The two of them were so busy that they were almost dead.


As soon as Conan rushed onto the suspension bridge, he felt a strong force coming, as if he was knocked away by a running elephant. His body was completely out of control and floated back like a paper kite, hitting Maori Kogoro's car hard.

With a loud bang, the suspension bridge also broke into two pieces, and a huge fire ignited, instantly illuminating the entire night sky.

"What the hell are you doing?" Maori Kogoro picked up Conan in a bad mood, muttering.

I was really fooled by this kid just now, and I thought he was going to be a hero to save the beauty! I didn't expect it to fail so quickly.

"Ahem, damn, what happened just now?" Conan got up from the ground with difficulty, patted the dust on his body, and his eyes were still fixed on the lonely villa in the distance.


Conan and Maori Kogoro were thinking hard about how to get to the villa.

At this moment, Hanyu Kusunoki in the villa was enjoying the feeding service leisurely.

"Ah, Kusunoki, open your mouth." Sonoko said, picked up a piece of fish from the table, carefully picked out the fish bones, and sent it to Hanyu Kusunoki's mouth.

This was a special reward for Hanyu Kusunoki that she had just discussed with Xiaolan, because his performance just now was really great.

Xiaolan blushed slightly, silently peeled a shrimp, and also carefully handed it to Hanyu Kusunoki's mouth.

Hanyu Kusunoki didn't care about other people's strange eyes, and happily ate the food they brought one bite after another.

(Damn, I'm so envious! If only Aoko could do this...) Kuroba Kaito, who was disguised under the Doi Taken tree, saw this scene and his teeth were broken.

However, when he thought of his childhood sweetheart's temper, he couldn't help shaking.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the dinner was over soon.

Hanyu Kusunoki didn't even move her hands from beginning to end, just enjoying the special treatment comfortably!


"It's so strange, why can't I get through?"

As soon as he finished his meal, Ara Yoshinori hurriedly continued to call the head of the chat room, but the result was still disappointing - no one answered!

"Could it be... that the phone line was broken?" Tanaka Kikue deliberately guessed in surprise, and continued to show her superb acting skills.

"This is troublesome, tonight's program was specially prepared by the head!" Ara Yoshinori couldn't help rubbing his temples after hanging up the phone.

At this time, Tanaka Kikue cast her eyes on Hanyu Kusunoki, who was sitting on the sofa and laughing and playing with Xiaolan and Sonoko, and took the opportunity to suggest: "In this case, how about we choose a new person to be in charge of the program?"

"I think Mr. Hanyu is very suitable!" Hearing this, Kuroba Kaito immediately agreed. He wanted to see what Hanyu Kusunoki's tricks were.

"Yes, Mr. Hanyu's magic is so good, he will definitely come up with a wonderful program!"

Everyone looked at Hanyu Kusunoki with expectation, but no one noticed that Tanaka Kikue's face became a little ugly at this time.

"No, no, I'm a little tired now. I want to rest first, so I won't perform." Hanyu Kusunoki yawned and walked upstairs with Xiaolan and Sonoko in the regretful eyes of everyone.

He didn't want to disrupt Tanaka Kikue's long-planned plan, and he was also ready to blame Kuroba Kaito.

Looking at Hanyu Kusunoki walking away, Tanaka Kikue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She was not afraid of her actions being discovered, the only thing she was worried about was that she could not complete her carefully planned revenge plan.

In the end, everything went smoothly as expected.

Tanaka Kikue cleverly used a pen without ink to successfully mislead Hamano Toshiya, causing him to answer the question incorrectly and have to go to prepare the entertainment program.

Looking at Tanaka Kikue who went to boil water, Kuroba Kaito's eyes flashed.

"Kan, what happened?"

Xiaolan asked curiously as soon as she entered the room. She knew that Hanyu Kusunoki would never be sleepy at this time.

Hanyu Kusunoki was still energetic when she was playing with herself and Sonoko just now.

"Oh, Nan is not sleepy!" Sonoko still foolishly thought that Hanyu Kusunoki was really sleepy!

"Haha, of course not." Hanyu Kusunoki glanced out the dark window, smiled and pulled the two girls to his side, whispering in their ears: "A thief broke in."


On a snowy night, when murder was committed.

"Grandpa, I avenged you!"

In the room, Tanaka Kikue looked at the

Hamano Toshiya, who was strangled with a rope, had his hands trembling slightly.

Her grandfather was killed by the nonsense of those people on the magician forum. Otherwise, how could he perform escape magic at such an old age and end up losing his life!

But she did not resent those people for this. Perhaps for her grandfather, as a magician, being able to die on the stage was also his own choice!

However, when she saw that her beloved grandfather was commented so ruthlessly by Hamano Toshiya and the chat room leader Escape King after his death:

("It's just an old man, he's dead if he dies.")

("That's right, maybe he wants to die too, hahahaha!")

"Since you think it's dead if you die, let's go and try it together!" Tanaka Kikue grabbed Hamano Toshiya's body angrily, dragged it to the balcony, and placed it on the props she had prepared long ago.

Then, she planned to slide the body down the slide to the snow outside, creating a nearly perfect crime scene.

Pah pah pah!!!

"Not bad, very wonderful technique, Miss Tanaka."

Under the shocked eyes of Tanaka Kikue, Hanyu Kusunoki, who had been sitting on the balcony watching the show with a snake spell, clapped his hands and appeared.

He had just wanted to use his mobile phone to record the process of Tanaka Kikue committing the crime, but he thought it was not auspicious for someone to die in his mobile phone, so he did not record it.

Don't die in your mobile phone, die anywhere.

"Yes, it's you..." Tanaka Kikue was startled by the sudden appearance of the boy, and tremblingly raised the crossbow in her hand.

"Miss Tanaka, are you going to get rid of me?" Hanyu Kusunoki supported his chin, looked at the crossbow arrow with a cold light, and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

This is a person he admires very much, I wonder what choice he will make?

After a long time, Tanaka Kikue sighed helplessly, put down the crossbow in her hand, and muttered: "Oh, Mr. Hanyu found out after all. I knew there would be no perfect crime!"

"My revenge is over, Mr. Hanyu can go to the police."

From the moment she saw Hanyu Kusunoki's magical magic, she had been worried about being discovered, and she was really discovered.

But fortunately, her revenge plan has been completed.

Thinking back to Hanyu Kusunoki who suddenly appeared just now, Tanaka Kikue suddenly felt that she did not lose unfairly.

Maybe this is the arrangement of fate...

Tanaka Kikue smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Mr. Hanyu, can you tell me what magic you used just now?"


(What do you think of putting the blame on Kaito?)

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