Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1862: She woke up

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Sinan stretched out her clear palm and gently stroked her cold face. Her voice was low and dumb. "Oh, Sakura, open your eyes."

Su Xiaoying was lying there, covered with water and blood. She did not open her eyes, and of course she could not respond to Feng Sinan.

Jin Zhe was very worried about the current status of the president, and could not help but whispered, "President, Miss Su has no breath, she ... she is dead ..."

Someone was telling him that Su Xiaoying was dead.

Do not.

He doesn't allow it.

He didn't allow her to die, how could she die?

Feng Sinan squatted down, two palms stacked on top of each other, pressed her chest, and then started to deflate, giving her CPR.

He moved one after another, as if she didn't open her eyes, he wouldn't stop.

"President ..."

Jin Zhe looked at Feng Sinan. He has been with this man for so many years, and he is used to all kinds of Feng Sinan, domineering, indifferent, affectionate, evil charm, unbridled, upside down beings, but Jin Zhe For the first time in many years, I saw this ... Affectionate Feng Sinan.

Feng Sinan kept squatting, he kept doing CPR for Su Xiaoying, "Sakura, open your eyes quickly, OK? I order you to open your eyes quickly, you will not die, I forbid you to die! "

"President, don't do this, Miss Su is dead ..." Jin Zhe couldn't help but go to Lafeng Sinan.

As soon as Feng Sinan shook his hand, he shook Jin Zhe away, "Go!"


Feng Sinan's narrow brows were all scarlet. Looking at the cold and serene, he stared at Jin Zhe fiercely, and then continued to do CPR for Su Xiaoying.

At this time, "vomit", Su Xiaoying spit out a large mouthful of sea water.

Feng Sinan froze and quickly looked at her.

Su Xiaoying recovered her breath, and Butterfly Yujie trembled twice.

Jin Zhe on the side was already stunned and shocked. He did not expect that Su Xiaoying, who had no breath just now, was alive!

Su Xiaoying is here again!

Feng Sinan quickly reached out and held Su Xiaoying's cold little hand. He pressed his tall nose against her Xiuqiong's little nose, and kissed intimately, "Sakura, I know ... I know You are not dead, why are you willing to leave me alone? "

Feng Sinan's violently jumping hands revealed his emotions at the moment, how nervous he was just now, and ... scared.

He was really scared, afraid that Su Xiaoying would leave him.

Su Xiaoying's butterfly Yu Fei trembled, and she did not open her eyes or strength to open her head. Her head was tilted and her eyes fell into darkness again.

Su Xiaoying is unconscious.


The next day, Feng's.

Today is the shareholders' meeting of Feng's. At this shareholder meeting, Feng Sinan and Feng Hao will have a fierce competition.

In the VIP meeting room, all the directors looked at Xu Lao, who has just arrived. Xu has reached the top three, and he has become the third generation of dignitaries.

Directors are whispering,

--- I thought Feng Hao had definitely won at this shareholders' meeting. We put all our bets on Feng Hao. I did not expect Xu Lao to be out of the mountain. Looking at this battle, Xu Lao must support Feng Sinan.

--- In this way, Feng Hao is still too tender. For so many years, Feng Sinan has immersed herself in shopping malls.

--- We all support Feng Hao in private. I don't know how Feng Sinan will deal with us again when he comes to power. At that time, Feng's blood will probably set off a **** storm ...

The results have not yet come out, and those directors have been frightened and trembling.

Feng Hao watched this scene, and came to Xu Lao's side. "Xu Lao, in the older generation, I respect you most. My dad also said that Xu Lao valued character most in this life, and then Talent, then I really do n’t understand why Mr. Xu supports my elder brother. My elder brother set a fire many years ago and almost burned me to death. For so many years, he hurt me like a human, and a ghost is not like a ghost. This kind of narrow-minded and sinister man, why should Xu Lao support him? "

Xu Lao looked at Feng Hao, "Second Master, the fire was really Sinan's?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Hao's face changed.

Xu Lao smiled, "Sometimes a person wears a mask for too long and ca n’t take it off. When Sinan was kidnapped, you happened to have a high fever and was hospitalized. The mother and the child were entangled in the old man, and he was directly thrown by Sinan His hands are indifferent, if it is not his life, I am afraid he will die. "

"As for the fire that year, it was completely accidental. The unexpected fire almost burned you to death, and later you lived a life of many years without people."

"Your mother and son know that the fire has nothing to do with Sinan, but your authorities calculate that you can't stand the revenge and you have nothing to end with, so you say that the fire was set by Sinan, and even you I take it seriously. "

"Second Master, the kind of Feng Sinan I know is the one he put the fire in, and he put it in. If he said it wasn't he put it, the one would not be the kind of man he put in. He never hides The coldness and darkness in my heart. "

Feng Hao looked overcast, showing a bit of resentment and distortion.

That's right, the fire that year was indeed an accident.

Feng Sinan returned from the kidnapping case and completely centrifuged with his father. Their mother and son planned to pursue after the victory, but who expected that the fire would directly destroy Feng Hao.

Feng Hao and Liu Luna have a lot of hatred. For many years, she planned to return Feng Hao to plastic surgery and become Nan Xiaogong. They waited for the opportunity and were ready to recapture everything Feng's family had.

In this fire, their mother and son decided that it was Feng Si Nan Fang.

Sure enough, Feng Sinan was kicked out of the Feng family's door, and now all development is accelerating according to the original plan.

Besides, this old Xu is in front of him.

But Feng Hao's face didn't have a lot of panic. He just scratched his lips. "Xu Lao, I know you are fancying my elder brother, but at this shareholder meeting, my elder brother should not come."

At this time, the steward came forward and whispered in Mr. Xu's ear. "Master, the shareholders' meeting has begun, but President Feng has not yet come."

Xu Lao bowed his head and looked at the time, Feng Sinan was late.

Today's crucial shareholder meeting, Feng Sinan has been late.

Feng Hao copied his trousers pocket with one hand. "Old Xu, my elder brother is now in the hospital. I know you care about my elder brother, but now my elder brother only loves beauty and not Jiangshan, how do you help him up?"


In the hospital.

Su Xiaoying was pushed into the operating room, and the dazzling red light turned on.

Feng Sinan stood tall and long in the corridor, leaning his stiff back against the wall, waiting with his handsome eyelids.

His tall body has been melted into this dim light, killing indifferently.

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