Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1234: Rebirth (2)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xuan Mu wanted to tell the secret.

Because he felt his death had come.

Mysterious Shadow is the Terminator now, and he has come to break it all by himself.

Just now, all the relationship between father and son, brotherhood, was broken.

Actually, he hid a secret.

This secret is about Mu Mou and Xuan Ying.

He figured it out, Xuan Ying loved Feng Lingxue and always loved it. He twisted his looks in this love, but never departed.

Love is innocent.

"Shadow brother, in fact ... Mu Mo is yours ..."

Xuan Ying looked at Mu Mou in his arms, "Are you afraid? Hide in my arms."

Mu Mou looked at Xuan Ying brightly, and said four words in a soft voice, "Don't hide, not afraid."

Xuan Ying hooked his lips, Ling Ling is not so tough and brave, I do not know who Mu Mou looks like?

Like her daddy?

To be able to give birth to such a good child, her daddy must not be bad.

Xuan Ying slammed the trigger, "bang", the bullet shot through, and Xuan Mu fell to the ground.

Xuan Mu is dead, but he doesn't stare.

He didn't know how he could die like this?

He was still struggling, muttering to himself, "Mou Mu ... is ... your ... daughter ..."

Xuan Mu was out of breath.

At this time, A Zhou pressed Lord Nan over, kicked him on the knee, "Kneel down!"

With a "thump", King Nan Nam knelt down, and he begged for mercy. "Shadow ... Shadow, don't kill me, I'm your biological father, you can't do anything bad!"

Xuan Ying looked at Lord Nan with her eyelids down. "Rest assured, I won't kill you, nor will I kill Princess Nan."

"Really?" Lord Nan was overjoyed.

"It ’s so cheap to kill you like this. I will order you to torture you every day. My mother ’s pain, my pain, Ling Ling and Mu Mo ’s pain, I will pay you back twice as much. . "

Lord Nan was shocked, his face was ashamed, and it was all over.

A Zhou dragged Lord Nan.

Everyone solved it, Xuan Ying raised his eyes gently and looked at Feng Lingxue ahead.

Feng Lingxue's clean black and white pupil Ren also fell on his handsome face. After a few seconds, her eyes became dark and passed out.

Mommy ~


Feng Lingxue heard that someone was calling her, and the tender and sweet milk sounds fell on her ears.

Yujie, a small fan, trembled, Feng Lingxue slowly opened her eyes.

It's early morning, and the gorgeous morning light is plated in through layers of veil, the warmth and beauty of a room.

"Mummy ~"

Feng Lingxue glanced sideways and saw the small face of Mu Mou Fan carved and carved, she was lying in her arms.

The mother and daughter slept on a large soft bed, wearing white night dresses of the same color, like two angels.

"Mummy, are you awake? Mummy has been sleeping for a long time."

Feng Lingxue blinked, and then it was determined that all this was true, not a dream.

She lifted her red lips and held Mu Mou in her arms. "Mou Mou, Mummy seems to have slept for a long time and had a long, long dream."

"What dream did Mommy have?"

"Well, I can't remember ... Mu Mu, I'm hungry, my mommy will make you a good breakfast."


The mother and daughter got out of bed together and went to the bathroom to brush their teeth. On the washstand, there were a large, a small, two pink cups, two pink towels, and two pink furry slippers.

This is an apartment, more than 100 square meters in size. It is not located in the most prosperous and noisy area of ​​Country A, but it is the most elegant and IKEA area of ​​Country A. The interior decoration is pink, tender yellow, water blue ... The warm colors are full of warmth and spring.

The owner of the apartment was Feng Lingxue. Feng Lingxue also pulled out a card. She checked it, and there was 200,000 yuan in the card.

Everything is just fine.

Feng Lingxue looked at herself in the mirror, with a flower-like jade face, no words on her face, nothing, crystal clear, white and delicate muscles like water tofu, white with powder, and full of collagen.

Feng Lingxue sat cross-legged on the wool rug in the living room. Her long hair tied a ponytail low, wrapped around her delicate pink neck. She held her knees with one small hand and slowly extended the other. The bright morning light refracted through the floor-to-ceiling windows and shuttled at her fingertips.

This day is like dreaming.

So happy.

She didn't know how long she had slept. When she woke up, she didn't remember many things, just remembered that she had a little baby Momou.

At this moment a melodious ringtone rang and she called.


Feng Lingxue pressed the button, "Hey."

"Classmate Xia, congratulations, you have been admitted to the A University. Check in at 9 this morning. Don't be late."

University A is a first-class university in Country A. It has gathered all the elites, regardless of race or nobility, and has always been known as a paradise for students.


Feng Lingxue took a breath of air, but she was accepted by A University?


She jumped happily. "Thank you, I will definitely be on time."

"it is good."

The other side hung up.

Feng Lingxue went around in a happy place. She could go to school, but wait a minute, Xia Ye?

Is this her name?

Phoenix flower blooming in summer.

Listen well.

Xia Ye.

She will be Xia Yan from now on.

"Mummy ~" Mou Mo rushed over and hugged Xia Yi's slender calf.

Xia Yan looked down at Mu Mou. Mu Mou wore a white down jacket, and a pair of dark-colored glazed eyes inlaid on the face of pink and jade carving. .

I'm so happy.

Like living in a dream.

At this moment, the aroma of millet porridge came to the kitchen, and Xia Yi bent over and picked up Mu Mo, "Mou Mo, let's go to breakfast together."


"Mou Mou, Mommy is going to school in a moment. We still have some savings in Carry. Mommy will find a good kindergarten for you. Mommy will work part-time and earn money while studying. Our home will be better and better in the future. Da. "

Mou Mou held Xia Ye's neck, kissed him up, "Mummy is the best."

Xia Xie also kissed Mu Mo in the past, "Mou Mo is also the best."

The apartment was filled with laughter from mother and daughter.


Xia Ling went out of the community, got on a bus, and went straight to A.

Her neighborhood is very close to A, and one stop will arrive.

After dropping a coin, she found a window seat and sat down, and the bus started to move.

Passing by the bustling area of ​​the city center, there was a riot outside.

Feng Lingxue looked sideways to the window. The armed police with three guns inside and outside were maintaining order, and cordon lines were drawn around them. Those media and onlookers were rushing outside, fighting fiercely.

--- Which big man is being greeted by such a big pomp?

--- Yeah, you don't know. The King of Silver Face officially took over the title of Lord Nan, and today is his grand ceremony.

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