The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

On the rooftop of a building near Hanyu Kusunoki's villa, Conan and Hattori Heiji were observing the nearby streets with binoculars under the scorching sun.

"Kudo, you said it's not a good idea for us to wait like this!" Hattori Heiji took off his beloved baseball cap, wiped the sweat from his head, and couldn't help complaining: "It's been several days, and there's no movement."

It's 39℃!

He felt like he was being roasted on fire. He was really afraid that if he waited like this, he would be sunburned to death before the organization arrived.

"There's no way. The organization is too cautious. We can't find any clues at all. We can only use this stupid method."

Listening to Hattori's complaints, Conan also put down the binoculars, his face full of worry.

They have been waiting here for several days, from morning till night, under the scorching sun and high temperature, just to find clues of the organization.

However, so far, they still have nothing.

Hattori Heiji sighed and put his hat back on his head, trying to block some sunlight.

But soon, he felt the heat and took off his hat again.

The reason why they are squatting here is because they learned from Conan's father that the reason why the organization is making such a big move this time is to get rid of a traitor.

And that traitor is an agent from the FBI.

This traitor is obviously very important to the organization, otherwise they would not send so many masters to carry out the mission.

And Conan and Hattori Heiji hope to take this opportunity to find more clues about the organization and catch it all in one fell swoop.

The only pity is that they don't know what the agent is called, they only know that the other party is likely to appear near Hanyu Kusunoki's villa.

So the two of them had to choose to wait for death.

"I hope your father's information is correct!"

"Don't worry, it will definitely not be wrong!"

Conan is still very confident about this.

This is the information his father got from an FBI insider, there is absolutely no problem.

But what Conan doesn't know is that his father spent a lot of money to get this information.


Kudo Yusaku was worried that his only son Lang would get into trouble, so he specially invited a friend who works in the FBI to have a meal.

The atmosphere of the meal was quite harmonious at first, and the two chatted very happily, but after Kudo Yusaku asked to know the latest news of the organization in Mika, the other party looked embarrassed and didn't want to say it.

There was no way, Kudo Yusaku had to use money for the safety of his son. After all, money can make the devil push the mill.

After pushing a bank card to the other party, although the other party said no, his hands did not stop moving at all. After all, who can't get along with money these days?

After putting away the bank card, the other party immediately sold out the FBI and told Kudo Yusaku all the information he knew.

So there was the story of Conan and Hattori Heiji playing the crouching game in the dog days.

In the bathroom of Poirot Cafe.

After receiving Gin's order to rush to the scene, Amuro Toru's expression instantly became extremely serious after hanging up the phone, and he immediately called the Japanese public relations department.

"Yes, the organization is going to take action. Are our people ready? This is a rare opportunity for us!"

The FBI and the organization have made such a big scene this time. They, the Japanese public security, are not just eating dry rice, so how could they not be prepared at all.

After hearing the reply from the other end of the phone that they were ready, Amuro Toru's tense body relaxed a little and he exhaled a long breath.

Then he thought of another thing, "What about those FBI intelligence officers?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and then the answer: "Our primary goal is to destroy the organization, and other things can be put aside for the time being. If we start a conflict with the FBI now, it will only cause more trouble."

"Okay then!" Amuro Toru struggled for a moment, but he could only reluctantly agree with his boss's words.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, angry that the FBI and the organization were unscrupulously using his favorite country as a battlefield and playing around with it at will, he had to consider the overall situation.

The FBI, or the huge power behind the FBI, is not something they can provoke at the moment.

"Akai Shuichi..."

Amuro Toru, who was driving to Beika Town, thought of what Gin told him.

After hearing the name of the target person, the expression on his face became a little complicated.

On Beihua Street, a brand new Porsche 356a was parked next to a building.

"Are Chianti and Cohen in place?"

Gin, who was resting with his eyes closed in the co-pilot seat, suddenly asked.

"Ah?" Vodka, who was testing the steering wheel of the new car with great interest, was stunned at first, and then hurriedly said, "They are ready, just waiting for Akai Shuichi to show up."


Gin sneered and was about to mock Akai Shuichi, but suddenly saw Vodka trying hard on the steering wheel of his beloved car, and his brows frowned.

His last old car was rolled into an iron ball by the big guy.

This new car was the money he had to spend on the missions without sleep recently, and he had to work hard to deduct it from the money for rebuilding the Beihua base.

"Let's go!"

Gin couldn't stand it anymore, so he opened the car door and walked down.

"Boss, wait for me." Seeing this, Vodka hurriedly followed.

After skillfully taking out a sniper rifle from the trunk, Gin strode towards the building in front of him with a cold look in his eyes and expressionless face.

"Rye Whiskey, your death is coming!" He swore in his heart that this time, he absolutely did not believe that Akai Shuichi could still escape from his palm.


"La La La~"

Mingmei hummed a cheerful tune, holding a bag with both hands full of ingredients she had just bought from the vegetable market.

These ingredients were carefully selected by her. As she walked, she was still thinking about tonight's menu in her mind.

"Master Hanyu likes spicy food, I have always kept this in mind." Mingmei said to herself, with a happy smile on her face.

She knew that her master liked spicy food, so she bought some peppers and prepared to make him a hearty dinner.

"It just so happens that I bought some fresh and plump fish heads today. Let's make the chopped pepper fish head that I learned from Master Hanyu!" Mingmei continued to think about the dinner menu, and suddenly remembered a dish she had learned from Hanyu Nan before - chopped pepper fish head.

This dish is delicious and a little spicy, which is very suitable for her master's taste.

Recalling the last time Hanyu personally cooked and showed her how to make chopped pepper fish head.

Mingmei secretly made up her mind: "This time I must make it as good as Master Hanyu!"

Having made up her mind, Mingmei's pace unconsciously quickened.

Just when she was about to pass a corner and see the familiar villa, a man wearing a black knitted hat suddenly walked towards her.

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