Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1485: Thousands of miles, come for her!

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jun Xiyan looked at the painting. A fairy wearing a white veil wore a black hair and rode on an ancient beast Kui wood wolf Bai Ling, galloping on the rippling water.

Three thousand blue silk is like snow, and the goddess becomes a picture.

This is the ancestor of the Oriental family, the last nine you goddess.

Yuan Ming looked at Jun Xiqing on the ground, "Did you not tell her that wolf training cannot be learned, she has hidden the ancient mystery training wolf training, she is the next daughter in the legend."

"And," Yuan Ming smiled slightly. "Your uncle Jun Mosheng treats her ..."

"Enough!" Jun Xiyan snapped.

At this time Jun Xiqing on the ground trembled the slender Yu Jie and was awake.

She had a small slap-white face without the slightest whiteness. When she opened her eyes, her body was drowned with a sting, and her pure black hair was wet with cold sweat and stuck to the jade pink neck. She opened her mouth. No word can be issued.

Her throat was destroyed.

Looking at the bright light at the top of the head, glaring for no reason, Jun Xiqing closed her eyes, narrowed her eyes to numbness and blankness, and then opened her eyes, she turned to look at Jun Xiyan and Yuan Ming.

"Qing Qing, are you awake? Sign this." Jun Xiyan dropped a document on the ground.

Jun Xiqing looked at it and was a confession.

"Qing Qing, you are betraying the enemy and betraying the country. Now that you have subjugated the law, soon Congress will elect the next president, of course this president is me."

Negotiating with the enemy?


She actually charged her with such a crime.

This is her country, her home, her heart full of sincerity, and her bloodshed.

She won't sign it!

"Qing Qing, don't you sign? Then your personal female officer, Ping Ping, will suffer."

The door opened and the bottle was thrown in.

"Prince, are you okay, how is your throat? Don't listen to Jun Xiyan, don't worry about me, my life is the prince's, don't sign the confession confession of the enemy and betrayal, you have given everything here , No one can tarnish your name! "

Ping Ping wanted to run to Jun Xiqing, but was quickly held by two guards.

Jun Xiyan could not help but applaud, "Well, I'm all moved by a loyal female officer."

Said Jun Xi Yan frowned, "Come here, I've stripped all this bottle of clothes, and now I've given her to you, you're right in front of the Queen, give her round!"

The two guards were pleased, and they looked at each other quickly, showing the color of wickedness, "Yes."

They put the bottles on the ground and reached for their clothes.

"Ah!" Ping Ping screamed, struggling quickly.

But the two guards held her tightly and reached out to take off the bottle pants.

Jun Xiqing's fair eyes were scarlet, and her slender fingers were digging at the carpet until her nails were cut off.

Ping Ping is her only relative, not a sister who looks like a sister. Now looking at Ping Ping and being humiliated, she felt heartbreaking pain.

Ping Ping already has someone she likes, and Vatican will soon marry her.

Jun Xiqing raised her eyes and looked at Jun Xiyan. She opened her mouth and made only a hoarse voice.

"Qing Qing, you finally figured it out, pen for you."

Jun Xiyan handed the pen to Jun Xiqing.

"Prince, don't sign!"

Ping Ping screamed, not knowing where the strength was and shook off the two guards.

With a "thump", she knelt down and kept hoeing. "Prince, please, don't sign. With this sign, you will become a sinner and you can't sign!"

Jun Xiqing's hand was shaking, she held the pen several times before holding it vigorously, and then signed her name on the confession --- Jun Xiqing.

"Ha ha, okay, Qing Qing has always been a smart man." Jun Xiyan nodded with satisfaction.

The two guards loosened the bottle, and the bottle quickly ran over and hugged Jun Xiqing. "Prince, you are so stupid, they are just holding your weakness, you are so stupid! "

Jun Xiqing pushed open the bottle, she spread out the palm of the bottle, and slowly wrote a word --- Brahma.

Ping Ping burst into tears, she cried and shook her head. "No, concubine, I will follow you forever."

"Come here, pull the bottle down!"

The two guards covered the bottle's mouth and carried it down.

"President Yuan Ming, I can leave Jun Xiqing's life for your use, but for a sinner who knows the enemy and betrays his country, I will punish her." Jun Xiyan laughed.

Yuan Ming said, "How to punish?"

"Destroy her face and send her into Gillian's room as a prostitute!"


Gillian Room.

Ajiaofang has been a man's golden cave and heroic grave since the creation of Pei Mai, and all men who come here are noble officials, smile for Bomei, and spend a lot of money.

A second-generation ancestor was holding a beautiful beauty, "I heard that you have another beauty here, or Jun Xiqing, the former president who sold the country to the enemy?"

Gillian's room has become extremely lively, and today's visit traffic is astonishingly unprecedented.

All the wealthy men came here for the sake of the junior daughter Jun Xiqing.

Another second-generation ancestor jumped out and was extremely excited, "I never expected that the legendary female monarch Jun Xiqing would end up in a traitorous country and be degraded as a prostitute. It was pathetic."

"Okay, don't be serious, don't you come here for the auction three days later?"

"Of course! When Jun Xiqing used to be a female president, she was simply a goddess in the sky, making people unattainable. They all said that the daughter of the Jun family is the best in the world. Now she has fallen into Gillian's room as a prostitute and became a man's play- Things, we must not let them be. "

"Then do you take a look at your property and come back? I can tell you that all the star hotels around Gillian House have yellow cards full of guests. All the powers, heads, and richest men are all coming here, waiting. Take a picture of Jun Xiqing, to accept the grace of the beauty. "...

The downstairs is very lively, and the upstairs is not bad.

Jun Xiqing squatted on the floor and wiped the floor with a rag. Her tiny dusty face wore a white gauze scarf, revealing only a pair of bright eyes.

A steward was watching her behind, holding a whip in his hand, "Hurry up, do you want to be beaten?"

The steward danced his whip and drew it to Jun Xiqing.

"Butler, don't fight, how unfortunate it is for such beauties to fight?"

There were a few small crickets around, coveted the beauty of Jun Xiqing, they took the opportunity to touch Jun Xiqing's face.

At this moment, the door slammed open, and a chilling cold wind invaded in instantly.

A group of black men in uniform ran in, surrounded the place, and then a long, straight body jumped into sight.

Here comes Lu Yeming.

Lu Yeming had a black cloak on his body. After entering the room, he lifted his long fingers and took off the hat, revealing a thin and beautiful face.

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