Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1233: Rebirth (1)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Lingxue ran over, holding Mu Mou in her arms.

Mu Mou's body is warm and soft. As before, every night she will sleep with her little soft Mu Mo and sing a song to Mu Mou.

It's really Mu Mou.

It's her Moumou.

Hot tears flowed down again, Feng Lingxue kissed Mou Mo's soft hair, "Mou Mo, Mo Mo ... Mommy misses you so much ... I'm going crazy ..."

How long?

Almost a year.

It's really been a year.

She has been separated from Mu Mou for a year.

She thought she would never see Momou again.

Mu Mo stretched out his small hand and hugged Feng Lingxue, "Mom, Mu Mo misses you too ... Mu Mo misses Mummy ..."

"Mummy cried again, Mummy don't cry ... Moumou is so distressed, Moumu whispers to Mommy ..."

Mumu held Feng Lingxue's face with her little hand, and raised her toes gently.

Feng Lingxue cried and laughed, "Mou Mu, Mommy will protect you in the future, and no one will separate us!"

At this time Xuan Mu came over, he clasped Feng Lingxue's slim arms, and pulled her up, "Ling Xue, I will raise Mu Mu for you so big, and it ’s delicious for her, Should you thank me well? "

Speaking of Xuan Mu, he touched a small face of Feng Lingxue.

"Get away, don't touch me!" Feng Lingxue pushed Xuan Mu away.

"Bad Shushu, don't bully my mommy!" Mu Mou quickly guarded Feng Lingxue in front of her.

Xuan Mu looked at Mu Mou, Mou Mou completely inherited the stunning beauty of Feng Lingxue, only three years old is a little beauty embryo.

She was very brave and saw that Mummy was bullied and quickly protected Mummy behind her.

Mu Mou has a pair of clear-colored glazed eyes, crystal clear, these eyes are like a person.

Xuan Mu's complexion immediately became stubborn, this Ono!

He winked at one of his men, who quickly stepped forward and pulled Mu Mou away.

"Don't touch Momo, let go of my Momo!"

Feng Lingxue wanted to hug Moumou, but Xuan Mu grabbed her and held her in her arms. "Ling Xue, Xuan Ying is dead now, and no one is protecting you. In the future, you have to serve me well. Your mother and daughter will have a good life! "

Xuan Ying ...

Listening to this name, Feng Lingxue felt a sudden pain in her heart, and tears blurred her eyes again.

"Let's go and have fun with me now!"

Xuan Mu pushed Feng Lingxue into the room with a half push and half hug.

"Let go of my mummy, don't bully my mummy!"

Mu Mou shouted, trying to protect Mommy, but this hand pulled her down, she was only three years old, and could not bear the strength of an adult.

She quickly opened her mouth and bit her on the face of the man under her.

"Ah!" His screamed, "Ono, look for a fight, right?"

His men raised their hands and fanned Mumu's face.

Mu Mou wasn't stupid anymore. She took a flexible step and protected her face with two little hands.

However, the pain in imagination did not come.

Mumu let go of his little hand and looked up.

A stern palm has been approached, and one has clasped his wrist.

With a click, his wrist was broken.


The men screamed and fell on the carpet.

The tall, erect body at the back was revealed.

"Wow." Mu Mu stared at the dark-colored glazed eyes, staring admiringly at the tall Shushu in front of him, and Shushu was simply stunned.

Xuan Ying is here.

Xuan Ying wasn't dead. He just held Feng Lingxue's hand just now.

But now he was covered in blood, his face was pale, and his condition was very bad.

Xuan Ying looked down at his little eyelids with ink-colored eyelids. Mou Mou looked like a doll, and it was Feng Lingxue's daughter.

The softness in his heart was incredible. For some reason, he liked the little girl at a glance.

He raised his **** palm, trying to touch Momu's small face.

However, he stopped again.

He is not qualified to touch her daughter.

He suddenly remembered that he didn't wear a silver mask on his face, and the mask broke, revealing his shy right face.

He must be ugly now.

Will scare this little girl.

He retracted his hand stingily and tickled his lips with a mockery.

"Shu Xi," a young voice sounded in his ears, Mou Mo rushed over and hugged his strong calf, "Shu Xi, you are so cool, just as cool as my dad!"

Mu Mu has no daddy, but the daddy she imagines is as tall, brave, and descends from the sky as this Shushu.

Xuan Ying froze. He looked at the little girl holding his thigh inconceivably. "Aren't you ... afraid of me? I'm ... ugly."

Mu Mu crooked his head, "Shu Xi, what's wrong with your right face, are you sick?"

As she said, she stretched out a small hand and blocked Xuanying's right face. "Hee, Shu Shu is so handsome, just as handsome as my dad!"

Xuan Ying quickly evoked pale thin lips. This is really a good boy. One year's imprisonment did not make her timid and weak, but she became more cheerful and brave in adversity.

Like grass growing against the wind, extremely tenacious.

Xuan Ying lowered her tall body and hugged Mu Mou.

"Master ..." A Zhou said quickly, the master's current physical condition is not suitable for holding children.

Xuan Ying ignored it. He held Mu Mou high and held it in his arms.

Turning over, he looked forward. In the cloister ahead, Xuan Mu was still holding Feng Lingxue to get into the room.

He lifted his thin lips and said, "Xuan Mu."

Xuan Mu in front of me was deadlocked.

What did he hear?

Why does it sound like ...


What a hell!

Isn't Xuanying dead?

Xuan Mu slowly turned his head. The next second, he froze on the spot.

Ahead, Xuan Ying stood tall and tall. He was bloody, his handsome silhouette was cold and white, and he easily held Xiao Moumou with one arm.

Behind him is A Zhou, and then the army in black uniform. Everyone has a gun in his waist bar and waits.

Xuan Ying is the master of this army.

"My God." Xuan Mu was stunned.

Feng Lingxue also saw that the tall figure who was bathed in blood kept shrinking and enlarging in her pupils. He ... he didn't die.

He is not dead.

Feng Lingxue bit her lower lip with fine white teeth, and choked and cried with a smile.

"You're not dead?" Xuan Mu was shocked.

Xuan Ying stretched his palm and drew a gun quietly. He pointed the black hole at Xuan Mu's head, and then smiled lowly, "Your father and son are not dead, how dare I die?"

Xuan Mu froze, and he suddenly thought that Xuan Ying was the only one to count.

No, it's not.

Maybe Xuanying is betting.

Bet on your life.

The luxury car exploded, and the knife darted into the atrium. There was a slight deviation in the middle, and he would not stand here again.

In fact, there are many ways to save Mu Mou, but he did his best to gamble on his own life, so that Mu Mou returned safely without any harm.

"Shadow ... shadow brother, don't kill me, I ... I'll tell you a secret, in fact Moumu is yours ..."

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