Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2101: You are my hot sun (109)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xia Xiaodie spent a day in the school experiment. She was quiet at the window during school hours, holding a cup of tea in her hand, and looked out of the window blindly.

Since that miscarriage, her hands have gone cold and cold.

Then the phone rang and Dr. Han's phone came.

Xia Xiaodie put down her glass and connected the phone. "Hey, professor."

Dr. Han's voice passed quickly, with deep joy and pride, "Kocho, I have read your star plan. As the basic model of your digital age, I just gave the star plan to Prof. Wei looked at it. Old Wei was amazed after watching it. He also said frankly that the waves of the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward. You little girl is really incredible. "

"Xiaodie, now the news of the Star Project has spread wildly in the circle, and has attracted the attention of a group of business leaders. They are eager to buy the Star Project in your hands. I don't know what you think. Do you want to sell at sky-high prices to become a generation of rich young people, or do you want to participate in dividends and enter the business world to become the youngest CEO? "

"Little butterfly, neither of these is difficult. I can help you maximize your benefits."

Xia Xiaodie was really grateful to Dr. Han. Dr. Han has been carrying her personally for the past few years, and she is her mentor and friend. Of course, she also knows that Dr. Han sees her fatherless and motherless, and has a little more pity Caring, from the warmth of Dr. Han, she will remember for life.

"Professor, I haven't figured it out yet, I haven't figured out which way to go in the future."

"It doesn't matter Kocho, you are only 19 years old, and you have a lot of time to think about, no matter what decision you make, I will support you."

"Professor, thank you."

Xia Xiaodie hung up the phone, took the bag, and left the laboratory to prepare to leave school.

At this time, many people came in front. The most up-and-coming Zhao Silu, "Xia Xiaodie, stand still, I have something to ask you."

Xia Xiaodie stopped, and a pair of dark and cold apricot eyes looked at Zhao Silu.

Zhao Silu smiled proudly and provokedly, "Xia Xiaodie, you seem pure on the surface like a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks. Don't say how many seniors we have, E, pursue you, just say there are as many princes in the princely circle outside. The car drove to the gate of University E to pick you up, but you didn't agree with anyone. Who would have thought that you would actually be such a person, standing up and standing up, even sneaking to the hospital to give birth!

It is now time for school to have more students. There are two beautiful women, Xia Xiaodie and Zhao Silu, who openly bar here, so everyone is here for fun, and the eyes are full of black people.

Hearing Zhao Silu's "birth", the students who watched took a breath of air, oh my god!

"Zhao Silu, you can eat meals, you can't say anything. You said Xia Xiaodie went to the hospital to give birth, do you have any evidence?"

"Yeah, Xia Xuemei we know is definitely not such a person, don't stigmatize her!" ...

Many people speak for Xia Xiaodie. You must know that Xia Xiaodie, as a 19-year-old double postdoctoral student of E University, is now stunning and is regarded as a goddess by many people.

Zhao Silu was very satisfied with this response. "Have I talked in a way, Xia Xiaodie knows best, Xia Xiaodie, in the presence of so many people, you can answer everyone's question, have you ever tried to give birth?"

In her clothes pocket, Zhao Silu was holding Xia Xiaodie's hospital abortion certificate. She is now waiting for Xia Xiaodie to refute. As soon as she rebuts, she can hammer Xia Xiaodie to death. It smells bad.

Xia Xiaodie looked at Zhao Silu with a trick on her face. Her scar was suddenly exposed and she was exposed to the sun. Xia Xiaodie suddenly felt a pain in her stomach.

The little life came hurriedly, but hurried away.

The pain that Xiao Life was stripped from her stomach that day, Xia Xiaodie seemed to experience it again.

However, Xia Xiaodie didn't have any emotional emotions on her bright little face. She looked at Zhao Silu. "Yes, I went to the hospital to have an abortion."


The audience was uproar.

Zhao Silu also froze. She did not expect Xia Xiaodie to admit it so generously.

In Zhao Silu's vision, the miscarriage was revealed, and Xia Xiaode should be nervous and guilty to refute and evade. She also just enjoyed the pleasure of revenge and gave Xia Xiaodie step by step to Ling Chi, but The facts are beyond her imagination.

At this time Xia Xiaode stepped forward and came to Zhao Silu. "Why, you are so enthusiastic about blocking me here, am I pregnant and miscarrying and breaking the law?"

"This ..." Zhao Silu concluded.

Xia Xiaodie ticked her red lips coldly. "Or did I make someone else's junior and wanted to borrow the upper position to violate the moral bottom line?"


Falling in love in university is normal. Xia Xiaodiehua is of the same age and naturally has no blame. Zhao Silu was so stunned by this question.

"Since it is reasonable and I haven't hurt others, what kind of life is my freedom, why are you talking about it here?" Xia Xiaodie's voice suddenly became cold.

Subconsciously, Zhao Silu took a step back, and she felt that Xia Xiaodie, who was full of aura, was palpitating.

"Step aside."

Xia Xiaodie said two words coldly, then pulled away.

Until Xia Xiaodie Qiaoyan's figure disappeared into sight, Zhao Silu's talent was straight and stomped. Which one was this? She had wanted to use the abortion to blow Xia Xiaodie's reputation. She never thought that they would not care at all, and she is beautiful now. Let's go again.

"Si Lu, don't be angry, anyway, our purpose has been achieved, Xia Xiaodie also admitted that she had a miscarriage, and her pre-marital pregnancy will soon pass out. How could a big family like Shao Wei still watch? Deserve her? "

Zhao Silu's heart was relieved quickly, yeah, her purpose was achieved, and Brother Youlin belongs to her!

"But this Xia Xiaodie is really hanged. It seems that she didn't care about the abortion. I also heard that she has perfected the star plan in her hand. Now the circle is agitated and many business leaders have already started. The sky price wants to monopolize the star plan in her hands, this Xia Xiaodie has hanging capital. "

Before this female classmate sighed, Zhao Silu killed her with a jealous and envious look, and the female classmate shut up instantly.



In the president's office, Gu Yelin was sitting on the president's office chair, wearing a white shirt and a tie, and holding a pen in his hand to “brush” on the document to sign his name.

At this time, the personal secretary Li Fan came in and said carefully, "President ..."

Gu Yelin didn't look up, his handsome eyelids were drooping, and the three-dimensionally carved features outlined the arcs of yin and yin, even the thin lips were softly pressed, "What's wrong?"

Li Fan was sweating on his forehead. The entire Gu family knew that the president was in a bad mood during this time, and it was overcast.

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