can't feel it from a distance.

However, he himself has already realized one thing.

That is, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This is actually completely consistent with the expectations of many LPL viewers for him.

There are three games left in this BO5 final.

Zhou Dian has already decided.

In the next three games, he will carry the team completely on his shoulders.

He will definitely not choose tank heroes in the future.

If he chooses a tank top laner against SKT.

LGD basically has no chance of winning.

Moreover, against this SKT.

The most likely breakthrough point is Huni.

Although Faker died many times in these two games, it seems to be a breakthrough point.

But Faker can always stabilize and adjust his mentality.

As for Huni.

That's hard to say.

He must exert his strength to break through Huni's breakthrough point.

Only then can LGD have a chance to win this final.

Backstage at the venue, in the SKT lounge.

Huni is having an intense exchange with head coach KkOma.

Huni's face is flushed, and he keeps talking, looking a little emotional.

He is asking coach KkOma to give him another chance.

The last counter position of SKT on the red side in the third game can be given to him.

KkOma frowned and thought for a long time.

Then he turned to look at Faker and said, "Sang Hyuk, do you need a counter position in the next game?"

"No!" Faker looked indifferent, "It doesn't matter whether I choose first or later, the opponent can't beat me anyway!"

Unintentionally, Li Xianghe pretended a little.

This sudden pretense with a serious tone.

It is also Faker's usual style.

Hearing Faker's words, KkOma turned to look at Huni and said, "Okay, I promise you will play the top hero in the next game!"

KkOma is actually not the typical Korean who believes that the authority of the seniors is greater than the sky and the subordinates must obey the orders of the superiors.

In SKT's games, he often gives players the opportunity to choose freely in BP.

For example, in the semifinals of the S6 World Championship last year, SKT played against ROX Tiger in the classic BO5.

When ROX Tiger used Miss Fortune support in the second game, played well, won a game and tied the score.

When it came to the BP in the third game, KkOma still chose to follow the players' opinions.

He asked Wolf if he needed to ban the Miss Fortune support on the other side.

Wolf said no.

KkOma chose to trust his players.

As a result, SKT still couldn't solve the problem of Miss Fortune support.

ROX Tiger won the third game and took the lead in getting the match point of BO5.

At this time, KkOma exerted his authority as a coach.

In the subsequent fourth and fifth games, he ordered the players to ban Miss Fortune.

Of course, this is in a Korean team, and the coach does have authority.

In the LPL, what the coach said may not count.

Back to this MSI final.

Although KkOma nodded.

He didn't say that the last floor must be given to Huni.

But what Huni wants is to counter Zhou's peak by picking a top laner later.

It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to pick the last hero on the tenth floor.

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