"Okay, everyone, welcome back to the 2017 MSI Mid-Season Championship Finals!"

"What we are going to bring to you is the third game of the BO5 finals!"

"In the first two games, LGD and SKT won one game each, and the current score between the two sides is tied at 1:1!"

Accompanied by Guan Zeyuan's voice.

The screen of the LPL official event live broadcast room ended the advertisement.

The commentary seat on the scene appeared in the live broadcast screen.

Compared to the time before the second game, when LGD was behind 0:1.

The three people in the commentary seat at this moment looked much more excited.

Not as lifeless as before.

Especially Guan Zeyuan.

At this time, he was even more crackling, talking nonsense all over the place.

Fully released his own desire to express himself.

When he had said enough.

The time left for the commentary seat was almost over.

So, Changmao and Su Xiaoyan didn't get to say a word at all.

The live broadcast camera has already turned to the commentary seat.

The three commentators in the commentary booth didn't have time to say a few words.

On the big screen at the scene.

The BP interface has appeared.

"Okay, let's see the BP of the third game of the final!" Wawa said loudly.

"LGD, who has the right to choose the side in the third game, took the initiative to choose the blue side!"

"SKT is on the red side!"

The first round of BP.

LGD banned Lulu, Karma, and Caitlyn.

SKT banned Graves, Kennen, and Jayce.

"LGD banned Caitlyn by themselves. It seems that they are still afraid of this hero's laning ability. After all, the range is still too long!"

"Then SKT banned Graves, which is the jungle hero that Eimy plays best. It's normal to target him!"

"Then they banned Kennen and Jayce, two long-range top heroes!"

"Do you think Huni is scared?" Miller said with a smile.

"Well, it's hard to say!" Wawa said immediately, "These two heroes are often banned when LGD is on the red side. You can't say that Zhou Shen is afraid of it, right?"

"That's right!" Miller nodded, and then said:

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to this game, Huni continues to fight Zhou Shen head-on!"

"I hope that both top laners will still bring us exciting competitions!"

Hearing this, Wawa smiled, "Are you looking forward to the exciting competition in the top lane? I'm embarrassed to expose you!"

"Hehe!" Miller also smiled.

Everything is self-evident.

Rita next to him was confused.

I don't know what these two people are talking about.

At this moment, in the LGD player seat.

Eimy said immediately: "Brother Xu, the male gun is gone, I want to play the blind monk!"

"Ah? You play the blind monk?" Dgc was immediately shocked.

"Believe me, Peanut, I can play whatever you want if you don't criticize Peanut!" Eimy said very confidently.

After killing Peanut in the jungle in the last game.

Eimy is now completely confident.

After thinking about it, Dgc nodded.


In the LGD team, in the BP stage.

Except for Zhou Dian, who has 100% freedom to play whatever he wants.

The freedom of others to choose players is actually not low.

As long as the hero you propose to play is not too outrageous.

Dgc will usually nod.

Of course, this is also due to LGD's current tie.

If LGD is behind by a large margin.

At this time, Dgc will never let Eimy play Lee Sin.

No matter how confident he is, it will be useless.

Eimy's Lee Sin is a pure nervous knife type.

When he is C, he is very C, with all kinds of god kicks.

When he is bad, he is also very bad, a pure noob!

Now the scores of both sides are tied, since Eimy is so confident, let him play a game.

Back to BP.

After the first three bans of both sides,

LGD locked Lee Sin directly on the first floor of the blue side.

"One-stop Lee Sin?"

"Oh, Eimy can't help but play Lee Sin!" Miller said with a smile.

"Let's play, you, Peanut, have played Lee Sin for two games in a row, it's time for me, Eimy, to play one!"

As he said that, Wawa smiled and said, "It's best for Peanut to choose Olaf in this game. Maybe this game will give Peanut a forehand and backhand teaching game!"

LGD just won a small game, and Wawa started to get excited.

"Forehand and backhand teaching game" such a swear word came out.

Even if Eimy himself is full of confidence now.

He dare not say that he will give Peanut a "forehand and backhand teaching game".


SKT chose Twitch and Olaf on the first and second floors of the red side.

"Hey, Wawa, the Olaf you wanted is really here!" Miller said loudly.

"Ah, come on, let's teach Xiaohuasheng how to play against Olaf!" Wawa said immediately.

At this time, even if Wawa is just a live commentator and not a player on the field.

But he must not be timid in terms of momentum.

He must be tough to the end.

Then, LGD took Kalista and Thresh on the second and third floors of the blue side.

"Oh, it's really locked, Shadow Island combination!" Miller said loudly.

Seeing this bottom lane combination, he immediately got excited.

"LGD, it's so tough, the bottom lane is a direct confrontation with you!"

"We have to confront SKT in the laning, compete in operations, we can't beat them!"

The selection process has been going on until this point.

The commentators also saw LGD's thinking in this final.

It is to compete with SKT in the laning and operations.

Even though LGD's operation level is quite good.

But when it comes to playing operations, LGD's operation level is indeed not good enough in front of SKT.

After losing the first game.

LGD also completely abandoned other ideas and determined the idea of ​​fighting to the end.

And the victory in the second game just now.

It also completely confirmed LGD's idea of ​​fighting to the end.

The camera gave the LGD bottom lane duo.

PYL's expression was still relatively calm.

Imp, however, was smiling, with a hint of excitement.

The hero Kalista is actually an ADC that he likes to play very much.

In the year when Skateboard Shoes came out in S5, imp played a lot of games with Kalista.

And he was definitely the top Kalista player in LPL.

However, in the S5 World Finals.

In the life-and-death game of the group match between LGD and TSM.

Iron Man's last stick hit imp's Kalista's head, instantly killing Kalista.

It also shattered all the dreams of that LGD.

After that game, imp didn't play the hero Kalista for a long time.

For imp.

Kalista is a sharp sword.

It has been hidden in the sheath for a long time.

Now it is unsheathed again on the stage of the MSI finals.

This makes him very excited.

Moreover, in this game, his opponent is the owner of Kalista's championship skin.

This makes him even more excited.

The old sword is flashed again in front of the battle, and the cold light is as sharp as before!

At this time, in the official live broadcast room of the event.

Many viewers also noticed the special characteristics of the heroes selected by the AD players of both sides in this game.

[Is imp playing Skateboard Shoes? The champion skin of Skateboard Shoes belongs to Bang on the opposite side! ]

[Are you talking about Hammer? It's as if Imp doesn't have a champion skin for Rat! ]

[That's right, I'd say Bang is playing Rat on Imp! ]

[This game is a bit interesting in the bottom lane, the two champion ADs are using the champion skins of the other side! ]

[I'd say, if Imp and Bang both use champion skins, that would be really interesting! ]

[Using each other's champion skins, isn't that a kind of NTR! ]

[You're not right! ]

[That's not right, shouldn't this be a Q exchange?]

[Shut up! ]

[Brother, let me talk for you! ]


Back to the BP of this game.

The first round of BP is over.

The second round of BP has begun.

SKT banned Taliyah and Fiora.

LGD banned Syndra and Cassiopeia.

"Wow, ban Fiora after all!"

"I thought Huni was going to pick Fiora again!"

Miller suddenly started to be sarcastic.

Of course, all LPL viewers who support LGD at this moment love to hear this kind of sarcasm.

"Huni's Fiora was beaten badly by Zhou Shenxiu in the last game, how dare he pick Fiora again!" Wawa immediately interrupted.

And triggered the passive crosstalk, and began to sing the same tune with Miller.

"That's right, Huni's Fiora, it seems that his proficiency is really not good!" Miller said again,

"But Zhou Shen can use Qinggangying to fight Fiora, I think Huni can try it this time!"

"You are making a calculation, I'm afraid SKT will hear it from so far away!" Miller laughed.

Then he changed the topic and said seriously:

"I think after the last game, Huni should just play Galio top lane honestly, and give the counter position to Faker, which is the most beneficial choice for SKT!"

However, reality immediately slapped Wawa's face.

In the second round of selection, the red team selected first.

SKT locked in Ahri on the fourth floor of the red team. 、

"First to play Ahri in the middle?" Miller's tone was slightly surprised.

Obviously, he and Wawa had the same opinion.

I think SKT should give the last counter position to Faker.

"This is a bit interesting!"

Miller pushed his glasses and continued:

"It seems that Huni is not convinced by the last game!"

"I want to use the counter in the back hand in this game to compete with Zhou Shen again!"

"Okay, very good! I admire such courageous players!"


In the LGD player seat.

When I saw SKT play the middle lane first on the fourth floor of the red team.

Zhou Dian smiled.

The faces of the other LGD players also showed smiles to some extent.

Dgc's mouth was even wider than before.

Huni took this counter position, and he definitely wouldn't choose to use a mixed hero to play in the top lane.

Otherwise, why would he take this counter position.

Wouldn't it be better to give it to Faker!

You, Huni, don't want to play in the top lane, right?

It's better not to play in the top lane!

Want to compete in operation?

Then we will definitely accompany you to the end.

As for the counter after the game?

Is Xiao Zhou afraid of countering?

He is not afraid at all!

Back to BP.

LGD chose Clockwork and Gnar on the fourth and fifth floors of the blue side.

"Wei Shen still picked the Clockwork Mage that he played very well in the last game!"

"Anyway, my hand is hot now, there is no problem in picking Clockwork in another game. Clockwork is a very versatile hero!"

"Then Zhou Shen also picked a relatively versatile Gnar here!"

"Gnar can attack and defend, and his laning ability, control ability, first-hand ability, and tankiness are all pretty good. He is a very comprehensive hero!"

"It seems that there is really no hero that can restrain Gnar among the mainstream top laners!"

"Zhou Shen's Gnar is indeed a good choice. It depends on whether Huni has a hero to fight Gnar!"

The subtext of Miller's words is to ask whether Huni can come up with some non-mainstream top laners to fight Gnar?

If you play a regular top laner, you won't get any advantage against Gnar.

At this time, in the SKT player seat.

Seeing LGD's top laner Gnar first.

Huni also fell into deep thought.

Of course, he knew what the opponent meant by picking this Gnar.

It was to test his hero pool.

Huni actually knows a few non-mainstream top laners.

It's just that his proficiency is not that high.

So, Huni was hesitating whether to use it.

Should he use a hero that is good at fighting Gnar, but not so proficient.

Or should he play it safe and choose a very proficient regular top laner hero?

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