Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Sorry i'm just too jealous

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

This surrogate mother looks like she is in her twenties, almost like Gu Mohan looking for, all female college students from poor families.

The surrogate mothers that the rich find are all of this type, young and beautiful, but compared to the one Gu Guhan is looking for, this surrogate mother is very naive and simple, and looks timid.

Is this the girl who gave birth to Fu Qinglun?

What about the owner of that egg?

High-quality eggs must be a part of the social elite who are noble, highly educated, knowledgeable, experienced, and beautiful.

Only this kind of high quality egg is matched with Fu Qinglun.

Lin Shiquan had a small face with a big slap.

Then a low-alcoholic voice sounded in his ears, "Poetry."

Lin Shizhen looked back and Fu Qinglun came.

Fu Qinglun came over, held out her fair hand and held her little hand. He frowned, and asked nervously, "Why is the hand so cold?"

Lin Shizhen looked at the surrogate mother, the surrogate mother raised her head, and those simple and timid eyes were stuck on Fu Qinglun's body, and her eyes were bright.

Today, Fu Qinglun wore a dark blue sweater, black trousers underneath, and his facial features were as handsome as the artist's sketches. The master of Shaobao in Gutenberg and the blood of the nobleman was mixed with a clean and warm charm Breath, a man like Fu Qinglun is really particularly attractive to girls who are just in love.

Fu Qinglun is the first love of all girls.

When did this surrogate mother have the opportunity to contact a man with status and power like Fu Qinglun? Now she took a look, and the eyes of the surrogate mother immediately crashed.

Fu Qinglun didn't notice the surrogacy at all, and in his heart were all Lin Shizhen's pale face, "Poetry."

Lin Shizhen held up his forehead, "I'm dizzy."

"I'll take you to rest." Fu Qinglun hugged Lin Shiquan horizontally.


In the lounge, Lin Shizhen closed his eyes. She was really dizzy. She fell asleep stupidly and had a long, long dream.

She dreamed of the surrogate mother.

The surrogate mother's belly was so big that she fell intentionally, and then said with grievances, "Master Shaobao, my stomach hurts a lot, hurry me to the hospital."

An upright figure came over, and Fu Qinglun came.

Fu Qinglun picked up the surrogate mother.

The surrogate mother showed a sweet smile in Fu Qinglun's arms.

The screen turned around again, and a very cute and loving boy ran over, "Daddy, I want to see my mummy, will you take me to my mummy?"

The little boy dragged Fu Qinglun over, and then came forward a tall and beautiful figure, work clothes, white shirt and hip skirt. Although she could not see her face, she was touching.

"Great, Daddy and Mommy can finally be together."

The little boy was cheering.

Lin Shiyi opened her eyes suddenly, she seemed to wake up from some nightmare, and the whole person sat up from the bed.

Where is she now?

She stared blankly around her eyes, all white, lonely and cold.

The sweat beads on her forehead flowed down the beautiful little face, and her hands and feet were cold and her body was trembling.

Her two thin legs curled up, she stretched out her arms and hugged herself, burying her little white face without the slightest bloodshot, she curled up into a ball.

My heart hurts.

She can't stand the pain.

Can't stand it.

At this moment a gentle call sounded in the ear, "Poem ... Poem ..."

This sound ...

Lin Shizhen stagnated, then raised her eyes slowly, she looked at the window in the room.

At this moment, a familiar figure stood by the window, it was ... Mom.

Mom looked at her softly, and slowly opened her arms. "Shi Shi, my child, come here, come to mom, mom hug."


Lin Shizhen's pale red lips showed painful and nostalgic whispers, she slowly got out of bed, bare white snow, and came to the window.

She reached out her hand and pushed open the window.

The cold wind outside came in instantly, and it fell on her little face like a knife, here is the eighteenth floor.

However, she could not feel the cold and danger in the slightest. Those hollow eyes were looking at a certain distance, and she gently pulled the corners of her lips.

She moved a small stool and stepped on it to the window.

"Shi Shi." At this moment, the door of the lounge was opened, and an upright body like a jade came in, and Fu Qinglun came.

At a glance, Fu Qinglun caught the delicate and pretty figure. At the moment, she was sitting on the window.

Today she wore a long white dress, and the cold wind outside poured in mercilessly, flicking the long hair on her cheek.

Her white dress was squeaked and the whole person fluttered.

Fu Qinglun Qinghan's pupils suddenly contracted, enlarged, and the heartbeat stopped at this moment. He forgot to breathe.


He snarled, and pulled his long legs and ran over.

Lin Shizhen closed her eyes, and she opened her arms, facing the cold wind, and she felt relieved, finally relieved.

She jumped down.

The next second, a violent attack came from behind, and the two strong arms suddenly hugged her slender waist and pulled her back.

At the moment of the moment, Fu Qinglun hugged her.


Just a little bit.

Fu Qinglun held her on the rug. Two big palms clasped her lustrous shoulders and forced her to turn around. He clasped her, and his scarlet eyes shook like a runaway beast. "Lin Shi Alas, you **** crazy, here is the 18th floor, you dare to jump? "

With a roaring voice and a dizzying shake, Lin Shi trembled and trembled, and the dull and empty eyes slowly returned to focus. She saw it clearly and saw the handsome face in front of her.

"I ... what did I do?" She asked tremblingly, she had no idea what she had just done.

It was like a big palm clenching Fu Qinglun's heart, and then rubbing it hard, he rubbed painlessly.

He stared at her desperately, panting up and down his master's chest, all over his head, almost a little bit.

Lin Shizhen never saw him get angry and lose his temper. Now he bites his cheeks. The huge gloomy anger makes his handsome features look terrible. He has two small storms in his eyes, and he is about to kill her. Suck it up.

She was at a loss, ignorant, but thought she was wrong.

She slowly stretched out her cold little hand and touched his handsome face. She apologized like a child who did something wrong. "I'm sorry, I'm just ... just too jealous, and I'm jealous ... crazy."

She said she was jealous.

She was jealous of the mistress of the egg, and she was jealous of the surrogate mother.

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