Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: You are not our daughter

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Ping Ping moved a chair, and Jun Xiqing sat up.

A dim yellow light bathed in the room, Jun Xiqing's face was as delicate as a jade, and the clearness was clear.

Looking at such a queen-like Jun Xiqing, Jun Xiyan's eyes filled with jealousy, she tightened her fist. "Qing Qing, do you have any evidence, how can you conclude that I am that mysterious woman?"

Jun Xiqing's smart and intelligent eyes fell on Jun Xiyan's face, and she slightly red lips, "Sister, said that human feelings are like drinking water, knowing cold and warm, in the past three years, the sisters between us have been weak. It's gone, I know better than anyone else, you really don't want me to be with Lu Yeming, because you don't want me to be better and stronger. "

"Three years ago, you called Sister Moer and designed a car accident. The car accident killed three birds with one stone, broke the fate between me and Lu Yeming, and let Lu Yeming marry Dongfang Ruoli. Third, you have removed your former love rivals. After all, you devoted yourself to Gu Mohan, but Gu Mohan loved Sister Moer deeply.

"Three years later, Lu Yeming and I are showing signs of being together. You can't bear it quickly and call me again. Big sister, I said it early in the morning. You should also know me. I am best at hide-and-seek. , Confronting me head-on is your biggest failure. "

Jun Xiyan's eyes looked like she was in flames. She cut her nails in her palms. "Yes, you are smart, you are smart, and the world now sees you want to say a little girl from the Jun family. Jun Xi Qing, do you know how much I hate you, I can't wait for you to disappear in this world! "

"Jun Xi Yan!" Ping Ping was irritated and quickly reprimanded.

She is the eldest sister of the monarch. How could a sister say such a vicious word to her sister?

Jun Xiqing shook her hand to stop Pingping from talking. She looked at Jun Xiyan quietly, then she drew red lips and smiled numbly. "Sister, I understand, it was me who grabbed Go to your presidency. "

Jun Xiyan smiled strangely, "Do you think things are as simple as you think?"

"So I said, you, I'll listen."

Jun Xiqing's smart eyes are clear and calm, even if her heart is scratched with a sharp knife, and she is heartbroken, "I can think of everything, just to understand what is your relationship with the Virgin, why do you want to Participate in the political situation of country A, why do you want to kill the maiden? "

Among these things, there is a connection.

Why is Jun Xiyan?

Jun Xiyan looked at Jun Xiqing with a strange smile even more, "You want to know? Unfortunately, you will never know."

"Oh, that's how it is?"

Jun Xiqing didn't have any expression, except that a small face of Chen Chen had cooled down, and a cold and gorgeous pair with red lips and white teeth, "Sister, have you tasted the torture of eighteen martial arts in the dungeon? I heard that no prisoner can survive it. A lot of people tried a sip of their mouth.

Jun Xi Yan Tongren shrank, and quickly asked, "You have to sue your sister?"

Ping Ping was flaming all over, and now she remembers that she is the empress's sister, so why didn't she remember when the empress disappeared just now?

At this moment Jun Xiyan laughed again suddenly, loudly, "Brother, second sister, you all saw it, we have a white-eyed wolf!"

At this moment the door of the inner room opened and two people came out.

Jun Chulin and Jun Xiyu.

Jun Xiqing stood upright. "Brother, second sister."

Jun Xiyu stepped forward, raised his hand and fanned down in the face of Jun Xiqing severely.

A "snap", crisp slaps missed Jun Xiqing's face.

Jun Xiqing's complexion was pale, her skin was delicate, and a bright red slap print quickly appeared on her right face.

"Jun Xiqing, what else do you want to explain, just now we heard clearly in it, you have to start punishing the elder sister!"

"Qing Qing," Jun Chulin looked at Jun Xiqing with a gloomy face. "It seems that the high position of the president has changed your appearance, and you have to deal with your loved ones!"

The hot pain on the right face, the ears are all blame from relatives, big brother, big sister, second sister ...

Jun Xiqing's head was buzzing, and her white fingers trembled slightly because of the coldness of the bones.

What's more, just now she just scared and frightened her elder sister. She won't really send her into the dungeon.

However, she did not need to explain, Jun Xiqing was thinking.

"Big brother, second sister, Jun Xiqing can no longer stay, she was not our daughter of the junior family, and raising her was just a tool for her. Now that the junior family is in control, she has no use value, so Let her disappear. "Jun Xiyan said suddenly.


Jun Xiqing's smart Tongren shrank suddenly, she looked at Jun Xiyan in shock.

Why isn't she the daughter of the Jun family?

In the past three years, she has been in a high political position, and her elder brother, elder sister and second sister are increasingly alienating her, she knows.

Rights and desires are really terrible, it can change a lot of things.

She was thinking just now, maybe she explained that the elder brother and second sister would understand her and stand on her side.

Now she found out she was wrong.

It turned out that the older brother and the second sister were always on the older sister's side.

They knew everything.

The three of them joined forces to calculate her!

"Sister, what do you say, you say it again." Jun Xiqing stared at Jun Xiyan.

Jun Xiyan stepped forward, "Qing Qing, you have heard, haven't you? You are not the daughter of the Jun family, you are just an orphan!"

"Our monarch adopts you, but we treat you as a tool. Now you have no value, and this president should be returned to the monarch."

Jun Xiqing's face was as white as a piece of paper, and her horrified gaze swept across the faces of Jun Xiyan, Jun Chulin, and Jun Xizhen, all of whom were her favorite people and her life. all.

But they changed their looks, and she didn't know each other.

Her world collapsed at such a moment.

"I don't believe it, Mom and Dad ..."

"Mom and dad know that they picked you up."

Jun Xiqing trembled, and her aquatic eyes quickly covered with a layer of clear tears, but she stubbornly did not let the tears fall. She was like an injured beast struggling alone, she roared, You bullshit, you are bullshit, mom and dad love me, they love me! "

"Yes, and uncle!" Jun Xiqing grabbed the last straw for help. "Uncle loves me most and hurts me most, he ..."

"Uncle knows too!"

Suddenly, the tears in Jun Xiqing's eyes fell down.

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