Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1679: Last train home

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Lu Yeming turned and left, when a motorcycle came galloping and rushed towards him.

"Hey, get out of here! Hey, get out of here!" The motorcycle driver yelled.

He heard the sound, Lu Yeming swiftly avoided his posture, but with a bang, the motorcycle bumped into his knee and made a painful muffled sound.

The popcorn in his arms spilled all over the floor.

The owner of the motorcycle stopped immediately. "Sir, are you okay, I just hit your knee and must be injured. I'll take you to the hospital for treatment."

Lu Yeming's handsome complexion was calm and calm, but his face was very white. Instead of paying attention to the motorcycle driver, he squatted down, and his slender fingers picked up popcorn one by one on the ground.

"Sir, sir, what's wrong with your eyes, isn't it ... invisible?" The motorcycle driver reached out and shook Lu Luming in front of him.

Lu Yeming didn't look up, two cold words overflowed his throat, "Go away."

When the motorcycle driver saw that the man was a big man, it was not easy to mess with him. Since he was not responsible, the driver left.

Her ears were clean, Lu Yeming's eyebrows were drowsing, and he looked at the popcorn with concentration.

Because he couldn't see it, his fingers would fumble on the ground, and the popcorn he picked up was stained with dust and dirty.

At this time, the two white shoes stopped, Jun Xiqing went back, and returned.

Jun Xiqing did not really leave.

Her spirit eyes fell on the face of the man Jun who was picking popcorn, and he really couldn't see it.

He is blind.

He lied to her just now.

She and he have come to this day, and this relationship has been mixed with too many things, which is no longer pure.

I was wrong at the beginning, and now I recall that there are too few and too few things that two people can talk about sincerely and lovingly.

But Jun Xiqing looked at him at this moment. The man standing at the top of the power retreated with a tall golden mang, and fumbled on the ground, picking up dirty popcorn. Her heart suddenly hurt.

It was like a big palm clenching her atrium fiercely, making her every breath hurt.

At this time, Lu Yeming's action of picking up popcorn was stagnant, and he slowly raised his head, and his deep phoenix eyes fell on her small dusty face accurately.

Jun Xiqing bumped into his pair of phoenix eyes, and his eyes hid two small abyss, which could easily **** people down.

He looked at her and called softly, "Qingqing, are you?"

Jun Xiqing's smart eyes quickly turned red, and a small layer of crystal water mist accumulated in it.

She stretched out her tiny white hand and covered her red lips without making a noise.

Lu Yeming couldn't hear any response, and the paintbrushed pupil Ren slowly faded, "It turned out not to be."

He tickled his thin lips. "But ... I feel like you're in the air. You seem to be by my side ..."

Jun Xiqing didn't speak, even the air became silent.

Lu Yeming lowered his head again and continued to pick up popcorn, he murmured, "Qing Qing, I'm sorry, I'm late ... my love ... too late ..."

"I've given my son a good name. I'm Cheng Cheng and Lu Chengxi. I like the son you gave me very much. I like it very much ..."

"I'm sorry. In the past, I haven't given you anything to protect your mother and son. If ... if I'm not with you in the future, I still need your mother and son to keep the foundation for me, Qingqing, I know, follow me, you've been wronged. "

"If ... I said that if there is still a chance, I really want to talk to you ... restart ... maybe we were no longer Shaohua at that time, but then I can no longer be Lu Yeming, and you can no longer be Jun Xi Qing, let's start again ... "

As soon as Jun Xiqing's eyes were hot, big teardrops fell down.

The crystal hot tears burned her eyes, made her hurt, made her hurt.


She whispered these four words in her heart, and suddenly drew red lips in her tears. There were too many cracks between her and him, how could she start over?

At this moment Lu Yeming picked up the popcorn on the ground and got up and left.

he's gone.

Jun Xiqing looked down and saw a fallen popcorn near her feet.

She crouched slowly, stretched out her tiny white hand, picked up the popcorn, and put it in her mouth.

The popcorn is still sweet.

Very sweet.

Even if she had done everything in her heart.

Jun Xiqing was thinking that from the moment she was enthusiastic about Lu Yeming and this cool-hearted emperor, she chose an extraordinary way to go.

What the future holds, she can't guess at all.

Every day with him is thrilling, and between the clouds and the rain, he can push her into the stormy sea.

Jun Xiqing's slender Yu Jie was covered with crystal water mist. I knew it would be better to drink the water of forgetfulness and let each other go.

At this moment, a low magnetic voice suddenly sounded in the ear, with a slight coddled smile, "Qing Qing, this time I really caught you."

Jun Xiqing was shocked and raised his head quickly.

Lu Yeming went and returned, and now Qing Jun stood upright in front of her.

His deep phoenix eyes were hanging down, and with a little joy fell on her little face with tears.

He came back!

However, just now she looked at him clearly.

Jun Xiqing stood up slowly, "Lu Yeming, did you do it on purpose, did you do it on purpose?"

Lu Yeming raised his narrow eyebrows, and the overly handsome and delicate features overflowed with a soft halo. "Qing Qing, I didn't mean it. I didn't really know you were here just now."

"Then why are you back?"

"I want to take a look back. I want to take another look. You are here."

Jun Xiqing's heart jumped, why she didn't drink forgetfulness at that time, she was thinking she was still reluctant, now she understands, he is the same, and she is reluctant to be reluctant.

Lu Yeming stepped forward, stretched out his arms and hugged her delicate body tightly in her arms, her thin thin lips pressed on her small face, and kissed the teardrops on her face. Qingqing, stay with me for one night, OK? "

He really wanted her to accompany her.

Jun Xiqing reached out his two small hands to reach his masterful chest and pushed him away. "You can't see your eyes, watch a movie, go back."

A bus stopped at this time, and the driver inside shouted, "This is the last bus to go home. Hurry home before you go home."

"I went back."

Jun Xiqing turned to the bus.

At this time, Lu Yeming stepped forward, clasped her soft little hand in her big palm, and the two took the last train home.

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