Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1982: Ling Li Mu is here!

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Fu Xiyao came downstairs.

Fu Qinglun turned off the TV quickly, and then turned around. Fu Xiyao wore a loose white skirt, and pure Ufa was scattered softly around her fragrant shoulders. The beautiful face with a big slap was still sickly pale, with a forehead Wearing white gauze, looking at Chu Chu moving.

"Yao Yao, why did you get out of bed? The doctor said that you want to stay in bed more, and go back to the room." Fu Qinglun stepped forward.

Fu Xiyao chuckled her red lips and coquettishly said, "Daddy, I have been sleeping for a day, and I feel dizzy."

Said Fu Xiyao looked out the window where he fell, "Daddy, has anyone come to me?"

Fu Qinglun frowned, "Ling Li Mu?"

Fu Xiyao was a little embarrassed. She drew the slender Yu Jie and nodded. "Well ... has he ever come to me?"

She had been sleeping here for a day, but he didn't show up, she missed him.

"After Ling Limu sent you to the hospital, there were some urgent matters to go back to, so he flew away and is not in the Imperial City now."

Did he fly back?

Fu Xiyao looked up at Fu Qinglun, "Daddy ... can you lend me a cell phone, my cell phone broke and I haven't bought a new one."

Fu Qinglun looked at her daughter's flowery face, because of Ling Lingmu, her clear pupil was full of sweet and shameful, which was the color given by the handsome boy.

Fu Qinglun sighed in her heart, and handed her mobile phone to her, "Yao Yao, hold it, I will let someone prepare a new phone for you."

"Thank Daddy, then I'm going upstairs."

Fu Xiyao picked up the phone, quickly turned to run upstairs, and closed the door.


in the room.

Fu Xiyao turned on her phone and dialed out the familiar phone number.

The melodious ringtone on that end rang twice and was then switched on. The low-alcoholic voice passed slowly, "Hey, Yaoyao."

Fu Xiyao quickly smiled and showed a sweet smile, "Hey, husband, where are you now? Dad said you have something to deal with, so you flew back first, did you handle it?"

At that time, Ling Limu had been taken into the car, and there were two staff members around him, holding a mobile phone and holding it to his ear, listening to her soft and sweet voice, and listening to her calling her "husband".

Ling Limu's hooks and lips, soft ripples in the deep black eyes, "Well, deal with it, does your forehead hurt?"

He lowered his voice and exhausted all the strength of his life to be gentle with her and be gentler.

Fu Xiyao originally wanted to say "doesn't hurt", but after a second thought, she changed her mouth again, "I still have a little pain ..."

Ling Limu was silent.

Seeing that he was silent, Fu Xiyao's teeth bit her bright red lips and whispered, "Husband, can you come to pick me up if you handle the matter, I want to see you ... I miss you ..."

She missed him.

Want it so so much.

Ling Limu narrowed his eyebrows gently, fastened his fingers with his slender fingers, and hung up the phone. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the staff around him. "Help me, I'm going to the Imperial City, now! "

Ling Limu surrendered himself, and he destroyed the entire ASA with his own power. Even the ASA's most impeccable computer defense system was deciphered by him, and he turned in billions of dollars. If he becomes the boss of the ASA, then After a few years, this ASA will be able to go to heaven, so for such a legendary genius boy who chose the wrong road, it is naturally sighing and painful.

The staff telephoned the call for instructions, and the above instructions came down immediately ---!


In the evening, Gu's.

Fu Xiyao has got her new phone. She absentmindedly fiddled with the new phone and wanted to call Ling Limu, but thinking that he hung up the phone in the morning, maybe he was busy, Fu Xiyao felt that she was too sensible , Know that sticks to him.

Had he come here easily, he would have been here.

At this moment, the knock on the door rang, Lin Shizhen said outside the door, "Yao Yao, come down for dinner."

"Mum, here I am."

Fu Xiyao opened the door of the room and went out. She took Shishi's mum's hand. "Mum, I'm fine now. You can jump and jump, let's go back."

Lin Shizhen saw the idea of ​​this baby girl at a glance. She was anxious to go back to see Ling Limu, but Ling Limu was there ...

"Yao Yao, there is one thing Mommy wants to tell you."

"What's the matter, Mommy, say it quickly, and let's go back when we have said it." Fu Xiyao smiled with red lips and eyebrows.

Looking at her daughter's bright smile, Lin Shizhen was really sad. "Ling Li Mu ..."

The words have not been said, there is movement outside the bright floor-to-ceiling windows. This private mansion of Gu family has a tarmac. Now there is an airplane flying in the sky, landing slowly, stopping with bright lights and huge air currents. Came down.

The door to the villa was opened and everyone came out.

Gu Mohan and Fu Qinglun, two high-ranking superheroes who have been immersed in the mall for many years, stand tall in the corridor of the retro palace lanterns. Gu Yelin is wearing a fine white shirt and black trousers, and his hands are in his trouser pockets. Water light.

Tang Morer looked at Fu Xiyao gently and waved, "Yao Yao, come here, someone came to see you."

Someone came to see her.

Fu Xiyao ’s beautiful pair of shuiqiuqiu pupils lighted up instantly, who is it, is it Ling Ling Mu?

Fu Xiyao quickly ran downstairs carrying the skirt, and the lace skirt swinged around the handmade wool carpet with beautiful ripples.

Fu Xiyao ran out of the door in one breath. She raised her eyes and saw that the cabin door opened, and a handsome body came down.

Yes ... Ling Li Mu.

Really Lingli Mu.

Tonight's Ling Liwu wore a dark blue coat, which was still a clean white thin turtleneck, and a wavy fringe covered his handsome eyelids. This cold and glamorous teenager was like drawing Come.

Fu Xiyao quickly smiled, her little head was blown up, he hung up her phone in the morning, and now he even appeared in front of her.

She is really happy.

Can no longer take into account how many people were present, Fu Xiyao lifted his feet and ran directly to him.

Ling Limu stood in place, he watched her rushing towards him from the long dress in the middle of the bright lights, he slowly lifted his thin lips and opened his arms.

Fu Xiyao rushed over and rushed into his warm and broad embrace.

"My husband, why are you here?"

Fu Xiyao happily hugged his exquisite waist, and put his beautiful little face on his chest.

Ling Limu raised her hand and held her slowly, then pulled back a little bit, holding her in her arms, lowering his eyes, he kissed her soft hair gently, "Yao Yao, I miss you too."


More finished.

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