Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1825: Feng Sinan, who was so powerful and domineering, turned out to have such a low

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Su Xiaoying's butterfly feather trembled, and her impression of Feng Sinan was strong and overbearing, and she regarded the woman as her own plaything, so he could really say that, and Su Xiaoying was really shocked.


Su Xiaoying reached out and pushed him away. Her cat-like bright eyes looked at him quietly, "Feng Sinan, nothing else, I will never forget the video of you rolling sheets with Zhao Feier, Zhao Feier I was pregnant with your child. I know this is just the tip of the iceberg. You went to bed with many, many women. Sorry, I can't accept it. "

Feng Sinan's face was sinking, and he pressed his thin lips into a sensible arc. "Why do you always hold on to the past? I have slept all over the night, what do you want me to do? ? "

Su Xiaoying pushed him away. "You can say nothing to me."

Su Xiaoying went straight to the shower.

Oh shit!

With one hand on his hips, Feng Sinanqi stretched out his long legs and stomped on the door panel in front of him.

However, the people inside did not respond.

His whole body strength seemed to hit the cotton, this feeling made Feng Sinan tightly frowned his sword eyebrows, sullen.


In the study.

Feng Sinan sat on the chair and smoked. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

Two beeps, the phone on the other end was picked up hastily, and a low magnetic voice passed slowly, "Hey."

It was Lu Yeming who hadn't been seen for a long time.

Feng Sinan frowned and smoked a spit of smoke slowly. He said slowly, "I haven't been in contact for a long time. What have you been doing recently?"

Lu Yeming at the end laughed with thin lips, "I'm not busy with my wife and son."

Feng Sinan chuckled, very disdainful, "Better!"

"So what are you doing? Busy about losing your wife and rushing to grab property from your brother and brother?"

Being so sharp by Lu Yeming, Feng Sinan's handsome eyebrows sank directly. He smoked in the ashtray, "Can't chat well, right?"

"Sinan, what exactly do you want to call me?" Lu Yeming asked with a careless smile.

"Oh, nothing."

"Then I'm a bit busy, so I won't chat with you." Lu Yeming directly hung up.

Feng Sinan shook his phone with his sharp five fingers and said quickly, "I have a question for you."


"How did you chase your wife back then?" Feng Sinan asked the question.

Lu Yeming at the other side calmed for a few seconds, then snorted and laughed very kindly.

Oh shit!

Feng Sinan is very upset today. Now he is being laughed at by Lu Yeming, and his suffocation seems to be falling. "What's the laugh, is it funny?"

"Sinan, it's really funny. What did you just ask, how did I chase my wife? Why, are you chasing Su Xiaoying now?"

"Sinan, I haven't seen you for a few days. I feel like I don't know you anymore. Who is your Fengnan? After all the wind and snow, the grass is not covered. You have repeatedly told me not to play with emotions. This is not something we can play Affordable, why, are you cracking yourself now? "


Feng Sinan listened expressionlessly to Landing Yeming's ridicule, he already had 10,000 grass mud horses in his heart.

"Enough to laugh?"

Lu Yeming reluctantly stopped smiling, "Sinan, dating can't be taught. Everyone's love model is different. Think about it yourself. By the way, I'm traveling with Qingqing. Qingqing is now in Call me, I won't talk to you anymore, hang up. "

Lu Yeming hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the beeping sound at the other end, Feng Sinan, "..."

Feng Sinanqi wanted to drop his mobile phone, so what did he do to make this call, listening to Lu Yeming's ridicule and ridicule?

Feng Sinan made another swearing in his heart. Recently, everything has gone wrong, and his life is terrible.

Feng Sinan smoked a few cigarettes, he suddenly thought of something, what did Lu Yeming just say, that he was traveling with Jun Xiqing?

He used to take women out for fun, shopping for credit cards, and getting in and out of luxury places, and those women were very happy.

But he didn't seem to take Su Xiaoying out once.

Feng Sinan quickly extinguished the cigarette **** in the ashtray, and he got up and went out of the study door.


In the room, Su Xiaoying had just taken a bath, wiped her long wet hair with a towel, and she opened the door and came out.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Feng Sinan's tall, tall figure walked in.

"Su Xiaoying, let's go traveling."

He said, let's go traveling.

Su Xiaoying was stagnant, but he didn't expect him to make such a sentence, "I won't go."

Feng Sinan Jian stepped forward, stretched out his big palm and held her soft, boneless hand in the palm of his hand, "I'll go as soon as I say, where can you speak?"


Su Xiaoying wants to pull back her little hand, "Feng Sinan, let go of me, I won't go with you, you take other women to play with. When I was waiting for you at home, you were not with those Are women fooling around? "

Feng Sinan lowered his tall body and directly lifted Su Xiaoying. He stepped down stably.

Wu Yan was originally worried that the two would quarrel. As a result, when he looked up, he saw Feng Sinan holding the person down. Wu Yan quickly covered his mouth and laughed, "Sir, where are you going?"

"Let's go out for a day."

Feng Sinan went out holding Su Xiaoying.

Su Xiaoying's two soft white hands shoved Feng Sinan, and the two thin white long legs waved a charming and delicate arc in the air. "Feng Sinan, let go, you let go!"

Feng Sinan held her delicate body tightly in her arms, "Su Xiaoying, the past things have passed, can we say that we should not mention those women's affairs again?"


Feng Sinan opened the door of the co-pilot and put Su Xiaoying in. He reached out to fasten her seat belt. "If you really mind, I can't help it ..."

Said Feng Sinan pursed her thin lips, "I apologize to you, sorry, okay?"

Su Xiaoying butterfly Yu Jie fluttered, what did he say, sorry?

Unexpectedly, the day when Feng Sinan was so powerful and overbearing, he would have an apology so quietly, Su Xiaoying was shocked.

Feng Sinan fastened her seatbelt, then came to the driver's seat, and the Rolls-Royce Phantom Car galloped away.


The Rolls-Royce Phantom luxury car finally stopped at a beautiful alley in the south of the river. Feng Sinan took Su Xiaoying's hand and started.

Su Xiaoying refused to leave.

Feng Sinan looked at her, "Su Xiaoying, stay with me for a day, if you still can't fall in love with me again tomorrow, then I will recognize it."


More finished.

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