Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2033: You are my hot sun (39)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Ling Limu's eyes fell on Fu Xiyao's body.

Gu Yelin also glanced at Fu Xiyao, and then in his sight broke into a beautiful figure, Xia Xiaodie came out.

Xia Xiaodie also changed her clothes. She wore a suspender skirt, thin black shoulder straps, and a pink sequin skirt underneath. A pure black hair spread down softly, exposing her bright and delicate face, 19 years old. The young girl, with slender arms and lush cherry lips, is stunningly beautiful.

--- Wow, Xi Yao and Xiaodie are really beautiful. You are the two flowers in the audience.

Qingguo and a group of girls were surrounded by Fu Xiyao and Xia Xiaodie.

Fu Xiyao lifted Chengliang's pupil and looked inside, and at a glance he saw Ling Limu sitting, and he came out, it should be looking for her.

Fu Xiyao was still angry. She snorted red lips and snorted at Ling Limu, then twisted her stunning little face without looking at him.

Lingli Mu, ...

Although Fu Xiyao twisted her face, a few seconds later, she turned her face back and watched Ling Limu secretly.

But at this point she froze, because Ling Limu was gone.

he's gone?

Why did he leave?

Fu Xiyao's anxiety can't wait to bite him.

The grand occasion here has long attracted the attention of all men, and everyone came over.

One of the oil tycoons, Jack, is a foreigner, in his thirties, rich and handsome. He walked to Gu Yelin, "General Manager Gu, what's the name of that beauty?"

Gu Yelin followed Jack's gaze and Jack was referring to ... Fu Xiyao.

Gu Yelin picked up Yingqi's sword eyebrow, and then answered with a pure British accent, "Prince Xi Yao, have you heard of it?"

Jack exclaimed, "I only watched Princess Xi Yao on TV. I didn't expect that Princess Xi Yao was so beautiful. It was like a perfect work of art. It was incredible."

"I heard that the second prince sacrificed in a fire. Now Princess Xi Yao can chase after you. Mr. Gu, you can't chase Princess Xi Yao. If you don't chase, I will chase."

Gu Yelin tickled her thin lips. "You go."

Jack quickly stepped forward and came to Fu Xiyao's side. "Hi, Princess Xiyao, my long name, my name is Jack. I have been admiring you for a long time. May I make a friend with you?"

Jack's personality is more open, so he went straight to the theme, and did not hide his admiration for Fu Xiyao.

Fu Xiyao was all about Ling Limu with a heart. Now Jack suddenly broke in and showed such initiative and enthusiasm. Fu Xiyao immediately embarrassedly ticked his red lips, but she politely said, "Hello Jack."

"Prince Xiyao, you are so beautiful, can I kiss the back of your hand?"

Gentleman Jack stooped and extended his hand.

Fu Xiyao was stunned. In Western civilization, men kiss the back of a woman ’s hand to show the highest respect and admiration. This Jack does not mean to take advantage, but Fu Xiyao still feels inappropriate. She is more conservative. At dusk, she could not accept anyone.

Without raising his hand, Fu Xiyao Jack raised his head. "Prince Xiyao, am I too obtrusive, don't you misunderstand, I have absolutely no meaning, I really admire Princess Xiyao too much. Today I am even more honored by you I am fascinated and hope that Princess Xi Yao can give me a chance, a chance to pursue you. "


There is one more change.

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