Jiang Fan took out the suona and gently wiped its surface.

After possessing the soul suona function, Jiang Fan picked up the suona and resonated with it.

The suona in his hand seemed to have life and became an old friend who had known him for many years.

He took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone to play the accompaniment, and without hesitation, he put the suona to his mouth and began to play.

Jiang Fan was going to play "囍" from the classic suona music, which was often used in ancient times for women to get married.

But now with the popularity of horror movies, 囍 is also often used in ghost brides getting married or ghost marriage scenes in ghost movies.

It can be said that this is a song full of Chinese style, both weird and amazing.

Didi didi didi!

Jiang Fan blew the suona!

The loud voice came out of the suona and resounded throughout the venue.

With the appearance of the suona, the guitar and violin sounds of all the street singers under the overpass were directly covered.

The sound of the suona is so majestic that it cannot be compared with Western instruments.

For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted by Jiang Fan.

When the onlookers saw that Jiang Fan was singing with a suona, they instantly felt very novel and walked up to Jiang Fan to see what was going on.

When the other street singers saw that their momentum was actually covered by Jiang Fan's suona, they were furious.

"Damn, brothers, a small suona actually stole our limelight. We can't just swallow this!"

"Yes, let's have an international ensemble to beat him and let him see the power of our Western instruments!"

"Okay, we must let him know who is the boss under this overpass!"

The group of street singers discussed and planned to play a large ensemble together to kill Jiang Fan's spirit.

"Three... two... one"


At the command of the leader of the street singers, all the street singers began to play collectively.

In order to maintain the reputation of Western musical instruments, they all fought hard.

The guitarist played the guitar in his hand frantically, and sparks seemed to be flying in a trance.

The violinist rubbed the bow frantically, and the strings began to turn red due to the friction and heat.

They gambled on the dignity of Western musical instruments and were bound to compete with the suona in Jiang Fan's hand.

Jiang Fan, who was playing the suona, naturally noticed the changes in the street singers next to him, and he smiled contemptuously.

Just relying on them, they also want to challenge the suona, which is known as the instrument hooligan?

What a joke!

They don't deserve it!

Take a deep breath, and at this time Jiang Fan's accompaniment also reached a classic climax.

[She was crying with a smile]

[Guess how she was crying with a smile]


Then, with a loud shout in the opera voice.

[Bow to Heaven and Earth!!]

The peak moment of this song has arrived.

Jiang Fan sank into his dantian, exhaled, and blew the suona fiercely.


Under Jiang Fan's performance, the suona burst out with the momentum of the king of musical instruments. The deafening suona sound flew out of the suona, shocking everyone's soul.

At this time, the so-called international ensemble was like a baby in swaddling clothes facing a battle-hardened and invincible general in front of such a strong suona sound.

There is no comparison at all!

For a moment, the strings on the guitar and violin broke one after another, and the drummer's drumhead was directly broken.

Jiang Fan won!

This scene was broadcast in the live broadcast room, and immediately ignited the whole audience.




【Damn, is this the power of the king of musical instruments, the suona? Sure enough, when the suona comes out, other instruments can only stand aside! 】

【Of all kinds of musical instruments, the suona is the king. It is either ascending to heaven or worshipping in the hall. The thousand-year-old pipa, the ten-thousand-year-old zheng, and the erhu play for a lifetime. The whole play ends when the suona sounds. When you first hear it, you don’t know what the suona means. When you hear it again, you know that you are in the coffin. You don’t hear anything outside the coffin, and you only jump to the underworld. You will be high all the way to the Hades Palace, and you will never come to the world again】

【Brothers, the gap between China and the West is here. I can’t tell whether Chopin is happy or sad even if he plays all night, but when the suona blows, I know that I should give gifts! 】

【There is no one who can’t cry when playing the erhu, and there is no soul that can’t be sent away by the suona. Among all kinds of musical instruments, suona is the king. Either ascending to heaven or getting married. Pipa for a thousand years, zheng for ten thousand years, erhu for a lifetime. When I first came to the world, I was excited, and the whole play ended with the blowing of suona. 】

【Listening while lying down is my greatest respect for suona!! 】

【What's going on? The moment my grandfather heard Brother Fan playing, he knelt down on the spot and said that Brother Fan was the ancestor who came down to earth, and cried and asked Brother Fan to accept him as his apprentice. What should I do! 】


And the onlookers at the scene heard JiangAfter Jiang Fan's performance, his face was filled with shock and intoxication.

"Is this the instrument of our Dragon Country? It's so amazing. It beats those rubbish Western instruments in seconds!"

"Wow, at that moment, my soul felt like it was shaken out. Is this the power of suona? I want to learn suona!"

"Oh my God, I feel like my soul resonates with suona. I seem to see several men in red carrying a red sedan chair to pick me up!"

"Me too. What I saw was me wearing a phoenix crown and a red veil, waiting for my sweetheart to carry me down in the sedan chair. That scene was so beautiful!"


One minute later, the sound of suona stopped abruptly!

Jiang Fan finished his performance.

As the performance ended, the audience was silent, and then deafening applause sounded under the overpass.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers also increased from a dozen at the beginning to seventy or eighty people.

Some people just passed by the overpass, but they were attracted by Jiang Fan's suona and stopped unconsciously.

The whole overpass was crowded, and there was no place to stand.

"Why are you pushing so hard? Don't embarrass yourself here. Hurry up and leave space for me!"

A passerby looked at the street singers who had just finished the ensemble with dissatisfaction, and said while driving them away.

Being driven away by passersby can be said to be the biggest insult to street singers.

However, they didn't care at this time. They looked ashen and their eyes were dull.

After the battle just now, their Taoism was all defeated by the sound of Jiang Fan's suona.

They realized how small the Western musical instruments they had always been proud of were in front of the suona.

How pathetic their previous sense of superiority was...

At this time, Jiang Fan, who had finished playing, slowly exhaled, and then bowed deeply to the applauding audience.

"Great, so beautiful!"

"That's right, our Dragon Country's musical instruments are awesome, they beat all the Western instruments in seconds!"

"I want to tip, quick!!!"

"I never tip those street singers, they are just freeloaders, but today I want to make a decision that goes against my ancestors, I want to break the rules, I want to tip!!?"

At this time, the photographer took out the payment code he had prepared in advance and placed it in front of Jiang Fan.

Seeing the appearance of the payment code, the passers-by took out their mobile phones, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to pay in the next second.

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