Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1680: Can I tonight?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!


Lu Yeming took Jun Xiqing's small hand and walked in. Lu Yeming didn't know that there was a coin in the bus, so the driver of the bus stopped him quickly. "Handsome guy, coin, two currency."

Two coins, that is, two dollars.

Lu Yeming raised his eyebrows of British spirit. He never carried money and did n’t even have a check. He occasionally put a hot stamp black card. Now he suddenly heard “two coins”. What is this fairy thing?

"Master, I have."

Jun Xiqing knew that Lu Yeming had no money. A man like him would definitely not bring money. He didn't know the fireworks on earth.

Jun Xiqing flipped two coins out of her bag and threw them in.

The two sat next to the window, Jun Xiqing sat inside, and Lu Yeming sat outside.

An aunt quickly laughed, "I've lived so many years and have never seen anyone with such a beautiful mark, girl, have you married your boyfriend?"

Today many people think he is her boyfriend, Jun Xiqing didn't explain, she shook her head, "Aunt, we are not married."

"But we have sons."

As soon as Jun Xiqing's words had fallen, I heard Lu Yeming beside him supplementing Youyou.


"Oh my god, you all have sons, why not get married? Girl, listen to my aunt, this unmarried woman who lost her first pregnancy is a woman, and quickly marry your boyfriend."

Pre-marital pregnancy ...

Jun Xiqing knew that she was pregnant before marriage, but this was the first time she heard the term "pregnancy before marriage."

Lu Yeming stretched out his strong arms, and put on the back of her chair with a little laziness in her elegance. The open and magnificent chest protected her delicate arms in her arms. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Qing Qing, would you like to marry me?"

"No," Jun Xiqing said.

"Oh." Lu Yeming smirked from his throat, his arms down, and he caught her scented shoulders.

The aunt around was still saying, "It's not easy and hard for a woman to pull a child up."

Lu Yeming moved her eyelids, and her thin, thin lips stuck to her hair, and kissed her gently.

Jun Xiqing reached out and pushed him, "What are you doing? Someone saw it."

Lu Yeming pressed her little head on her shoulders. "Sleepy? Close your eyes and go to sleep for a while, you don't have to think about anything. I will stay with your mother and son tonight. I am there."

His stiff shoulders can shield anyone from wind and rain.

He seemed to say "Tonight" several times, and Jun Xiqing trembled the slender Yu Jie, and then slowly closed his eyes, "Lu Yeming, he will return to Mujiapu tomorrow, Mujiapu I will handle the things in it. You go back to country A first and heal the eyes. "

Lu Yeming looked at her, and the sweet milk on her nose was on her nose. He smiled with thin lips and said, "Okay, listen to you. When you open your eyes tomorrow, you won't see me." . "

Jun Xiqing had a weird feeling in her heart, as if something bad would happen tomorrow.

Her sixth sense has always been very effective.

Jun Xiqing raised her head, and a pair of smart eyes fell on Lu Yeming's face. "How do I feel you are lying to me ... oh!"

Lu Yeming kissed her red lips.

He even kissed her.

Jun Xiqing quickly stretched out her two small hands to push him, but Lu Yeming's body contained endless power, and she could not move even if she pushed it.

Lu Yeming embraced her red lips, kissed very tenderly and pitifully, and her long tongue pried open her teeth and caught her little tongue ...

Jun Xiqing felt the tenderness and lingering in his kiss. He seemed to be reluctant to show something, deeply attached to something, sorry about it, and bid farewell to it.

Soon, Lu Yeming loosened her red lips.

He leaned his stiff back back and put his other hand into his pants pocket.

"Go back and kiss again, I'm afraid I can't help it," he murmured in her ears.

Jun Xiqing knew what he meant at once. He also copied Tibetan Mastiff into his pockets.

He has begged her for many times.

Jun Xiqing turned her head uncomfortably, her small face was out of the window, her head closed on his shoulders, and her eyes closed gently.

She fell asleep.

Sleeping stupidly felt like he was always in the arms of the man, he held her tightly, wishing to rub her into his bones and blood.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Lu Yeming repeatedly kissed her long hair with scent, "Qing Qing, I will definitely come back, but ... if I can't come back, it will be very hard to bring my son up alone. Yes, Qingqing worked hard. "

Lu Yeming looked up at the neon lights outside the window, the last train home was galloping on the road.


Back at the resort hotel, Jun Xiqing also woke up, two people entered the room, and Xiao Pippi slept in Yueya's room.

Lu Yeming sat by the bed, Jun Xiqing crouched down and rolled up his trousers' legs. His knee was hit by a motorcycle with a **** patch on it.

Jun Xiqing quickly took out the small medicine box and helped him manage the wound on his knee. "Does it hurt?"

Lu Yeming had deep eyelids. Although she couldn't see her, she could feel that she was blowing a gentle blow on his injured wound, and it was inexplicable distress.

Lu Yeming's softness was incredible. He shook his head. "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

"I'm lighter."

Jun Xiqing gently bandaged him.

After packing everything up, Jun Xiqing put the medicine box back in place, and she said, "It's late, I'll take a shower first."

Lu Yeming's deep eyes fell on her small face and looked silently.

Jun Xiqing felt that he could not see his blindness at all. His city was deep and unpredictable. Even if he was blind, he was just like a normal person.

Now he was staring at her, not talking, a strong and oppressive aura, and a burning scorching and silent ambiguousness were spreading in the air.

"Qingqing, can I tonight?"

His hoarse voice sounded in the silent room.

Jun Xiqing lowered her head, "No!"

She entered the bathroom.


Soon after Jun Xiqing took a good bath, she looked up, and Lu Yeming was no longer in the room. The balcony window was open, and a long and handsome body stood outside.

Jun Xiqing walked over, Lu Yeming standing on the balcony with one hand and his pants pockets, and the cool cold wind blew the black shirt on his body with a cigarette in his **** , Driving in the clouds.

The dazzling neon lights on the outside are plated on his exquisite and messy face, and the smoky smoke adds a gorgeous color to him.

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