Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2035: You are my hot sun (41)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Gu Yelin asked her to go out and play together.

Xia Xiaodie's black-eyed Xingmu looked at him, "I don't want what you send, and I don't want to go out with you, do you understand me?"

She refused directly.

Simply, neatly, without any hesitation.

Gu Yelin's narrow eyes narrowed for a moment, overflowing with the danger of charm.

Xia Xiaodie did not look at him again, she opened the door of the dark grid and left.

Watching the girl Qiaoyan disappear into her sight, Gu Yelin glanced down at the handsome eyelid and looked at the diamond bracelet in her hand, then tickled her thin lips.

Gu Yelin returned to the room. Tony was in a video chat with his teammates in the room. "I told you, the boss is terrible. The boss seems to like a girl."

The brothers over there are all blown up,

--- It's true. Does the boss have a girl she likes?

--- That girl is pretty, is there any picture or anything, please tell us soon.

Tony pretended to be a mysterious mouth, "I don't have a picture, but the girl looks so small, only 18, 9 years old, and looks really beautiful. I haven't seen a girl more beautiful than this girl."

At this time Gu Yelin returned, he threw the diamond bracelet on the coffee table, and the whole man sat lazily on the sofa, his deep eyes swept over, "tony, what are you talking about?"

--- Boss, I heard we have a big sister!

--- Boss, when will bring Dasao to us to see, brothers can't wait!

Gu Yelin glanced at the video, then looked at tony, "Did you tell them?"

Tony's scalp was numb, and the team was most afraid of the boss. Tony had already felt that the boss seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Tony looked at the diamond bracelet lost on the coffee table, and opened his mouth in shock. "Boss, shouldn't you give the bracelet to Xia Xiaomei, right? Xia Xiaomei didn't accept it? Oh my god, This is the first time the boss has given a girl a gift, and the first time I chased the girl, I ate a closed-door meal, and Xia Xiaomei was so cool. "

The brothers over there are also boiling,

--- Fuck, there are still people in the world who can resist the charm of the boss. You have to know how many girls don't have the opportunity to put on the boss.

--- Dasao is so cool, we want to see Dasao!

--- Boss, don't be discouraged, it's too easy to chase the girl, tell us the name of Dasao, and we will help you explode her ID.

Gu Yelin heard a headache. These people, including Tony, are all global IQ elites, but they are young and shy.

Gu Yelin picked up a pillow and smashed it onto the computer screen. "Get me out of work!"

The video is over.

Ears were finally quiet, Gu Yelin raised his hand and squeezed Yingqi's brows.


Fu Xiyao returned to the room, and she sat angrily beside the bed, ignoring Ling Liwu.

Ling Limu came over, he watched her beautiful cheeks sulking because she was angry, and tickled her thin lips. "Really angry?"


Fu Xiyao snorted heavily, turned around and ignored him.

"This, you either?"

Fu Xiyao lifted his clear pupil, and Ling Limu had a beautiful rose in his hand.

He gave her roses.

He didn't leave just now, but took the rose.

All the resentment of Fu Xiyao disappeared, and she felt sweet and raised her hand to get the rose.


There is a big change. It should be at night. Here is the end of Xi Yao vs Li Mu, Kawen is terrific, because Xi Yao vs Li Mu is really sweet, there is almost no plot, neon clothes are hand-written. Cavinka's good ecstasy.

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