At this time, the lights in the tent were bright.

Lei Keming was typing seriously on the computer screen, and standing in front of him were the chief of staff, the political commissar and other officers, all waiting in confusion.

They had been standing for half an hour, but Lei Keming was only busy typing and had no intention of paying attention to them.

Everyone looked at each other, wanting to speak, but not daring to say anything.

They all knew Lei Keming's temper very well. Don't look at him wearing a pair of glasses and looking gentle and harmless.

But when you see him get angry, you will understand what it feels like to want to die.

In their words, Lei Keming's cruelty is in his bones, not on his face.

The fiercest tiger refers to Lei Keming!

When he is doing something, he hates being disturbed the most. Even if the sky falls, he has to wait until he finishes his work.

Previously, a newly transferred officer did not understand this rule. As a result, he packed up and left the next day.

Finally, the staff officer could not help it and said, "Captain, are you still writing a novel? How long will it take to finish it? The Langya side has been bombarded by shells. Why are we just waiting like this and doing nothing?"

During this period, many people have asked Lei Keming more than once, what do you do in front of the computer all day?

His answer is to write novels.

This... answer, awesome!

A captain no longer trains with a name, and changes his job to write novels. Is he preparing to develop into a great online novelist?

Can you make money by writing novels? It is said that delivering food is more profitable.

Lei Keming's fingers are still tapping on the keyboard quickly, and his hand speed is fast!

Without even raising his head, he said, "I need to hand this in. 200,000 words in a month. Will you write it?"

Everyone was silent immediately.

200,000 words a month is worse than their lives.

Who has money and still writes novels? It is said that they can only survive by relying on readers' rewards.

No wonder Lei Keming sits in front of the computer and keeps typing on the keyboard when he has nothing to do. Even if he is practicing now, he never forgets this matter.

200,000 words, my scalp numbs just thinking about it.

If they had this ability, they would have become gods long ago.

Lei Keming continued, "I'm just wondering, what on earth is that Chen Jun capable of, that made the Military Affairs Department come to discipline me, a literary soldier? You just stay here, don't worry, let Lei Zhan pay for the fight, the last fish that slipped through the net will definitely rush here, and when they come, we'll close the net, this is called waiting for the rabbit."

"By the way, I sent a song from the radio station to Langya's Wolf Head, called "Moscow Night." "

Lei Keming said slowly, his fingers still tapping the keyboard.

His tone is really awesome!

However, Lei Keming is qualified. He was born as a literary soldier, and was looked down upon by He Zhijun at the beginning. At the beginning, he applied to join the army as a combatant several times, but was rejected by He Zhijun.

What can a literary soldier do on the battlefield? Play the violin to the enemy?

But it was such a literary soldier who was looked down upon by He Zhijun, who gradually grew up to be a person who could compete with He Zhijun.

Lei Keming and He Zhijun are old friends, but they are also competitors. They belong to different military regions, and it is common for them to compete with each other in the competition field.

But recently, a man named Chen Jun suddenly appeared, which broke the balance a little.

He Zhijun personally called Lei Keming and talked about this kid, saying that his growth trajectory is very similar to his own, but crazier than his own.

Lei Keming was born as a poor art soldier, while he is the son of the richest man in Donghai City!

He has a higher ideological awareness than the art soldier, and has greater potential than him. He has already made a name for himself as a ghost in Area 1. Although Lei Keming also became famous in one battle, he did not leave a name.

Lei Keming suddenly cursed: "What a bullshit son of the richest man, it's just over-promotion. A soldier asked me to write a 200,000-word novel. What do those guys in the Military Affairs Department have to do after eating? If you have the ability, come down and train with me for a few days, you can only talk nonsense every day. With high ideological awareness, can you win the battle?"


Thinking of this, Lei Keming was angry and felt that a disaster had come from the sky.

200,000 words, is this an ideological report, or a novel?

Lei Keming has been a soldier for so many years, and he has never seen such a ridiculous thing.

And the source of this is Chen Jun, a soldier. After tossing around Langya, he came to trouble them Black Tiger!

This made Lei Keming's entire month

The plan was disrupted.

So in this exercise, Lei Keming wanted to see what Chen Jun was like, what he could praise so much and what the military affairs department could invest so much money in.

It was at this time, bang bang bang... continuous gunshots rang out, and the staff officers and other officers beside Lei Keming were smoking one by one.

Lei Keming stood up suddenly and shouted angrily: "Who is it!"

He subconsciously wanted to touch the gun, and a cold voice rang out: "It's the person you are thinking about."

Lei Keming looked at the other party and suddenly smiled, saying: "Don't be impulsive, anyway, I am your prisoner."

But his men were not slow at all, and were about to raise their guns.


Lei Keming's body trembled suddenly, and his mind was confused.


This bastard shot me in the head directly.

This guy is more insidious than me.

Since Lei Keming became famous in one battle, he rarely suffered losses. Even when facing his old rival Wolf Head, he suffered a small loss at most. But this time, the opponent rushed into his headquarters and killed him directly.

Too arrogant!

Lei Keming, such a gentle art soldier, was a little annoyed, and his whole body was trembling.

The glasses on his nose moved slightly.

"You... you can't leave, what do you think this place is!" Lei Keming said sharply.

This is his headquarters, the center of the Black Tiger Brigade, the most tightly defended place. The sound of gunfire immediately alarmed everyone around.

The opponent couldn't fly away!

But just after he finished speaking, he saw Chen Jun throwing two black things in his hand toward the door.

Boom boom.

There were two explosions, and the soldiers rushing outside immediately squeaked and smoke came out.

At this moment, dense gunfire came in from the entrance not far away.

Lei Keming and all the officers who died in the battle looked at Chen Jun, as if they had seen a ghost, with their eyes wide open.

They still felt confused.

What on earth was going on?

How did the other party come in so inexplicably? Are the guards outside so bad? When did the Black Tigers become so rookies?

Chen Jun smiled coldly and said, "The Wolf Fang bombed our Iron Fist Regiment for free, so I will destroy one of your headquarters. If you don't accept it, you can come to me afterwards. I am the son of the richest man you just mentioned, the captain of the 4th Company of the Iron Fist Regiment, the big-headed soldier who defeated Lei Zhan recently, Chen Jun."

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