Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1812: Su Xiaoying is that little girl!

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Su Xiaoying remembered that Feng Sinan said he was going to take her to see his uncle last night. At that time, she didn't take it seriously. She did not expect that Feng Sinan was serious. He really let the driver pick her up.

Su Xiaoying could only get in the car.


In a western restaurant, Feng Yan walked in, Feng Sinan had arrived.

"Sinan, this is for you."

Feng Yi gave the sealed yellow envelope to Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan took it in his palm. He knew that there was a self-portrait of the girl.

He has been looking for a girl for so many years, and now he is finally going to unravel the mystery.

"Sinan, let's take a look." Feng Yan said.

Feng Sinan stretched out his long fingers to open the envelope and pulled out the self-portrait inside ...

The self-portrait was exposed little by little in his eyes, and Feng Sinan's mind suddenly flashed Su Xiaoying's delicate face. She had told him that she was the girl.

In fact, he didn't believe it.

But I don't know why. Now the self-portrait is drawn out a little, and Feng Sinan's mind is full of Su Xiaoying.

It was unpleasant last night. He left the Luoshuiwan villa in the evening and slept in the company.

Originally desperate, Feng Sinan now remembered that annoying Su Xiaoying, and naturally he was not in a good mood.

Feng Sinan dropped his handsome eyelid and looked at the self-portrait.

Above is a little girl about eight years old, born with pink carvings and jade carvings. At first glance, she is a little beauty embryo.

A person will change when he grows up, but his facial features will not change.

Feng Sinan's deep-eyed Hitomi contracted suddenly, and his brain exploded. The little **** this self-portrait was really ... Su Xiaoying!

It's Su Xiaoying!

It's Su Xiaoying!

Feng Sinan's raised throat rolled quickly, his eyes filled with this self-portrait of Su Xiaoying.

--- Big brother, you must stick to it, I will stay with you.

--- Big brother, are you cold? Now I hold you tightly.

--- Brother, I asked them for a little water just now, I'm not thirsty at all, let me drink it for you.

--- Brother, you must get better quickly, as long as we don't give up hope, tomorrow will be fine ...

Feng Sinan's ears were all like that oriole's soft voice. The little girl kept encouraging her when he was the darkest, most desperate and helpless. He wanted to open his eyes and look at her .

But he didn't see it.

Later, he sought her for many years.

No one knew what this girl meant to him, he thought, that was his light.

It is his obsession, it is the beauty and warmth he wants to grasp in the palm of his hand.

Later, he had many women, but he always looked for her in those women.

Including, Su Xiaoying.

Feng Sinan never expected that the girl he had been looking for for so many years was already sent to him by his fate.

"Sinan, Sinan, what happened to you?"

At this moment, the sound of Feng Feng sounded in his ear, Feng Sinan quickly returned to his mind.

Feng Sinan looked at Feng Yan, and Feng Yan looked at him with a worried look. "Sinan, what's wrong with you, you seem shocked, this little girl ... do you know?"

Feng Sinan quickly shook his head, "I don't know."

The waves at the bottom of his heart are spectacular. They can be well covered in Feng Sinan's face. He said he didn't know.

He lied to his uncle.

Feng Yan nodded. "Then you can find someone based on this little girl's self-portrait, and you will definitely find this girl quickly with your ability."

"it is good."

"Yes, why hasn't your ex-wife come yet?"

Feng Sinan lifted her thin lips. "Uncle, sit down, I'll go and take a look."


Feng Sinan walked out of the restaurant. He reached out and tore up the self-portrait in his hand, tore it up and shattered it, and then threw it into the trash.

At this moment a luxury car came galloping and stopped slowly. The driver opened the rear door respectfully and Su Xiaoying came.

Feng Sinan saw Su Xiaoying at a glance.

Today, Su Xiaoying wore a long pink dress, and the girl's figure was beautiful. Even if she didn't apply pink daisies, she still looked as bright and beautiful as jasper.

When she appeared, it was like a beautiful water lily, which could instantly attract everyone's attention.

Feng Sinan's narrow eyes fell on her body, and it was difficult to move away for half a minute.

He finally understood why he was attracted to Su Xiaoying. After having her, it was hard to have another woman.

Although he didn't know that she was the girl of that year, but the girl's fragrance on her body, her sweet and tender, as if destined in the deep, attracted him deeply.

Previously, Feng Sinan was also thinking, what if he found the little girl that year and suddenly found that he didn't like it?

He is a man of heartlessness. The warmth of that year may be the mysterious beauty of the distance and the distance. As time goes by, the little girl really came to him, maybe he didn't like it.

After all, he is also a secular man who likes the prettiest, sweetest, and most delicious women.

Also clean.

Now he knew that this girl was Su Xiaoying.

Feng Sinan looked at Su Xiaoying, and now Su Xiaoying and that little girl's appearance overlapped, which he liked.

Feng Sinan's eyes were soft and happy.

At this time Su Xiaoying also saw Feng Sinan, her cat-like bright eyes collided with Feng Sinan's narrow eyes.

Soon, she discovered the anomaly of Feng Sinan.

Compared to the gloomy him last night, now he stood there with his hands in his trousers pockets and looked at her quietly. He also looked at him with a man's gaze on the woman's eyes, his eyes glittering like stars in the sky.

What's up with him?

Su Xiaoying walked over, "General Feng, I'm here. You can take me to see your uncle. I'll go to the hospital to see my dad later."

Feng Sinan took out the big hand in his pants pocket, and then gently pinched her small jaw. "Su Xiaoying, why are you talking to me like this, you weren't like this before."

In the past, she would wait for him in the Luoshuiwan villa. When he returned at night, she would run over timidly, and squat down to change shoes for him.

She would court him carefully, please him, and cater to him, calling her "husband" with a whisper.

She even called him "big brother".

However, she was gone before.

"Feng Sinan, what trick do you want to play, I used to love you because you are my elder brother, I have loved you for ten years and loved Yu for ten years, but you do n’t remember me, you do n’t believe me , I'm that little girl! "

Feng Sinan suddenly stretched out her strong arms and held her soft and boneless into her arms tightly. "Sakura, I believe it, I believe it."

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