The man who suddenly appeared was not very concerned.

Mingmei didn't pay much attention to the man who suddenly appeared. She thought he was a passerby and walked to the side to make way for him.

However, to her surprise, the other party did not leave directly as she expected, but quickened his pace and continued to walk towards her.

"Huh?" Mingmei felt a little confused, but she was not too worried.

The props she brought with her could fight a reinforcement group.

When the person walked in front of her and raised his head, Mingmei finally realized who it was.

"Mingmei, I'm back..." Akai Shuichi couldn't wait to greet him, his eyes full of expectation and joy.

He stared at Mingmei, who he missed day and night, and his tone was particularly excited.

"Oh!" After Mingmei saw who the other person was, her face instantly turned cold, and she said in a cold tone: "Do you want me to treat you to a meal?"

She was not surprised by Shuichi Akai's appearance, because Hanyu Kusunoki had given her a shot of prevention before.

But she still couldn't understand how Shuichi Akai had the nerve to appear in front of her.

"Is it okay?" Shuichi Akai was completely unaware of Mingmei's irony, but was ecstatic, "I know a restaurant with delicious food. We can go and taste it together and talk while eating."

He knew that Mingmei still had him in her heart.

Now it was Mingmei's turn to not know, and she felt a little speechless.

Is she too gentle?

"I don't have time..."

Before she finished her words, Shuichi Akai hurriedly asked, "Then when do you have time? I can wait forever!"

Mingmei smiled and said, "I need to go home first to prepare dinner for my master."

Shuichi Akai widened his eyes and asked in disbelief, "What? You actually want to cook for others?"

Mingmei nodded and continued to say, "Yes, my master has high dietary requirements, so I have to cook for him myself. Moreover, after dinner, I need to help him take a bath and warm his bed."

Hearing this, Shuichi Akai's face has become very ugly.

But this is not over yet. Mingmei suddenly raised her hand and nodded her chin, pretending to be thoughtful and said, "Oh, so it seems that I don't have time to eat with you~ After all, my people and time belong to Master Hanyu!"

She blinked, looking innocent.


Shuichi Akai widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

He looked at the smiling woman in front of him, and felt as if his heart had been hit hard by someone, and it hurt badly.

Seeing Mingmei's face full of happy smile, Akai Shuichi clenched his teeth, his eyes full of jealousy and anger.

He couldn't stand seeing Mingmei taking care of another man so wholeheartedly, and that man was not himself.

"Mingmei, don't believe that Hanyu Nan, he is not a good person, you come with me, I came back this time to take you away from the organization!"

Akai Shuichi's eyes were red, his eye sockets were full of bloodshot, and his voice was almost screaming.

He couldn't wait to reach out and pull Mingmei, and his eager action was like a drowning person trying to grab the last straw.

As a result, when he was about to touch Mingmei, he was directly bounced away by an invisible protective shield, and hit the wall on the side of the road heavily, making a loud "bang".

At this time, Mingmei, who heard these words, had a completely cold face.

Her bright eyes turned cold at this moment, like two sharp swords, stabbing straight at Akai Shuichi.

"You've gone too far, Akai Shuichi!"

There was a chill in Mingmei's tone, which was creepy.

Her expression was cold and serious, no longer as gentle as before.

Obviously, she didn't plan to play with Akai Shuichi anymore.

"Akai Shuichi, if I hear one more bad word about Master Hanyu from you, this day next year will be your death anniversary." Mingmei said expressionlessly to Akai Shuichi, who was lying on the ground and trying to get up.

"Uh... Mingmei, I just..."

However, before he finished speaking, Mingmei raised her hand and fired an air gun at him.


Akai Shuichi, who had just struggled to stand up, immediately let out a shrill scream, then his face turned as pale as paper, his hands tightly covering his lower body, and slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Mingmei showed no sympathy, but smiled coldly and curled her lips in disdain: "This is

This is the result of a bad mouth. "

Then, she picked up the vegetables she had just bought and walked towards the villa without looking back.

While walking, she snorted coldly and thought: "Huh, do you really think I don't know why you came this time?"

He said it very nicely, and he came to pick her up from the organization.

Does she need him to pick her up?

Why didn't he think of them when he betrayed the two sisters and ran away?

Now that the two sisters have escaped from the organization and are living a happy life, he knows he is coming.

"Ridiculous! "

Mingmei felt angrier and angrier as she thought about it. She put the bag in her hand on the ground, her eyebrows raised, and turned around to shoot Shuichi Akai again.

Only after she did all this did she feel that the depression in her heart had dissipated a little and she felt a little better.

Some people may ask, why didn't the air gun knock Shuichi Akai unconscious?

This is because she specially prepared it.

She just wanted Shuichi Akai to feel a wave of pain. If he fainted, wouldn't it be a bargain for him?

Does it hurt?

Mingmei didn't feel any pain at all.

Thinking back then, the hardships and pains that the two sisters suffered in the organization were nothing compared to what Shuichi Akai is enduring now?

Not even one ten-thousandth of the pain that the two sisters suffered in the organization!


"I didn't realize it! Little master, you, a seemingly weak little maid, have this side! "

Sister Bei, who was lying comfortably on the sofa in the living room with Hanyu Kusunoki, could not help but sigh as she watched Shuichi Akai, who was curled up on the ground with his hands covering his lower body, with a pale face and cold sweat, projected on the screen in front of her.

It hurts just to look at it!

Hanyu Kusunoki supported her head and chuckled, "Heh, you don't think Mingmei is a kind person who can bring her sister to grow up in the organization, right?"

"Of course, it may be more like Xiao Ai bringing her sister. But Mingmei is also a ruthless person who can plan a bank robbery by herself!"

Although Mingmei usually looks gentle and kind, and is as friendly as the big sister next door, her smile seems to melt the ice and snow in winter and make people feel like spring breeze.

But that is only in front of people she cares about.

Facing people who want to destroy the happy life of herself and her sister, she will not be soft-hearted or hesitant.

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