Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1863: Feng Sinan lowered her eyes and kissed her forehead

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

I don't know how long, the door of the operating room opened, and the nurse in a white coat came out, "General Feng, the child has flowed out, do you want to take a look?"

Feng Sinan looked up and looked at a white box in the nurse's hand, covered with a white cloth.

That is his child.

It's gone now.

Feng Sinan lifted his thin lips, and his throat was hoarse. "It's been four months. Is it a son or a daughter?"

The nurse said, "General Feng is a son."

Sure enough, he is really a son.

He knew that Su Xiaoying was pregnant with her son.

He just didn't expect his son to die like this.

"General Feng, take a look."

Feng Sinan stretched out his big palm and lifted the white cloth on it ...

He saw a little life that had passed away.

He saw his son.

Feng Sinan slowly closed his palm and said, "Go."


The nurse took the little white box away.

Silence returned to the cloister, the operating room door closed again, and the dazzling red light was still on.

Even the air around is dead and suffocating.

At this time, the secretary Jin Zhe hurried over, he lowered his voice and reminded again, "President, the shareholders meeting was held today, and now it's time, just now Xu Lao's housekeeper called and urged us to pass. Hurry up to the company. If you do n’t pass it, you will be regarded as abstaining. At that time, Feng ’s will really change hands and become Feng Hao. All our previous efforts will fail. ”

Jin Zhe urged very nervously. In fact, he has urged N times, but the president has been standing outside the operating room.

Jin Zhe knows that the president cares for Su Xiaoying and the child in Su Xiaoying's belly, but Feng's is very important.

If Feng is lost, then the president really has nothing.

The president needs to start over.

Feng Sinan's narrow eyes were stained with scarlet blood, and he looked up at the closed operating room door.

"President, you can rest assured that the medical staff here are the most professional. They can definitely take care of Miss Su. Now you have your battlefield."

Feng Sinan lowered his handsome eyelid, then turned, "Go, go to Feng's."

"Okay," Jin Zhe rejoiced.

But as soon as I took a step, the door of the operating room was opened with a bang, and the doctor inside ran out dignifiedly. There was blood rupture inside, and the situation was very bad! "

Feng Sinan's footsteps were stagnant. He turned quickly, and his hoarse voice dropped a bit, with a powerful and powerful aura, shocking, "What are you talking about? What happened inside?"

The doctor wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, stumbled and said, "General Feng, the patient's blood has collapsed ..."

"Don't bullshit!" Feng Sinan yelled.

"Yes, Mr. Feng, the patient suffered a major intrauterine hemorrhage, and his vitality was severely injured. I am afraid that he will not be able to conceive in the future."

Can't conceive anymore.

This means that Su Xiaoying can no longer get pregnant in the future.

Feng Sinan's eyes sank, and the two big palms hanging on his side instantly turned into fists ...


Su Xiaoying was awake, and Butterfly Yujie was trembling weakly and weakly, she stared blankly at the ceiling above her head.

The nose was full of pungent disinfectant water, and she was now in the hospital's intensive care unit.

All the memories before the coma burst into her head, Feng Feng fell into the sea, and she miscarried.

Su Xiaoying's little hand under the quilt moved slightly and climbed to her lower abdomen. The abdomen that had been slightly convex is now flat and her child is gone.

Su Xiaoying felt a big palm stuck into her heart and took away important things in her life. She felt heartbroken.

Butterfly Yujie gently covered it, she closed her eyes, and there were two drops of crystalline and hot tears falling from the corner of her eyes.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and there was a sound of footsteps from far and near, and someone came in.

Soon, slender fingers landed on the corners of her eyes, helping her gently wipe away the tears.

"It doesn't matter, this child is gone, and we will have one in the future."

It's Feng Sinan.

Su Xiaoying's butterfly feathers were covered with crystal tears, her pale red lips trembled, and she almost choked.

The pain in my heart could not be relieved at this moment.

Feng Sinan stood tall beside the bed with a long leg, seeing her like this, he lowered his waist, his big palm shuttled from her soft cheek into her hair, and kissed the tears on her face, "Good Don't cry, huh? All have passed together. You are confinement now and need to adjust your body. "

"This time it's my fault. I'm late. I didn't protect your mother and son. I won't do it next time."

Su Xiaoying opened her eyes, and her cat-like eyes fell on Feng Sinan's face. His handsome and precious facial features were as hard as a knife, and the **** on the stubborn jaw had already taken a circle, adding a few It was a bit cold and a little tired, but he was calm and calm as always, no matter how many months and days on earth, it seems that everything is under his control, which is reassuring.

Feng Sinan also looked at her. One big palm rested on her side, and the other big palm gently rubbed her pale face. His tall and handsome body fell down, showing a domineering possession. Desire and perfect protection.

"Don't leave me in the future, eh? I can promise you anything but leave me, and satisfy you."

Feng Sinan took a deep look into her pupil, with endless hesitation and pity.

Su Xiaoying looked at him, "Dr. Feng ..."

"I've been asked to find my uncle."

Feng Sinan replied lightly and didn't continue, obviously he didn't want to continue this topic.

Su Xiaoying knew that Feng Sinan had a good relationship with Feng Ye. She and Feng Ye were friends. Feng Ye had helped her countless times. So in order not to make Feng Ye difficult to be a person, Su Xiao Ying also sent a message when she left. Rejected the seal.

Su Xiaoying didn't know that Feng Yan liked her. The last moment Feng Feng fell into the river didn't tell the love in her heart, but just stared at her last gentle eyes.

Between Su Xiaoying and Feng Yan, pure and beautiful.

But between the two of them, after all, a Feng Sinan was caught.

Feng Sinan's handsome and noble face did not reveal any emotions. He just lowered his eyes and kissed her forehead. "What I want to eat, I will let you arrange. From this moment, you can rest on the confinement and everything is outside. No tube needed. "


Su Xiaoying's body slowly recovered, and she was discharged from the hospital and moved into the Luoshuiwan villa. She spent a month under the careful care of Wu Yan.

Feng Sinan will return every night this month, although it is very late, he seems extremely busy.

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