Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1028: Deep kiss in corridor

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

She ran over to him.

Fu Qinglun quickly opened his arms and caught her.

Lin Shizhen's delicate body suddenly fell into his arms, and the two people hugged tightly together.

"Go back to me?" Fu Qinglun buried her head in her hair and sniffed deeply.

"Well." Lin Shizhen pressed against the position of his atrium, listening to his strong heart beat.

She went back to him.

When he turned to look for her, she also looked for him.

Fu Qinglun was heartbroken and rejoicing, "Isn't it hurting?"

"It hurts, it's getting more and more painful now," Lin Shizhen closed her eyes lightly, and she smiled softly with her pale red lips. "But it hurts and I want to hold you."

She said it hurts and wanted to hold him.

Fu Qinglun's thin, thin lips affixed to her soft hair and kissed her hard, and kissed her again and again, narrowing her eyebrows. He laughed mutely, "My wife is a fool.

No one is more stupid than her.

Love obviously.

This result will only become more and more painful.

He hugged her and made a few laps in the same place, and her skirt made beautiful ripples in the air.

Lin Shihuan clenched his neck tightly with his two small hands, in fact, he couldn't bear it.

Can't bear to have a little lemon, nor can he.

--- Wow, you guys, look, people are so happy.

--- Unexpected wave of dog food made me cry.

Passersby looked enviously at Fu Qinglun and Lin Shizhen, watching them hug tightly on the street at midnight.

Really want time to stop here.


Happiness is short-lived, and reality is cruel. After hugging, they still have to separate, and they still have to face the upcoming surrogacy.

Fu Qinglun sent Lin Shiyu to an apartment on Zhongshan Road. Here he was walking by the hospital for a few minutes. At the request of Shishi Lin, it was very convenient to take care of the little lemons.

Downstairs in the apartment, Lin Shizhen looked at Fu Qinglun, "I'm going back."

"I'll send you upstairs."

"no need…"

Fu Qinglun held her cold little hand, "Let's go, I'll take you up, and come down later."

He led her into the apartment building and took the elevator to the 8th floor.

In front of the apartment, Lin Shizhen held the key in her hand, and she looked at Fu Qinglun again, "I'm here, you can go."

Fu Qinglun opened his long legs and stepped forward. He stood upright like a jade body against the wall and stretched out his slender fingers and pointed at his handsome cheek. "Give me a goodbye-kiss."

He asked her for kiss.

This is the first time the two have separated before they get married.

Lin Shizhen glanced at him, then tiptoed, Yan Hong's little mouth caught on his handsome cheek.

After kissing her, she stepped back, "Okay ... hey!"

Fu Qinglun bowed her head and kissed her red lips.

Lin Shizhen's Qingli's Tongren shrank suddenly, and her two small hands reached his master's chest, trying to push him away.

With a "snap", Fu Qinglun propped a palm against the wall on the side of her brain, making it easier to kiss in a restrained posture.

He smiled lowly. "Come without indecent ass."

Lin Shiquan's heart was soft, and her sweet red lips drew a sweet arc, and her ten white fingers curled up, holding his shirt tightly.

She opened her mouth and took a bite at the corner of his lips.

Fu Qinglun pried open her teeth and caught the tip of her little tongue.

Lin Shiquan trembled Yu Yujie, actively and jerkingly pushed his little tongue into his mouth.

All the bubbles were in the corridor.

"Last ranking, shall we communicate in depth?"

The lips of the two separated, and his kiss rolled from her little face to her little white earlobe.

Lin Shiquan's earlobe is very sensitive, and the man's hot, moist, low-pitched voice sprays out. She hides with a red face, "how to communicate deeply?"

Fu Qinglun couldn't help showing pity for this little white earlobe. He kissed him and licked his tongue.

Lin Shizhen's legs softened and slipped down.

Fu Qinglun's two big palms clasped her thin waist in time and fastened her to the wall. He pushed her upright body like a jade and pressed her against the wall imperviously. "Poetry, let's do it."

In such an ambiguous posture, across the fabric, she had felt his blood surge.

Lin Shizhen lowered his head, did not agree, but did not refuse.

Fu Qinglun took a sip of her red lips and went to get the apartment key in her palm.

Lin Shiyan dragged the key and refused to let him take it.

"Wife Shishi." He pressed her, calling her almost coquettishly.

Lin Shizhen closed his eyes quickly, this man ... really terrible.

The characteristics of the small milk dog, loyal to his girlfriend, sticky people, love coquettish.

He's really the same.

Now the two people's faces are sticking together, and the fine fringe covers his eyelids. His skin is white, handsome, and aristocratic. He makes women want to bully.

Fu Qinglun held her little fist, and her slender five fingers pushed forward slowly and forcefully, interlocking with her fingers.

Her palms opened, and the key fell into his palm.

Passion is out of hand.

However, a melodious ringtone rang and he called.

Lin Shiquan moved uneasily, like a passion show being peeped.

"Don't move." Fu Qinglun clasped her strongly and pressed her against the wall. The other big palm took out her mobile phone from her pants pocket and pressed the button to answer.

"Asson," Si Kong's voice came over. "I've done it, I've found both high quality eggs and surrogates."

Because Lin Shizhen was imprisoned in his arms, Si Kong's voice she heard clearly.

Sikong's efficiency is not generally high.

Fu Qinglun pursed her thin lips.

At this time Lin Shizhen pushed him away, and the key in his palm was taken away again. Lin Shizhen opened the apartment door and went in.

He wanted to go in too, but with a bang, the apartment door closed in front of him.

She locked him out.

"Asen, are you listening?"

Fu Qinglun pressed the button and hung up the phone directly.

Putting the phone in his trouser pocket, he raised his hand and rang the doorbell.

No one opened the door.

He continued to press.

She still doesn't open the door.

Fu Qinglun stood tall outside the door with his long legs, and lowered his eyelids.

One door, two worlds.


In the hospital.

Lin Shizhen went to the office to find Si Kong, and before she entered, she heard Si Kong's voice outside the door, "Assen, this high quality egg-child was extracted from my database. Rest assured, the owner of this egg I do n’t know if she has a child with you. Would you like to see this surrogate mother? ”

A few seconds later, there was a low-alcohol voice from Fu Qinglun who was so indifferent that he had no emotions, "No need."

Lin Shizhen turned and wanted to go back.

At this time, she saw a delicate and beautiful figure on the bench in the corridor, which should be the surrogate mother Sikong was looking for.

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