Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1819: Two men fight for Su Xiaoying

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Su Xiaoying didn't resist at all, as long as Feng was further down, she could kiss her gorgeous red lips.

But Feng Feng stopped slowly and didn't kiss.

He opened his eyes, and there was a little bit of pity and pity in his **** eyes. What was he doing, Sakura took the medicine, and now she was unconscious, so he was still in danger?

Is he still sealed?

As if there was a pot of cold water pouring from the top of the sealed head to the bottom of his feet, he wanted to get out of bed.

At this time, there was a "bang", and someone was knocking outside the door, accompanied by a huge sigh.

The door opened, and a handsome figure appeared beside the door.

It's Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan is here.

Feng Yan looked at Feng Sinan. The two eyes were opposite each other, and Feng Yan's eyes were stained with a gentle tenderness, while Feng Sinan was dreary and cold.

"Sinan." Feng Yan said.

Feng Sinan pulled in his leg and walked in. He stretched out his palm and grabbed Feng's collar, and then a fist struck up.

Feng Feng hit the table and chairs and fell on the carpet.

Blood came out of the corners of his lips.

Feng Sinan's fist was dying.

The huge movement awakened Su Xiaoying from the bed. Su Xiaoying got out of bed quickly, but she was weak, her legs were soft and directly on the carpet, and she crawled to the seal. ? "

Su Xiaoying stretched out her little white hand to touch the corners of her bleeding lips.

But not yet touched, Feng Sinan held out the devil's palm and grabbed her, pulling her into his strong chest.


Su Xiaoying exclaimed, because Feng Sinan's chest was like a wall, and she slammed in tears.

As soon as Feng Yanjun's face sank, even Wenrun's voice dropped, "Sinan, you hurt Xiaoying!"

Feng Sinan glanced at Feng Yan coldly, and then pushed Su Xiaoying into the shower room with a half-and-a-half hug.

"Boom", Feng Sinan closed the shower door and locked it.

Feng Yan came to the door, and he kept knocking on the door, "Sinan, what are you doing, Sakura has been prescribed medicine, she doesn't know anything, don't hurt her!"

Feng Sinan pushed Su Xiaoying into the frosted glass door, then opened the shower all at once.

Originally, Su Xiaoying was still breaking free, trying to shake off Feng Sinan, "You let me go, you bad guy, I hate you so much, you let go ..."

The next second, the cold water dripped from Su Xiaoying's head, and instantly dripped her into a falling chicken.

All the flames on Su Xiaoying's body were drained, and the originally blurred brain was quickly awake.

She took a few steps back and wiped the drops of water on her face with two little hands. "Feng Sinan, you are crazy!"

Feng Sinan stood tall with long legs. He stood against the light, and the bright yellow light beam dazzled a halo on his body. The cold water droplets splashed on him and wet his trousers legs. He A pair of narrow scarlet eyes were staring at her so coldly.

"Tell me, why am I crazy? Watching you and my uncle roll the sheets, aren't you crazy?"

What do you mean?

Su Xiaoying's bright eyes flinched, "Feng Sinan, don't spit out blood, not everyone is as embarrassed as you!"

"Want to deny?"

Feng Sinan hooked her cold lips, and then pulled her out with her arms.

The door of the shower room was opened, Feng Feng saw Su Xiaoying covered with water, "Sinan, on such a cold day, you make Xiaoying so wet, Xiaoying will catch a cold soon."

"Dr. Feng." Su Xiaoying immediately wanted to break away from Feng Sinan, and she wanted to run to Feng Yan.

How could Feng Sinan make her do that, even when she was confused or awake, she wanted to run towards Feng Yan completely angered him. He stretched out his arms and locked Su Xiaoying's soft waist "What did you do in the room just now, if I didn't show up, would you do it?"

"Feng Sinan!" Su Xiaoying snapped at Feng Sinan, "Feng Sinan, are you sick? You can trample on me as you are accustomed, but Dr. Feng is your dear uncle, you How could he say that? "

"Dr. Feng and I are in a bright and clear place. It's not what you think. Take back your shit!"

"Oh," Feng Sinan forced a sensational laugh from his throat. He clasped Su Xiaoying's head with his big palm, forcing her to look into Feng's pants. "Look at it for yourself, my little Uncle is tough, huh? "

Su Xiaoying saw the sealed trousers by surprise, and soon she took a breath.

Everything that happened just now came back to her mind, she took Chinese medicine, chose a seal when she danced, and was still entangled with the seal in the big bed.

Su Xiaoying's heart is clean, she never thought about what happened to Feng Yan with men and women.

Feng Yan's always brow and eyebrows revealed some embarrassment. He looked at Feng Sinan, "Sinan, it's enough, let go of Sakura first, don't hurt her, let's go out and talk!"

Su Xiaoying also looked at Feng Sinan. "Me and Dr. Feng are not what you think. It is my traditional Chinese medicine. When my mind is not clear ... with Dr. Feng ... Dr. Feng is a gentleman." He is not you, don't humiliate him! "

Feng Sinan pressed his right gill on the tip of his tongue and was almost laughed at, so what are these two guys doing in front of him now?

Feng Sinan clasped Su Xiaoying tightly in his arms. He looked at Feng Yan. "Uncle, Su Xiaoying is mine. All my life, if you want to grab a woman from me, then our brother is not Gotta do it! "

Feng Yan raised his eyebrows. For so many years, he knew how extreme Feng Sinan was. He guided Feng Sinan step by step on the road of growth, not wanting him to make himself worse.

"Sinan, I don't want to fight with you for women, but the woman you are holding in your arms is afraid of you, you are afraid of you, I still say that, you first let go of Sakura, do n’t hurt her, things between men, we Go out and talk. "

Feng Yan needs to have a good chat with Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan obviously didn't want to talk, he drew a thin lip and grinned, "Uncle, I have time to chat with you, why not go back and do with Su Xiaoying! Do you know how much Su Xiaoying bought for me? She is expensive now Well, I always want to get back some interest on her! "

Su Xiaoying's big face was white, and Feng Sinan humiliated her once more.

Feng Yan's face was also very bad. He looked at Feng Sinan and said, "Sinan, I have taught you a lot of things, but there is one thing I haven't taught you, I can't do this to women!"

Feng Qian stepped forward, and a fist smashed into Jun Sinan's face.


Babes, there is something in Nishang's family recently. Let ’s reduce it first, 4,000 more, and finish it today ~

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