Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1983: She will always wait for him

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Yaoyao, I miss you too ...

He told her.

Fu Xiyao was so sweet and sweet that she even ate honey in her mouth. She looked up at him with a small face, "Husband, you're here just right, my father and mother are all there, and Yelin's brother's Daddy's mommy and Brother Yelin are here. I'll introduce you to them. "

"You don't have to be nervous, they will like you very much."

Her soft and sweet voice was in her ears, and Ling Limu's deep black eyes overflowed with full of nostalgia and perseverance.

Her little hand, he didn't want to let go.

Even if he knew he was selfish, he was still reluctant to let go of her hand.

Ling Limu raised her hand and held her beautiful face, and looked deeply into her beautiful eyes. "Yao Yao, give me more time, wait for me, OK?"

What do you mean?

There was a hint of doubt in Fu Xiyao's Chengliang's pupil, and she looked at Ling Limu puzzledly, "Husband, I don't understand what you mean."

his meaning…

What he means ...

At this time a staff member stepped forward, "Time is up, we are leaving."

Fu Xiyao then saw a few more people coming down the cabin, all of them were uniform workers. They were going to take Ling Limu away.

Ling Limu slowly released Fu Xiyao ’s beautiful face, “Yao Yao, I ’m going to leave you for a while, wait for me, okay, for so many years, no matter what I ’ve experienced, I ’ve never been scared. Since I met you, I have something to fear, and I am most afraid of ... missing you. "

Fu Xiyao looked at Ling Liwu's handsome face, she began to shake her head and kept shaking her head, "I don't understand ... I don't understand what you say ..."

At this time, the staff stepped forward and took Ling Limu away.

"Where are you going?" Fu Xiyao ran forward quickly, grabbing Ling Limu's sleeves, her little face was completely white and bloodless, "Where are you going, where will they take you?" Go, do n’t go, Ling Limu do n’t go! ”

Ling Limu looked at her reluctantly, then lowered her voice, "Yao Yao, sorry ..."

"We should go."

The staff took Ling Limu to the plane.

Fu Xiyao's whole heart fell into the ice cellar, and she felt cold. She didn't understand what was going on. She was fine before.

She ran forward, "Ling Liwu, don't go ... I'm scared, don't leave me, please ... I'm really scared ..."

Fu Xiyao in this life was most afraid of separation.

But the cabin door closed, separating the two people in two worlds.

The plane took off slowly.

Fu Xiyao chased after the plane. She should not leave Lingli Mu. No one can take Ling Limu away from her. "Ling Limu! Ling Limu!"

"Yao Yao, don't chase!" At this moment Lin Shizhen and Tang Moer ran over.


Fu Xiyao kicked her feet and fell directly on the ground. When she raised her eyes again, the plane had already flown away.

The white eyes suddenly turned red, and large teardrops fell down inside.

"Ling Liwu, don't go, don't leave me alone, please!"

Lin Shizhen quickly crouched down and hugged the crying Fu Xiyao into his arms. "Yao Yao, all right, Mummy is here."

Fu Xiyao burst into tears in her mother's arms ...


Gu family.

Outside the room, Tang Mo'er whispered, "Shi Shi, Yao Yao has been locked in the room for a day, and she has not eaten anything. How can her body eat up?

Lin Shizhen frowned distressedly, "Yao Yao already knows about Ling Limu, she needs time to digest ..."

Before he finished speaking, he clicked, the door of the room opened directly, and Fu Xiyao came out.

Fu Xiyao wore a long black down jacket. Her pure hair was softly curled up behind her white earlobe. In addition to the white eye sockets, which were swollen and delicate, she looked very calm.

"Mummy, Moer Mummy, why are you here? Daddy, I want to see Daddy." Fu Xiyao said.

At this time, Fu Qinglun came out of the study, "Yao Yao, are you looking for me?"

"Daddy," Fu Xiyao stepped forward, "I want to hire the best lawyer to fight Ling Limu. Although Ling Limu joined the ASA, he surrendered billions of dollars and surrendered it. This is a great achievement for the entire ASA. I know he can't escape legal sanctions, but I have to fight for his sentence reduction. If he performs well in it, he can come out sooner. "

Fu Xiyao said this calmly and calmly.

Fu Qinglun was very pleased that he was indeed his daughter, who was able to quickly get rid of the pain and solve the problem more rationally and wisely.

"Yao Yao, I have already found the best lawyer. Now in the study, you can go in and talk to the lawyer."

Fu Xiyao ’s beautiful pair of pupils was red again. She looked at Qinglun Daddy, "Daddy, thank you."

Fu Qinglun frowned, "Yao Yao, as your daddy, Daddy wants to know your future plans, what will you do with Ling Limu?"

Fu Xiyao's slender Yu Jie trembled, and then smiled softly and smiled softly, "I'll wait for him for years, no matter how many years, I'll always wait."

Fu Qinglun and Lin Shizhen did not have any unexpected expressions. In fact, they had already guessed that Yaoyao would wait for Lingli Mu.

They agreed with every decision made by their daughter. In addition to sighing to Ling Liwu, they also felt distressed for her daughter.

But parents are powerless.

At this time, Fu Xiyao raised her head gently, she looked at Fu Qinglun, "Daddy and Mommy, I'm sorry, I haven't told you one thing. Actually ... I and Ling Limu have already obtained a marriage certificate. I belong to him. Wife. "


Fu Qinglun and Lin Shizhen were surprised.


Fu Xiyao talked with the lawyer. The lawyer was very confident in the lawsuit. They flew back that night. The lawyer planned to go to the office the next morning to see Ling Limu. Fu Xiyao could accompany him.

Fu Xiyao woke up very early. She had no sleep at night. Her dark circles were serious. She looked a lot embarrassed. In order to see Ling Limu with the best mental appearance, she put on a thin layer of delicate **** makeup.

Wearing a white cashmere coat, the girl in the mirror is still so beautiful and stunning. The 18-year-old Shun Dang Nian Hua was originally covered with collagen, and Fu Xiyao hooked his red lips to himself in the mirror.

She's going to see Ling Li Mu, she's going to tell him, well, she'll wait for him.

If separation is inevitable, she will use all her strength to prevent the fate of this life from repeating the mistakes of the previous life. She will not leave him alone, without missing, she will always be with him forever.


Let ’s change it first, babies.

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