"The trick? Haha." Hanyu Kusunoki smiled disdainfully and waved his arm gently. The body on the balcony seemed to be lifted up by an invisible force and slowly flew into the snow in the backyard of the villa.

Tanaka Kikue's eyes widened and her mouth opened into an "O" shape. She looked at everything in front of her in disbelief and her body trembled involuntarily.

However, what shocked her even more was yet to come.

Hanyu Kusunoki chuckled and jumped from the balcony, floating in the air like a flying bird.

Step forward step by step, as if walking on the clouds.

With arms slightly opened, the snowflakes in the sky seemed to be inspired by some mysterious force, gathering together and condensing into sharp and cold snow arrows.

These snow arrows seemed to be endowed with life, rushing towards the corpse below at an astonishing speed.

Just when they were about to hit the target, they suddenly burst open, turning into countless tiny ice crystals, blooming like fireworks.

Hanyu Kusunoki's figure flickered faintly in the air, and his eyes revealed a chilling indifference.

I have said long ago that I don't care who dies, and I am very kind to be able to restrain myself from using my ability to kill people.

After all, they are all spiritual units!

"Ms. Tanaka, what do you think of my method?" Hanyu Kusunoki's voice echoed in the air, with a hint of teasing and ridicule.

Hearing Hanyu Kusunoki's words, Tanaka Kikue's heartbeat became more intense. She tried to suppress her inner fear and tried to find a trace of magic from this weird scene.

"Didn't we agree not to perform magic in the name of magic in front of Muggles?" Tanaka Kikue shouted wildly in her heart!

Tanaka Kikue felt that her worldview was crumbling.

Has the world become so different? Or is it just me who is kept in the dark like a fool?

"Mr. Hanyu, what is your purpose?" Tanaka Kikue tried to make her voice sound calm, but she couldn't help trembling.

Tanaka Kikue stared at Hanyu Kusunoki who came down from the air again, her eyes full of doubts and vigilance.

Tanaka Kikue's heart was like a mirror. Since this mysterious Hanyu Kusunoki showed his ability in front of her, there must be a purpose.

He would never expose himself for no reason, let alone just to do good things.

After all, he is not a good person.

"Purpose?" Hanyu Nan raised his mouth slightly, revealing a playful smile.

He leaned elegantly on the balcony railing, gently pinched his chin with his fingers, and looked thoughtfully at the respectful Tanaka Kikue in front of him.

After a moment, Hanyu Nan slowly said: "If I want to talk about the purpose, it may be that I simply think you are doing the right thing." As he spoke, his mind moved, and a broken soul floated into his hands.

"The Bible says: Although hatred provides the necessary spark to ignite righteous indignation, it is the wrong fuel to keep the engine of judgment running;"

"But I don't think so!" Staring at Tanaka Kikue with tears in her eyes, Hanyu Nan squeezed his palms hard, and the soul turned into aura and merged into his body.

"Blood debts must be paid with blood!"


Looking at Tanaka Kikue who slipped back through the window to the water boiler downstairs, Hanyu Nan raised his mouth slightly.

We are all smart people, and some things don't need to be said, everyone understands.

After Tanaka Kikue finished listening to what he said, she took the initiative to say that she would belong to Hanyu Kusunoki from now on.

How embarrassing, he could only agree reluctantly.

In fact, he just wanted to trick Kuroba Kaito, but he couldn't be a good person for nothing, which didn't fit his personality.

Hanyu Kusunoki had no idea about Tanaka Kikue's arrangement for the time being.

Let her return to normal life and wait for further instructions.

Hanyu Kusunoki raised the corner of his mouth and looked at the pigeons on a big tree in the distant forest, muttering to himself: "A magic family, I wonder what kind of fun it can bring to the red and black parties." Then, he used invisibility again and disappeared from the spot.

"Kuroba Kaito, it's your turn to perform, don't let me down!"


After a while, a burst of rapid cooing broke the silence. Kuroba Kaito stared at the cooing white pigeon in front of him with a gloomy face, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

I looked around and saw the people hiding under the Doi Tak tree.

Kuroba Kaito followed the pigeon's instructions and came to the backyard.

"It's Mr. Hamano Toshiya!" Kuroba Kaito's eyes were sharp, and he immediately found Hamano Toshiya lying motionless in the snow.


Almost subconsciously, Kuroba Kaito was about to rush over to check the situation when he heard a crisp sound of glass breaking from the villa behind him.

Then, Tanaka Kikue's terrified scream resounded all around.

Araki Yoshino, who heard the noise, was the first to rush to Tanaka Kikue's room, followed by Sukama Kiyohiro and Kuroda Naoko.

Hanyu Kusunoshi followed slowly with Xiaolan and Sonoko.

Everything was going according to plan.

"What happened?"

Everyone asked Tanaka Kikue in surprise, who was kneeling by the window, and the window in front of her had been shattered into countless small pieces.

"Someone wants to kill me!" Tanaka Kikue raised her hand tremblingly and pointed to the window, her voice full of fear, "Someone just attacked me outside the window!"

"Wow!" Sonoko was shocked by this, her body trembled, and she hugged Hanyu Kusunoki tightly beside her.

Xiaolan also stuck to Hanyu Kusunoki.

This kind of weird-sounding thing has always been her biggest fear.

However, when she thought of what Hanyu Kusunoki had just said to her, Xiaolan silently clenched the phone in her pocket.

"Someone? How is it possible?" The owner of the villa, Arayoshi, stared at a crossbow on the wall behind him in surprise.

Then, he quickly ran to the window and looked out.

He really couldn't figure it out. His villa was the only one nearby. How could someone else suddenly appear?

It would have been better if he didn't look, but this look scared Arayoshi.

He was surprised to find that there was a person lying in the middle of his backyard! "There really is someone!" Arayoshi shouted subconsciously, with a hint of fear in his voice.

Hearing his shout, the people behind him rushed forward to see what happened.

With the help of the lights in the villa, everyone quickly recognized that the person lying on the snow was Hamano Toshiya.

Without any hesitation, everyone immediately ran downstairs.

As soon as they stepped out of the villa gate, they saw Kuroba Kaito standing at the door with a gloomy face.

"Mr. Doita, why are you here? Is Mr. Hamano okay?" Araki looked at Kuroba Kaito with some doubts.

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