[Ding Dong, 100 yuan has been received in Alipay! ]

[Ding Dong, 20 yuan has been received in Alipay! ]

[Ding Dong, 200 yuan has been received in Alipay! ]

The continuous receipt notification sounds kept rang, constantly stimulating the spirits of other street singers.

In the past, when they were street singing, the most they received was only 20 or 30 yuan.

Now Jiang Fan’s rewards alone are almost equivalent to their daily income.

Sure enough, people are so annoying when they compare themselves to others!

When the red-haired man opposite Jiang Fan saw this, he thought of the harsh words he had said before, knew that he was in the wrong, and took advantage of everyone’s attention on Jiang Fan to escape in disgrace.

It was not until five minutes later that the receipt notification sound gradually stopped.

Jiang Fan opened his mobile phone and looked at the income.

[You just received 60 transfers, with a total amount of 3,200 yuan! ]

Wow, he made more than 3,000 yuan from a suona song. It must be said that this speed of making money is terrifying.

This scene instantly caused a heated discussion among the crowd in the live broadcast room.




【Damn, Brother Fan made more than 3,000 yuan just by singing for two minutes? What are you doing? This is equivalent to my monthly salary! 】

【Wow, I always thought that Brother Fan could make so much money because of his luck. After seeing this, I realized that it was his ability. As expected, capable people can make money no matter what they do! 】

【It’s over. After watching Brother Fan’s live broadcast for two days, I actually feel that more than 3,000 yuan is not considered money! 】

【The above is normal. After all, Brother Fan is a big man who earns hundreds of thousands a day. However, Brother Fan made more than 3,000 yuan in two minutes this time. If converted, it means hundreds of thousands a day! 】

【Brother Fan sings another song. This suona is so powerful. After listening to it, my grandfather, who has been paralyzed for ten years, did a backflip and stood up to dance crazily! 】


At this time, the audience present were also shouting for another song, another song.

How could Jiang Fan refuse such a supportive audience?

After a short break, Jiang Fan picked up the suona and prepared to sing another song.

And at this moment, a young man in a suit and leather shoes broke out of the crowd with tears in his eyes.

"I finally found it, I finally found it!"

Then he pointed at Jiang Fan and said excitedly.

"It's you, it's you!"

This scene made the people around him confused, not knowing what was going on.

And Jiang Fan was also confused. He saw this young man for the first time and didn't know him.

Maybe because the young man was too excited, so what he said was intermittent, and he said with a trembling voice.

"I...my grandfather passed away, he...he...you, it's you"

It seemed that he remembered something sad, and the young man couldn't hold it back for a while, covering his face and crying.

Good guy, this scene appeared in the live broadcast room and exploded instantly.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Fuck, what's going on? His grandfather passed away, so why did he come to Brother Fan? And he just pointed at Brother Fan and said it was him. What does that mean? Could it be…]

[I have an immature and bold idea. Could it be that Brother Fan sent his grandfather away with a suona? Hahaha!]

[Don't tell me, it's really possible. After all, there is no one who can't cry with the erhu, and there is no soul that can't be sent away with the suona. Brother Fan is awesome. He sent a person away with a suona!]

[Brothers, spread the word. Brother Fan sent the grandfather away with the suona. His grandson came to see him. Some of them saw him!]

[Brothers upstairs, you're playing a little too much. Be careful that Brother Fan will sue you for defamation!]

When Jiang Fan heard what the young man said, he was stunned for a moment. Then he said to the man with a serious face.

"Young people can eat whatever they want, but they can't say whatever they want. I don't even know who your grandfather is, and your grandfather's death has nothing to do with me!"

At this time, Jiang Fan seriously suspected that the young man in front of him, who was dressed in a decent manner, was here to make trouble.

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, the young man who was originally crying stopped crying instantly. Seeing that Jiang Fan misunderstood him, he waved his hands and said.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood!"

"My grandfather's death has nothing to do with you. I didn't make it clear. Sorry!"

Seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Jiang Fan was relieved.

"What did you mean just now?"

"It's like this. My grandfather is a suona fan. His greatest hobby in this life is to listen to suona."

"He said that he can't live without suona in his life, and told us that if he died that day, he must find the world's top suona master to send him off for the last time!"

"As a result, yesterdayToday, the secretary told me that my grandpa died suddenly in the office! "

"Today is the day of his cremation and burial. We want to fulfill his last wish and find the world's top suona master to send him off! And you are the one I'm looking for!"

The young man explained excitedly.

Listening to the young man's words, Jiang Fan lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"Then why did you choose me? I'm just a street singer. As for the top suona master you mentioned, I have nothing to do with it!"

The young man smiled and waved his hand: "No, no, no, you are too low-key."

"I just came out of the home of Mr. Li, the 78th generation descendant of our Longguo Suona King. Mr. Li is recognized as the number one suona player today."

"When I wanted to ask him to come out and send my grandpa off, he refused, saying that he was still too far away from the realm of the number one suona player. He doesn't deserve this title at all! "

"Then he recommended you to me. He said that you are the best suona player in the world today. Your level of suona is unmatched. He also planned to become your apprentice, so I found you based on the live broadcast!"

After listening to his words, Jiang Fan sighed. He didn't expect that his suona music would become popular with Mr. Li, the best suona player in the world today.

And Mr. Li wanted to become his apprentice?

But this also indirectly proves the awesomeness of the soul suona skills.

"Mr. Jiang, I beg you, please fulfill my grandfather's last wish!"

"As long as you are willing to go, I am willing to pay no matter how much money it costs!"

The young man saw that Jiang Fan didn't speak, thinking that Jiang Fan didn't want to go, so he spoke anxiously.

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized the identity of the young man, and the crowd exclaimed from time to time.

"Oh my God, he is Mr. Chen, the head of Jinghai Qiangsheng Group, and Chen Tianlong, who ranks tenth on the Long Guofu Immortal Ranking! ! "

"If it's really him, then isn't his grandfather Chen Qiqiang, the founder of Qiangsheng Group? He was a man of his time. He used to be a fishmonger, but later he founded Qiangsheng Group and became the richest man in Jinghai. I didn't expect that he has passed away now!"

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