Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2102: You are my hot sun (110)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

This month Gu Yelin resumed working hard again. Except for two business trips, he stayed in the company almost every night. Everyone was afraid to go out, and he was afraid of the storm of the president.

Li Fan was a little bitter, "President, Miss Xia ... Miss Xia ..."

Li Fan did not dare to say, hesitated.

Upon hearing the name Xia Xiaodie, Gu Yelin's pen in his hand was stunned, but soon returned to normal, "dumb?"

"Yes, the president, just got the news, Zhao Silu from E University, that is, the foolish lady who has always loved Wei Youlin, she blasted Miss Xia to the hospital in the school two days ago ... went to abortion at the hospital This matter has been passed on privately in the past two days, and they are all guessing about Miss Xia's relationship ... Who is that man? "

Li Fan said something subtle, in fact, in the past two days, Xia Xiaodie's abortion has turned into countless lace news fermentation.

Xia Xiaodie has always been the school flower of E University. Those princes want to chase her, but she is very cold. Now that she was pregnant before going to the hospital and had an abortion, it naturally caused restlessness.

Everyone is guessing who is the man who can conquer Xia Xiaodie and let Xia Xiaodie abort, and everyone wants to admire the charm of this man.

When mentioning abortion, Gu Yelin stopped the action at hand, Jun Mei's eyebrows flinched, he threw the pen in his hand, and he got up and stood with one hand on his hips in front of the floor window, as if he could not breathe. Yes, he tugged his neck tie wildly.

Li Fan no longer dared to speak more, because he saw that his handsome face was dripping with gloom.

"Chief ... President, Miss Xia ... what should I do?"

Li Fan asked tremblingly.

Gu Yelin's thin lips curled into a sinister arc. The atmosphere became suppressed and thin because of his silence. He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and opened it.


Since the last time he fell out of the hospital, gave her a temper, and threatened to end her relationship with her, she never contacted him again.

This month, she did not look for him.

She had an accident at school, and miscarriages were spread, and she did not tell him and asked him for help.

"How is she?"

Gu Yelin asked.

she was?

Li Fan quickly responded, "Ms. Xia was very calm in this storm and was not affected much. Ms. Xia was cold and did not rely on her face to eat. I heard that she is a model star in the digital age economy. It has been initially perfected. Recently, the big names in the circle have rushed to skyrocket. Talented people are straight wherever they go. "

"By the way, Grandma also called a few days ago and said yes ... Ms. Xia was out of confinement and she recovered well. Because she was busy with graduation, these days Ms. Xia moved out of Qingluo Villa and went to E I'm staying at school, Miss Xia ... I haven't said I can't go back ... Qingluo Villa. "

She moved away?

Gu Yelin was so full of her mind that she moved away.

In the hospital that day, he said something very difficult to hear, shamed her, and then said that he had ended the relationship with her earlier.

But he didn't think, she actually moved away.


Her speed is really fast, she must be very happy now, after leaving him, she can still choose between Nancheng and Wei Youlin.

"You don't need to worry about this, just go out." Gu Yelin lifted his lips gently.

Li Fan was stunned. The president didn't care about it. Although Ms. Xia was talented and capable, the fact that she was unmarried and had a miscarriage ruined her fame. This rumor was so fierce that Ms. Xia was only 19 years old. It's cruel for a girl to be poked and talked about by everyone else.

Moreover, the child that Miss Xia has lost is, after all, the blood of the president and the first child of the president. How can he ignore it?

But Li Fan didn't dare to refute the decision made by the president, and he quickly went out.

Li Fan was gone, his ears were quiet, Gu Yelin drew a cigarette and put it on his thin lips, then lit it with a lighter, and he began to swallow the clouds and drive the fog.

The green smoke obscured Jun Yan, but his brilliance of the sword's eyebrows was tightly sculpted into a word "chuan", extremely gloomy.

One-handedly pulled off the neck tie and wanted to throw the tie into the sofa, but the action was delayed the next second, because the tie in his hand was selected by Xia Xiaodie more than a month ago and helped him personally Put it on.

Gu Yelin spit out smoke, and her head was full of Xia Xiaodie's big, bright face. She was gentle and playful to him more than a month ago, and kissed her, her little face was red and delicate, but again Holding his neck with two small hands, Xing Yan's eyes were broken and looked at him with joy.

Gu Yelin suddenly felt that the smell of nicotine could not suppress him. Somewhere in his heart was loose, and he was about to move.

The impulse almost made him unable to restrain.

Gu Yelin threw a half of the cigarette in the ashtray, and went out with the car key.


E big.

Xia Xiaode is out of school. Because she lives on campus and it is cold, she holds a thermos in her hand to get hot water.

The enemy was narrow and met Zhao Silu.

Zhao Silu snorted quickly, "Someone is pregnant before being married. The identity of the man is still a mystery, and I don't know if he can't see the light. I directly suspect that the man has a family. . "

Passing by many students, everyone's eyes "brushed", but they were actually curious and confused.

In recent days, Xia Xiaodie's miscarriage has been spreading. It stands to reason that the man will definitely show up to protect Xia Xiaodie.

But the man had no news, so everyone had reason to doubt whether the man was as light as Zhao Silu said.

Xia Xiaodie ignored Zhao Silu. She drank hot water and turned away.

At this moment, there was a handsome figure with a gentle and warm jade, "Little Butterfly."

Xia Xiaodie looked up and Wei Youlin came.

Zhao Silu's eyes brightened, "Brother Youlin, why did you come here? I heard that you went to the seminar two days ago. You came by just this time, Xia Xiaodie ..."


Wei Youlin directly interrupted Zhao Silu's words, "Silu, have you ever heard a word, jealousy makes people ugly."

Zhao Silu has always loved Wei Youlin. She was so excited that she would sue Xia Xiaodie in front of Wei Youlin, but Wei Youlin shot her face directly.

Zhao Silu's face turned white.

At this time, Wei Youlin came to Xia Xiaodie's side. He reached out and took the thermos bottle in Xia Xiaodie's hand. The other hand held Xia Xiaodie's cold hand. "Xiaodie, you have been wronged these days, Why don't you call me? "


More finished.

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