Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1820: Feng Sinan, let go, you hurt me!

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan took a firm punch, and Gao Daying's body fell back and hit the wall.

The corners of his lips were stained with blood.

Feng Sinan wiped the blood with his hand, and there was a wildness in his movements. He glanced at Feng Yan, and then the two men hit each other.

Su Xiaoying looked at the thrilling side, "Don't fight, don't fight, Feng Sinan, Dr. Feng, please don't fight!"

Su Xiaoying didn't understand why they were together. Feng Sinan and Feng Yan had a good relationship. The two were still uncles.

Feng Sinan and Feng Yan are both tall and handsome men. Neither of them showed mercy. Feng Sinan started quickly and ruthlessly. Feng Yan has been active in fitness and enjoys sports.

The two were fighting together for an instant.

Su Xiaoying didn't want them to fight like this, she rushed over and blocked Feng Feng, "Feng Sinan, enough, don't fight again!"

Su Xiaoying guarded the seal.

Feng Sinan's fist was about to hit Feng's face, Su Xiaoying suddenly appeared, his fist quickly deflected, and hit the wall all at once.

"Boom," Feng Sinan's fist bleed a lot of blood.

The battlefield filled with smoke just now became temporarily quiet, and Feng Xiao held Su Xiaoying, "Sakura, why did you rush here suddenly? This is very dangerous!"

"Dr. Feng, this time I've burdened you, don't fight again!" Su Xiaoying looked at Feng Yan with guilt.

Feng Yan wanted to speak, but at this moment Feng Sinan stretched out his palm and grabbed Su Xiaoying's slender wrist, pulling her over.

"Su Xiaoying, let's go back and calculate slowly!"

Feng Sinan had a handsome face on his face, and now it was cold and stern, he stared at Su Xiaoying and then took her away.

Su Xiaoying stumbled behind Feng Sinan.

Feng Yan wanted to chase, "Sakura ..."

Su Xiaoying turned back and looked at him begging, "Dr. Feng, you go back first, I'm fine."

Feng Yan could only watch Su Xiaoying take away by Feng Sinan.


Luoshuiwan villa.

Wu Yan opened the door. "Yeah, sir, what's wrong with you, have you been beaten, why are you so hurt on your face?"

Feng Sinan strode into the living room. With a bang, he threw Rolls-Royce's car keys on the coffee table. Two big hands crossed his strong waist, and his chest was undulating and falling. Breathless.

Wu Yan quickly brought the small medicine box. "Sir, let me treat you the wound."

Feng Sinan turned around, a pair of narrowed eyes that looked at Su Xiaoying, Su Xiaoying was brought back, now standing in the porch, cat-like bright eyes also looked at him.

"Su Xiaoying, I'll give you a chance to explain. Please explain it to me. What the **** is going on with my uncle?"

Su Xiaoying frowned slightly. "Even if you let me explain it many times, I still have that sentence. I and Dr. Feng are innocent, not what you think."

"Let p!" Feng Sinan burst into a swear, "You brow under my eyelids, kiss and roll the sheets, you still protect him, are you arrogant when I die?"

Feng Sinan stretched out his long legs and kicked the coffee table in front of him. The medicine box and other things on the coffee table all fell to the ground.

The atmosphere became heavy and depressing.

Wu Xie had already taken a step back in fright. She had come to Luoshuiwan Villa for so long, and for the first time she saw her husband furious.

What exactly happened tonight, sir returned with such a big temper.

Su Xiaoying was silent, she looked at Feng Sinan, "I don't want to fight with you, I'll go upstairs first."

She lifted her feet upstairs.

At this time, Feng Sinan stretched out his palm and gripped her slender wrist. He jumped out a few words from his throat, "Su Xiaoying, did I let you go upstairs? It seems that I have recently Spoil you for the lawlessness! "

Su Xiaoying quickly raised her eyebrows. "Let go, Feng Sinan, you hurt me."

Wu Yan also said, "Sir, grandma is still pregnant, you should calm down first, don't hurt grandma or hurt the child in grandma's belly."

Feng Sinan looked at Su Xiaoying, her big slap face was now very white, and a stabbing red scar had been drawn on his slender hawk.

She lost a lot of weight during this time, even if she was pregnant now, she didn't gain a little bit of weight.

Feng Sinan was angry again, and now he can't attack, he can't beat Su Xiaoying.

"I don't feel well. I'm going upstairs!"

Su Xiaoying shook his big palm vigorously, then went upstairs.

Watching her soft and pretty figure disappeared into her sight, Feng Sinan narrowed her eyebrows, and then stretched out a long leg to directly close the table and chairs.

The precious vase fell on the carpet and smashed with a bang.

Wu Yan was so scared that he didn't dare to come up with one.


Wu Yan stepped back, a dim light in the living room, and Feng Sinan sat on the sofa and smoked.

The structured back leaned lazily on the sofa, and Feng Sinan's slender fingers caught the scarlet flame. He smoked anxiously.

The green smoke obscured his good looks. His tall, tall body was hidden in the darkness, and he could not see it.

The medicine box fell to the ground, Wu Yan didn't dare to pick it up, and his face was still colored, and his handsome brows were tightly sculpted into a word "chuan", cold and depressed.

At this time, a string of melodious ringtones rang, and the call came.

Feng Sinan pressed the button, "Hey."

There came the voice of secretary Jin Zhe, "President, what the **** is going on, and how did you split half of your equity?"

Feng Sinan held the mobile phone in his ear with his hand, then arched his tall body slightly, and buckled the ashtray in the ashtray. He lifted his thin lips, "Well, what did I give? What happened?"

"Gosh, president, are you crazy? Half of the equity in your hands is half of Feng's ..."

Jin Zhe at the end was afraid to speak, because he realized that he had said something wrong, how could he say that the president was "crazy", but in his opinion, it was crazy that the president gave half of the equity!

Feng Sinan had no emotional ups and downs, he said lightly, "Nan Hao is my half-brother, Feng Hao, and he took half of my equity. If my father gave Feng Hao the equity in his hand, then Feng Hao From now on, he will be at the helm of Feng's. Please pay attention to the movement there. "

Jin Zhe at the other end was shocked and couldn't speak. It seems that the president knew how bad this half-equity was given. Feng's going to break away from his palm and formally change hands.

"President, why on earth are you doing this?"

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