Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1484: She is reluctant

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jun Xiyan looked at Jun Xiqing and smiled word by word, "You are not the daughter of the Jun family, you are just an orphan abandoned by your parents, our parents, and uncles, all know that your blood was born You can detoxify, not your uncle soaked it with herbs, because they saw that your blood worked wonders, so they adopted you 23 years ago. "

"Twenty-three years, our uncles and young talents are already presidents of country Z. Our father is the military commander of country Z. His family is Zhong Lingyuxiu. He has the same style for a while, but his family has also received many envy The bane has been planted, and the regime in the hands of the monarchy is not stable. "

"You show your differences when you are young. You like politics, and you are so intelligent. As an politician, your uncle and dad see hope in you. Your uncle took you back to the presidential palace, raised him, and taught you. Wolf art will show you great mountains and rivers. Both your uncle and dad hope to use you to achieve the unification of the monarchy's government, to protect the glory for the monarchy, and to protect the mountains and rivers. "

"Jun Xiqing, you did a pretty job, and did not live up to the expectations of your uncle and dad. When we were involved in the danger, you took your life to save it. In the year you were 20 years old, you could be a human and a wolf. An iron wolf riding on the wolf, you have led the entire Jun family to the stage of history, and you, the young daughter of the Jun family, have become a sing-along. "

"But your way ends here. We don't need you anymore. Our uncle and dad are just ours, not yours!"

Jun Xiqing was blurred with tears in her eyes, and large drops of tears fell down, burning her eyes and burning her heart.

It turned out that everything was fake.

She remembered that when she was a child, her parents held her, touched her head, and said that my family would not be so smart.

She still remembers the heavy hands she held up when her uncle was leaving, full of pity and hope.

It turned out to be fake.

No love.

They don't love her at all.

They picked her up and constructed a fake world for her, she was just a pawn.

Suddenly, Jun Xiqing cried and was silent. She trembled her shoulders, hugging herself weakly, and wanted to give herself even the slightest warmth.

The faith she has always adhered to, the home and the country that she lives to keep, this road of imperial power that she never dared to stop, is a poor joke in the end.

Isn't she the daughter of the Jun family?

Who is she then?

Who is she?

"Come here, take me down Jun Xiqing!" Jun Xiyan snapped.

Several guards came in quickly outside the door, trying to catch Jun Xiqing.

As soon as Ping Ping's eyes were cold, the Jun family was such a monarch. Now she knows how insightful the second thing the monarch ordered in the car.

The concubine did not think that the situation would come to this stage, but as a keen political superior, he had a near instinctual sense of danger coming.

"Prince!" Ping Ping shouted.

Ada led the wolf iron rider to ambush outside, as long as the female monarch fell into the cup, the wolf iron rider would rush in immediately.

Jun Xiqing's cold and stiff white fingers slowly lifted her fingers, holding a small silver cup in her hand.

Such cups make a harsh noise when they fall to the ground.

Jun Xiqing shed tears, and her blurred vision swept across the faces of Jun Xiyan, Jun Chulin, and Jun Xizhen again. She didn't understand. How could they be so heartless?

She didn't even understand why she couldn't do it like this?

She really couldn't get it.


Jun Xiqing slowly evoked red lips in her tears, crying and smiling like a child.

Only she entered the show alone.

Her hands dropped weakly, and the small silver cup in her hand fell on the carpet.


Tears weeping out of the bottle, everyone said, the hardest armor, the softest atrium.

The ingenuity is like a prince, but it has a very soft heart.

She has never lost to her enemies, but has completely lost to her loved ones.

The two guards stepped forward and took Jun Xiqing down.

"Come here, take a cup of boiling water." Jun Xiyan said.


Someone quickly brought a glass of boiling water.

Jun Xiyan took it in her hand, then walked to Jun Xiqing, she reached out and pinched Jun Xiqing's small face.

"Jun Xiyan, what are you doing? Let go of the prince and don't hurt the prince! You are still not human, the prince will not hurt you, she will not hurt you at all." The guards stopped it.

Jun Xiyan looked at Jun Xiqing viciously, "Qing Qing, the wolf's iron ride belongs to the Z country and belongs to the Jun family. It will have nothing to do with you in the future. I will destroy your throat now and let you go again You can't summon wolves, you can't speak again. "

"Qing Qing, don't complain, everything you have now is given to you by the monarch's house, and now we just take it back."

Said Jun Xiyan pinched Jun Xiqing's mouth and poured hot boiling water into it.

The burning pain of the cone-shaped heart suddenly spread from the throat, and Jun Xiqing soon felt no pain, and the pain became numb for a moment.

It felt as if a knife was being twisted in her heart, and her flesh was blurred and flawed.

Before coma, her eyes fell on the faces of Jun Chulin and Jun Xizhen. They stood in front of them and looked at her indifferently, acquiescing to Jun Xiyan's all actions ...


Jun Xiqing raised her red lips and closed her eyes.


Late at night, the entire country Z fell into a deep sleep, Jun Xiqing fell to a coma on the carpet.

The door was pushed open and a man walked in.

Jun Xiyan said, "Patriarch Yuan Ming, you are here."

Yuan Ming is here.

Yuan Ming looked at Jun Xiqing on the carpet. "She, I want it. Don't kill her."

"No, it is too dangerous to keep her. She is not an ordinary woman. We should cut the grass and root it."

"Jun Xiyan, we are a cooperative relationship. Do you want to destroy the cooperation between us?"

"Master Yuan Ming, then you have to tell me, why do you keep her? Is it because she is the true maid of the maiden?" Jun Xiyan asked.

Yuan Ming looked at Jun Xiyan, "Yes, she is the true saint of the virgins, and the blood on her body is very precious, and it can awaken the spirit of the ancient **** and beast Bailing."

"What?" Jun Xiyan was shocked.

Jiuyou is a country outside the independent world. It stands on the island and is smoky all year round. It can be called a fairyland on earth.

Yuan Ming took out a picture and slowly opened it. "The Holy Virgin is not from Country A, but Jiuyou. The daughter of the Oriental family is the Goddess of the Nine You, but later the Eastern family had internal strife. The **** beast Bai Ling fell into a deep sleep. At that time, there was a prophecy that, one hundred years later, the Oriental family would give birth to the next daughter, and when Bai Ling awoke from her, she would unify Jiuyou. "

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