Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2034: You are my hot sun (40)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jack boldly expressed his love to Fu Xiyao.

Fu Xiyao, ...

Everyone was watching this scene. Fu Xiyao was so charming that it made it very normal for the financial tycoon Jack to see it at first sight, but ...

--- The second prince is here!

At this time, Fu Xiyao heard a commotion from the ear, the second prince came, and Ling Limu, who had disappeared just now, came.

Fu Xiyao raised her eyes quickly, she saw Ling Limu who was returning.

Ling Liwu Gao Yingying stood tall in front of him. His deep black eyes fell on Jack and her little face, looking calm and calm, but a layer of sharp and unpleasant chill overflowed for no reason.

Why is he back again?

Isn't he gone?

Fu Xiyao looked at him with a wonderful look.

At this time, Ling Limu stepped forward with a steady footstep. He reached out and grabbed Fu Xiyao's slim waist, a natural gesture, full of domination. He looked at Jack. "Mr. Jack, you want to pursue me Mrs. Li, ask me if I agree or disagree. "

Jack froze, "Second Prince?"

Ling Limu drew handsome eyelids, looking at Fu Xiyao ’s beautiful face, "Tell him, who am I to you?"

Fu Xiyao did not intend to ignore Lingliwu, but in front of outsiders, she still had to give him face, "Mr. Jack, sorry, he is the second prince, I am his ... Princess Xiyao."

I am his Princess Xi Yao ...

Ling Limu's eyes softened, because she said "I am his Princess Xi Yao", in this life, the world famous Princess Xi Yao is just him.

This true sense of belonging made Ling Limu tighten her arms and hold her deeper into her arms.

Jack opened his mouth in surprise. He thought that the second prince had disappeared in the fire. In addition, these days Lingliwu didn't officially return to the royal family, so his information was wrong, and now an oolong is out.

It seems that Princess Xiyao can only admire from a distance.

"I'm sorry, the second prince, Princess Xi Yao, it's my fault, and I'll go first." Jack left quickly.

Jack left, Ling Limu's hand was still holding her soft waist, Fu Xiyao pushed him away directly, she turned and left.

"Xi Yao, don't you play anymore?" Qing Guo asked.

"Don't play, I'll go back to rest first, you play." Fu Xiyao left.

Ling Limu looked at her playful shadow and quickly hurried up.

--- Are you saying that Xi Yao and the Second Prince are making trouble?

--- I also look like it, now the second prince chases Xi Yao, presumably to coax ...

The girls were curious about gossip, and Qingguo was a little worried. She looked at Xia Xiaodie, "Sister Xiaodie, should we go and see Xi Yao?"

Xia Xiaodie's black-eyed apricot eyes glanced at the direction where Ling Limu and Fu Xiyao disappeared, then shook her head gently, "No need, the second prince will surely coax."

Qingguo was relieved, and she quickly joined the gossip camp.

--- Now the two leading giants in the business world, the second prince is Xi Yao's, and now all the ladies and gentlemen can stare at Gu ...

Qing Guo blinked in the direction of Gu Yelin.

All the girls' eyes glanced at Gu Yelin. Gu Yelin was sitting on the yacht, surrounded by a number of princes. Those princes didn't know what to say, and they dedicated to him. A few words, like the king of the audience.

Gu Yelin was wearing a white shirt, and now the comfortable sea breeze blew his white shirt. Gu Yelin, who was exuding an extraordinary character, was elegant and noble, and showed a little carelessness. The mysterious high-cold, indescribable charm.

The girls who peeked at him turned red,

--- What kind of girls do you like, Mr. Gu?

--- I do n’t know, Mr. Gu is the same as the second prince. He is young, handsome, fashionable, fashionable, rich, and his private life is quite clean. I dare not think that he will have a girl he likes. ?

--- Gu family's doorkeeper is too high, the richest man in the business world, Gu Yelin, as the two princes of Gu Lu, is also the pride of heaven. If any girl is caught by him, marry into Gu family as a young grandma It is a blessing to be repaired for several generations!

Everyone was talking. At this moment, Qingguo held Xia Xiaodie and said in a small voice, "Little Butterfly, what whisper did President Gu say to you just now?"

Xia Xiaodie looked back at Gu Yelin.

Gu Yelin didn't originally look here, even though the flowers were like clouds here, but she probably felt her eyes. Gu Yelin looked up, and a pair of deep narrow eyes fell on her bright and pretty face.

With four eyes facing each other, Gu Yelin chewed a piece of fructose in his mouth. He raised the edge of Yingqi's eyebrows and looked at her dark apricot eyes with charm, then lazily crushed the fructose.

Gu Yelin, 24, has reached the top of the business world, strong enough to turn the clouds and rain, and his sloppy and slow twisting posture is really charming.

Xia Xiaodie looked away. "He didn't say anything."

Qing Guo followed Fu Xiyao and was already sensitive to feeling sick, so she felt that there must be a story between Gu Yelin and Xia Xiaodie.

Qingguo whispered, "Sister Xiaodie, Xi Yao and I both like you, so I told you that this prince Gu is a real master, Tian Zhijiao. I always look after you, Gu Gu, and you do n’t want to Hide, hurry up. "

"You are now 19, General Manager Gu, and 24 years old. You are in love when you see the right eye. How simple is that, when you are in love with General Manager Gu, you have everything."

"Now the girls are very good, especially in college, many of them choose good boyfriends, Gu general conditions, hardware and software have everything, standard."

"Changing with other girls, if Gu always sees you, they will all go home and burn the incense, Xiaodie sister you ..."

Xia Xiaodie had no intention to gossip, she quickly said, "Sister Qingguo, thank you for your kindness. I still have something to do and leave now."

"Little Butterfly sister ..."

Green fruit called out, but Xia Xiaodie said she was gone.


Xia Xiaodie walked in the corridor. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call her mother, but the mobile phone signal on the private yacht was not very good.

She was going to go home, but the private yachts were all open and she couldn't dock. She could only stay here.

But at this moment two people came in front, Ge Hao and Xia Yuanyuan.

Ge Hao asked Xia Yuanyuan, "How about Kocho, why can't I see Kocho?"

Xia Xiaodie stopped. She didn't want to ignore the two people, so she wanted to avoid it now.

Where to hide?

Suddenly a big hand with a clear joint reached over, clasped her slender haw wrist and pulled it gently, Xia Xiaodie was pulled into a dark grid.

Xia Xiaodie trembled Yujie, the butterfly cicada wing, and Gu Yelin's handsome, handsome face slowly enlarged in her sight.

It's him!

why did he come here?

The dark grid was not big, and now the two people hid in together. He was standing in front of her, Xia Xiaodie leaned back, her delicate back pressed against the wall, still smelling his breath.

Clean, crisp, with a touch of fructose, it smells really good.

Xia Xiaodie didn't want to hide here, to be precise, she didn't want to hide here with him, so she turned sideways and wanted to leave.

But the sight was dark, Gu Yelin copied his trousers pockets with his hands, and his upright body was blocked in front of her again. He also looked at her bright little face with a handsome eyelid.

How did he like blocking her way so much?

Xia Xiaodie raised the black apricot eyes and gave him a stern glance.

Gu Yelin picked up her sword-brow eyebrows and slowly lifted her thin lips, obviously in a good mood.

At this time, Xia Yuanyuan's voice came in from the outside, "Ge Shao, my sister is very cold and difficult to handle. If you can't handle it, I have a way to keep her with you."

"Xia Yuanyuan, what do you want to do? I tell you, Xiaodie is the one whom Ben Shao fancy. Ben Shao naturally has a way to chase her. You better not bully her, or Ben Shao can't spare you!" Ge Hao Viciously warned Xia Yuanyuan.

Xia Yuanyuan was stunned. Although she and the Xia family wanted Xia Xiaodie to be with the prince of the Ge family, only a few days later, Ge Hao became obsessed with Xia Xiaodie. This made Xia Yuanyuan again Envy and hate.

"Ge Shao, rest assured, Kocho is my sister. How could I bully her? I just watch Ge Shao and you haven't been with Kocho. My sister's anxiety."

"Come less of this set. How does your Xia family treat Xiaodie, Ben Shao knows well, but it doesn't matter. Xiaodie will soon be Ge's younger grandma. When you see her, you must nod your head!"

After that, Ge Hao went away with a big swing.

Xia Yuanyuan was so angry that a beautiful face was distorted. Why is it always like this, Xia Xiaodie didn't do anything, but these men just like her, and even Princess Xi Yao made good with her?

Xia Yuanyuan's two hands were tightly pulled into fists.

Xia Xiaodie, who was in the dark, listened to their conversation. After a while, even Xia Yuanyuan left, Xia Xiaodie moved and wanted to leave.

But at that moment, the good-looking man's breath suddenly pushed in, Gu Yelin suddenly passed over, raised his right hand, propped against her side, and blocked her in his arms.

Xia Xiaodie quickly raised the black apricot eyes and looked at him, "What do you mean?"

Gu Yelin had thin lips and a low-pitched voice, "What do you mean, really ... don't want to fall in love?"

"I don't want to."

Xia Xiaodie answered the two words without hesitation.

Gu Yelin copied his trouser pocket with his left hand and took out something, "Here you are."

Xia Xiaodie looked down, and he gave her a shiny diamond bracelet.

What is he doing?

Give away diamond bracelets on the go?

It is said that the business giant has made great shots, especially for women, and now it seems that it is well-deserved.

Gu Yelin looked at her bright little goose egg face, "Come out tomorrow to play together. What do you like to play, airplanes, yachts, or I will take you to racing?"


More finished.

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