Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1813: Ten years of her love

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan hugged her, whispered softly in her ears, I believe it, I believe it now.

Su Xiaoying's bright pupil resigned sharply, "Feng Sinan, what did you say?"

Feng Sinan hugged her even more tightly and wanted to rub her into his own blood. "Sakura, I have already checked. That little girl was you."

Has he checked?

He finally believed that she was the little girl?

Su Xiaoying ticked her red lips with no joy, she said lightly, "But this is not important to me anymore."

Feng Sinan Gao Yingying's body stiffened, and she slowly released her.

Su Xiaoying looked up at him with a small face, "Feng Sinan, love Yu for ten years, you used to be everything I chased, it was the streamer that shuttled between my fingers, I always stood behind you silently, wanting Closer to you, closer to you, I hope you suddenly turn around, see me, and remember that I was the little girl who was with you back then. "

"However, I became disappointed in my expectations day after day. The night you engaged with Sister Yutang, I didn't really climb into your bed on purpose. I just watched a waiter sneakily, I was worried. You came into your room to see you, but you pulled me over and pressed you underneath. "

"Feng Sinan, I used to give you everything I had. The moth is like a fire. For the first time when I was just 18 years old, I gave birth to Nini in the hospital alone. I was in Luoshuiwan. Li is waiting for you every night, and when I was giving birth, I fell into a pool of blood ... "

"Every time I need you, you are always away from me, and then I understand that I don't blame you, you are not wrong, you just don't love me."

"People who are loved are fearless, and those who are not loved are unscrupulous."

"Until I knew about you and Zhao Fei'er, that night I held myself and watched the video over and over again, Feng Sinan. From that moment, I dug you out of my heart."

"Feng Sinan, I don't love you anymore, I really don't."

Feng Sinan listened to her, and Su Xiaoying's white eyes were slightly red. This was the first time she had told him that she loved Yu for ten years.

In her ten years of love, she spent all her time and suffered a lot.

It was he holding the knife again and again, piercing countless blood holes in her heart, until it was full of sores.

Su Xiaoying hurts too much. Because it hurts too much, she chose to dig him out of her heart.

She doesn't love him anymore.

She doesn't love him anymore.

Feng Sinan thought it was ridiculous. She didn't seem to feel how much she loved him. When he wanted to feel good, she didn't even love him.

Feng Sinan shook her thin lips and pinched her lustrous shoulder. "Su Xiaoying, I do n’t allow it, you know, I do n’t allow you to love me, I want you to continue to love me more than before Love."

He is simply a dreamer.

Su Xiaoying looked at him calmly, "Feng Sinan, you saved me once, and I have given it back to you in my ten years."

Feng Sinan's Hitomi shrank, her "You saved me once" had been blasted in Feng Sinan's ear.

He didn't save her that year.

The man who really saved her was his ... uncle.

When Feng Sinan tore the shredded yellow envelope bag to pieces, he had a terrible idea in his heart.

Sure enough, this idea came true, and Su Xiaoying recognized the wrong person.

Feng Sinan's gloomy narrow eyes fell on Su Xiaoying's delicate face, and she lifted her thin lips, "Did you ... because I saved you once, so you loved me for ten years?"

Su Xiaoying nodded, "Yes."

Feng Sinan's heart fell directly to the bottom of the valley, and he knew that his biggest punishment had come.

"Su Xiaoying, you should love me, you know? The person you love is Feng Sinan!"

Feng Sinan shook her Yingrun shoulder vigorously.

Su Xiaoying felt dizzy, and her two white little hands reached his strong chest and wanted to push him away, "Feng Sinan, let me go first!"

"I won't let it go!"

Feng Sinan held her in his arms again. He buried Jun face in her fragrant hair and kissed him, "You can only be mine!"

At this moment, a warm and pleasant voice rang in my ear, "Sinan, why did you leave for so long?"

This sound is familiar.

Feng Sinan loosened Su Xiaoying, Su Xiaoying looked up and saw the seal that had just come out of the western restaurant.

Su Xiaoying's butterfly Yu Jie trembled, "Dr. Feng, how are you?"

Feng Ye also saw Su Xiaoying. Last night he asked Su Xiaoying. Undeniably, he felt good about this kind, brave, clean girl with talent in painting.

He has reached the age of talking about marriage, and he is mature in all aspects. He must be interested in contacting other girls.

But Su Xiaoying refused directly in WeChat.

Feng Yan was a little lost, and it seemed that Su Xiaoying didn't like herself.

Now I saw Su Xiaoying again. Just now Feng Sinan had been holding her, and Feng Yan was stagnant.

Feng Yan's gaze fell from Su Xiaoying's small face to Feng Sinan's face.

Feng Sinan's arm slid down, and it naturally fell on the soft waist of Su Xiaoying's grip. He hooked his lips, "Uncle, let me introduce you. This is my ex-wife Su Xiaoying, Ni Nim's mum. "

"Yes," Feng Sinan put his big palm on Su Xiaoying's flat belly. "Uncle, Xiaoying has my baby in her belly. She has been pregnant for three months and currently lives in mine. In Luoshuiwan. "

Feng Yan's eyes returned to Su Xiaoying's face, he never thought of it!

Su Xiaoying's blushing little face turned red and white. She didn't know why Feng Sinan said so much. She also told Feng Ye that she was pregnant for three months and lived in Luoshuiwan Villa.

She didn't know what Feng would think of herself.

There was no emotional ups and downs on Feng Jun's face. He glanced at Feng Sinan, "Sinan, let's go in and have dinner together."


Feng Sinan held Su Xiaoying and wanted to go in.

Su Xiaoying broke his arm hard and took a few steps back. "You go in and eat. My dad is still in the hospital. I'm going to accompany my dad. I'm out of company."

Su Xiaoying left directly.

Feng Yan frowned as he watched Su Xiaoying go away.

Feng Sinan drew a thin lip. "Uncle, I'll go with Sakura and I won't accompany you to eat."

Feng Sinan wants to go.

"Sinan." Feng Feng called him at this moment.

Feng Sinan turned and saw Feng Yan's clear eyes falling on his handsome face. "Sinan, you should have found that Su Xiaoying and I had known each other a few days ago. I sent her home yesterday. , Frankly, I like her very much. "


First two more.

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