The dead tree was covered in dust, and the dead tree was covered in dust.

Suddenly, Chen Jun heard the system prompt sound, and his spirits were lifted. His mind flashed with the disabled squad leader, An Ran who got the certificate with him, and the words Lei Zhan said to him...

"I haven't killed the scorpion yet, how could I fall here!"

Chen Jun gritted his teeth and stretched out his hands to climb up inch by inch. Every time he grabbed a protruding stone with his hands, a bloody handprint immediately appeared.

As Chen Jun climbed up, his clothes were scratched by the sharp stones bit by bit, and then his flesh was cut.

The wound was not deep, but every time he moved up, it was like countless knives cutting his chest.

Blood continued to flow out, staining his uniform red, and then leaving bright red bloodstains on the rock wall where his body passed, all the way up...

If a person does not have a strong willpower, he cannot climb up at all.

Of course, facing such a dangerous cliff, willpower and strong physique alone are not enough. If Chen Jun did not have [Hacker Space], he could have 5.1 seconds to judge whether the landing point was dangerous in advance, otherwise An Ran would have become a widow long ago.

Chen Jun climbed a little slowly, but very steadily, and did not allow any mistakes in the middle.

In this way, Chen Jun continued to climb up...

Time passed bit by bit, and Chen Jun's bloody hands finally grabbed the edge of the top of the mountain, turned over and climbed up.


Chen Jun took a deep breath, and his originally tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

This is a contest between physical strength, will and nature!

Chen Jun climbed to the other end of the mountain and looked down.

Below the darkness, it was like a black beast with its bloody mouth opened wide.

However, the next thing was much easier for Chen Jun.

He could use the [Hacker Space] to find a foothold in advance and crawl down easily.


Chen Jun seemed to have a pair of invisible wings, which made him fall quickly every time, and his speed was obviously much faster than when he climbed up.

When Chen Jun was about to approach the ground, the [Hacker Space] suddenly fed back a dangerous information source.

There was a sniper hidden about 12 meters away from the ground on the rock wall!

Chen Jun immediately looked in the direction of the danger source and saw a cave there.

He immediately adjusted his posture and approached the cave quietly.

When Chen Jun approached the cave entrance, he suddenly kicked his feet, exerted force on his waist, and his body was like a monkey. He jumped up and rolled directly into the cave entrance.

At this moment, the sniper leaning against the cave wall was resting with a sniper rifle.

At the beginning of the exercise, the Red Army should not be able to infiltrate so quickly. In addition, there were checkpoints along the way, and there were drones in the sky for reconnaissance. It was even more impossible for the other party to arrive here so quickly, so the sniper had no chance to shoot until now.

Suddenly, the sniper's pupils widened suddenly, and he saw a black shadow rolling in like lightning.


A cold light flashed, and a dagger appeared on his neck. The next moment, a cold voice came: "You are dead, remember the principle of corpses!"

The sniper reacted and cursed in a low voice: "Damn... I thought it was a ghost, how did you get in?"

This question was very artistic.

The sniper used props and spent nearly an hour to climb up, but the guy in front of him seemed to rush in from the top of his head.

What the hell is going on?

The next moment, the sniper used the moonlight, and when he saw the other party clearly, his body couldn't help but tremble.

Is this sure it's not a ghost?

The opponent's clothes were all stained with blood, his hands were bloody, his mouth was also bloody, and the whole person was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"Fuck, brother, you don't have to fight so hard, it will kill people!" The sniper couldn't help but exclaimed.

From the opponent's situation, how could the sniper not guess how the opponent got up?

This is playing with his life!

He climbed up, using all kinds of the most advanced climbing tools, and taking all kinds of protective measures. It took so much effort to climb up the cliff of more than ten meters, while the opponent was obviously barehanded, climbing from the other end of the cliff.

It's deadly!

Because the sniper climbed it, he knew the horror of this cliff.

It is definitely a challenge to the limits of human beings!

He really didn't expect that someone could climb over here barehanded. This is a cliff that even monkeys have climbed.

Chen Jun said indifferently: "If you don't want to see your brother die on the battlefield, you have to fight now."

The sniper was stunned for a moment and stared at Chen Jun

After a while, he nodded and said, "Indeed, you have a high level of ideological awareness. Who are you? I am Wang Hu of the Black Tiger Commando, a sniper. Let me die with a clear mind."

But the next moment, he saw Chen Jun jump out directly!


Wang Hu rushed to the edge of the cave entrance and saw a monkey-like figure jumping back and forth on the rock wall and quickly going down.

His eyes were wide open.


Wang Hu was stunned. This guy was destined to die in an unclear way.

"Who is this kid? How did he climb up with his bare hands? He must have lost a layer of skin if he didn't die. Is he a monkey? He dared to jump down like this... Crazy!"

Wang Hu was not angry, but stunned, then shocked, and finally completely admired!

Because he saw that figure landed on the ground very easily.

"What the hell, how can there be such a master in the regular army." Wang Hu shook his head vigorously, "I was careless, and I fell into a big trap this time. I hope my brothers will be more alert, otherwise it will be a great embarrassment."

At this moment, after Chen Jun landed on the ground, he quickly hid behind a stone and immediately communicated: "I have crawled over, attack immediately when you hear the gunshot!"

On the other end of the communication, Gong Jian heard Chen Jun's voice, and his body trembled suddenly for no reason, and hurriedly replied: "Yes!"

After hanging up the communication, Gong Jian wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his heart, which had been hanging for a long time, finally landed.

He was really worried that An Ran would become a pretty widow, how many people would be worried about it?

Fortunately, fortunately, Chen Jun is fine!

Squad leader Lao Hei was excited and said, "As expected of someone who can make me keep the bullets, Chen Lian is awesome. There is nothing he can't do, whether it's chasing girls or fighting, this is what a real man does."

Gong Jian waved his hand and said a little annoyed, "Okay, Duck Egg Man, give the order!"


Lao Hei quickly turned to the soldiers behind him and said, "Everyone be alert and prepare for war!"

Suddenly, everyone who had been holding back their breath began to lurk towards the checkpoint.

On the other side, Chen Jun used [Hacker Stealth] to get close to the command center without anyone noticing.

After all, this was on the back of the cliff, and no one thought that someone would be able to turn over, and the opponent's defense focus was on the front.

This allowed Chen Jun to take advantage of the loophole. Of course, [Hacker Stealth] made him like a ghost in the dark, and it was also very difficult for others to find him.

Chen Jun took out a dagger and carefully cut open the tent.

The principle of hackers is to sneak without a trace!

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