Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1826: Feng Sinan jumped into the lake

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan needs one day, he will use this day to make Su Xiaoying fall in love with him again.

Su Xiaoying's cat-like bright eyes fell on Feng Sinan's handsome and expensive face, and slowly shook his head, "It's useless, my heart is like this leaf in my hand, it's gone. , Go away. "

Su Xiaoying spread out her soft white hand, and a small leaf was lying quietly in her little hand.

At that moment a cold wind moved and the leaf was blown away.

Eventually, the leaves fell into the clear lake nearby, and with the rippling ripples, they were blown away into the distance.

Feng Sinan's narrow eyes looked at Su Xiaoying, and he slowly tickled his thin lips. "If I go to get this leaf back, can you stay with me for a day?"

What do you mean?

Su Xiaoying looked at Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan came to the lake. "Su Xiaoying, I will jump down now and pick up the leaf you lost."


Su Xiaoying's bright and clean Tongren shrank suddenly. What was he talking about and he was about to jump into the lake?

Now it's autumn and winter, and at night, the lake is very cold. His jump is very dangerous.

"Feng Sinan, are you crazy? You actually want to jump into the lake to pick up leaves?"

Feng Sinan looked at her and tickled her lips. "Look, you still care about me, Su Xiaoying, in fact, you still love me in your heart."

Su Xiaoying stunned her cherry mouth. "That's it, whatever you want, just jump if you want."

"I'll jump now."

The next second, Feng Sinan Gao Yingting's body jumped into the lake with a perfect arc.

A snoring sounded a wave of waves when he fell into the water.

Su Xiaoying stood on the shore and looked at him. He was a swimmer, and the villas in his family all had a swimming pool. This lake could not stop him at all. I saw that he quickly moved forward to chase that leaf.

Soon, he picked the leaf into his palm.

He picked it up.

Feng Sinan swam back again.

With a bang, he broke through the water, pulled out his long legs and went ashore with ease, and he came to her.

Feng Sinan's clothes were all wet now, and the black thin coat was dripping wet, lining his handsome features with a bit of coldness.

He held out his big palm, and handed the leaf in her palm to her, "Sakura, here you are."

Su Xiaoying looked at him, with a soft smile in his handsome eyebrows, and a touch of petting.

Su Xiaoying suddenly felt that she saw Feng Sinan after disguising herself.

From the moment he was born, Feng Sinan was blessed with various auras. In his future growth, he was strong, overbearing, cold and cold-blooded.

But behind these appearances, in fact, there is a soft place in Feng Sinan's heart.

The little girl who lived on his soft land many years ago, in fact, he also longed for love and warmth in his heart.

Maybe his love and warmth are cleaner and purer than anyone else.

Su Xiaoying stretched out her soft white hand and "snapped" the leaf in his palm.

"Feng Sinan, don't do these things in the future, I said, I don't love you anymore, we are not possible."

Su Xiaoying turned and left.

Looking at her pretty figure, Feng Sinan froze alone. The cold water dripped continuously, and he pulled his palm tightly into a fist.


In a six-star hotel.

Feng Sinan and Su Xiaoying opened two rooms, door-to-door. The reason is simple. Su Xiaoying insisted on living in her own room, and was unwilling to live with Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan took a hot shower, and then fell asleep in bed.

He started to sweat coldly and kept having nightmares.

The dream is back to many years ago, the time he was abducted, and that time he was abandoned by the whole world.

--- Hahaha, what is the eldest son and grandson of the Feng family, in my opinion is a poor worm that nobody loves.

--- Your mother died long ago. Your father married a new wife and gave birth to a smart little son. You were abandoned.

--- No one wants you in this world, no one loves you!

Feng Sinan's ears kept echoing the words of those kidnappers, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

In the eyes, there was darkness.

Feng Sinan was awakened from the nightmare. There was no light in the room, and the curtains were pulled.

It was dark and depressing.

Feng Sinan reached out and touched him, trying to touch Su Xiaoying's soft and warm body, but he didn't touch anything.

She is not around.

Feng Sinan narrowed his eyebrows, and for a moment, he was swallowed up by darkness, coldness, and loneliness.

In fact, he has already adapted to such a life.

Feng Sinan raised his hand and touched his forehead. His forehead was so hot that he had a high fever.

He is young and strong, and rarely ill. Even if he stays up late to work, he can only get a good rest after a short break.

Feng Sinan felt weak, weak and uncomfortable.

He struggled to get up, then lifted the quilt to get out of bed, and he got out of his room door.

In the corridor, Feng Sinan stood at the door of the opposite room, raised his hand and knocked, "Su Xiaoying! Su Xiaoying!"


In the room, Su Xiaoying was asleep, but soon she was woken up.

She heard a knock outside the door, and a strong shout from Feng Sinan, "Su Xiaoying, open the door!"

Su Xiaoying didn't want to ignore the man outside. She wasn't a Virgin. Even if she knew he longed for love and warmth, she didn't want to redeem him.

She had been injured all over, and had no strength to redeem others.

She didn't say anything.

"Su Xiaoying, you are a pig, so you can still fall asleep when called like this? Don't pretend to die, open the door quickly!" Feng Sinan outside the door shouted loudly.


Su Xiaoying was speechless.

It's big night, and there are other VIPs staying in the hotel. Feng Sinan called it, and someone quickly opened the door. "Hey hey, who are you, the door is called at night, do you have a pit in your head?"

Feng Si's eyes were south, and his gloomy eyes fell on the man. The scar on the man's face was obviously the ground snake here.

A black nightgown on Feng Sinan's body, despite having a high fever, was full of anger, yin, strong and mad. He squinted his eyes at the man with a scar, "I don't want to talk to you now , Go back to your room! "

Scar Man's complexion quickly turned pale, and he took up his sleeves. "Why, do you want to fight, do you know who I am?"

Feng Sinan chuckled, "You are my grandson!"


When the atmosphere was tense, a "click" sounded, the door of the room opened, and Su Xiaoying appeared.

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