Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2110: You are my hot sun (310)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Suddenly, Li Tingyu sympathized with Huo Beichen, but he did not expect that such a special and infatuated man was in his bones.

Li Tingyu smiled, "Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Fu, long respect your name."

"Listen to the rain, don't be so polite, just call us by name, let's go, it's cold outside, let's go in quickly."

Tang Mo'er and Lin Shizhen pulled Li Tingyu in.


Si Kongyu and Bai Xue also came. At that time, the warm and ruthless Doctor Si Kong was conquered by Bai Xue, and the two were very sweet these years.

Compared to other ladies, Bai Xue is really a bit delicate, and the Doctor Sikong listens to Bai Xue very much, so everyone laughs at the fact that Si Kongzhen is a strict wife.

Sikong Ruoling and Huo Qize also arrived soon. The two didn't expect that the paparazzi made entertainment headlines that night. The parents of the two also acted quickly and enthusiastically for a dinner party.

However, Si Kongruo Ling is the jewel in the palm of Si Kongzhen and Bai Xue. He has been obsessed with medicine in recent years. In his heart, Bai Xue doesn't want his daughter to actually marry Huo Qize. Love can be. The marriage is not right.

Of course, Li Tingyu knew that she was worried about her mother. Huo Qize, who had spent his fame for so many years, would have to stand the test of time if he wanted to marry Sikong Ruoling.

The two parents were still very enlightened. In fact, this time the dinner was gathered together. As for the development of the two juniors, it was up to them.

Bai Xue pulled Skong Ruoling aside, "Ruoling, tell the truth to your mother, haven't you and Huo Qize got to that point yet?"

"Which step, Mommy?" Si Kongruo Ling asked.

"Just ... is living together."

Sikong Ruoling quickly shook his head, "Mum, where did you think about it, I and ... and brother Qi Ze just started ..."

"That's good, Ruo Ling, I can tell you, girls should be restrained, it is best not to live together before marriage. Many men's bones are scum and bad. After you get this person, you don't feel fresh. Turn around and turn you. Abandoned. It ’s still the girl who suffers then, understand? ”

"Know Mommy!"

Bai Xue was holding Skong Ruoling and wanted to say a few words. Skong Ruoling liked medicine. She, as a mum, didn't have time to talk to her about men and women, so she talked about it now.

But the sound of "ding" the next second, Sikongruoling's cell phone came a text message.

"Mum, someone is looking for me. I'll go first." Si Kong Ruoling took his cell phone and ran away as amnesty.

"Ruo Ling, you child!" Bai Xue sighed with love.

Sikong Ruoling ran to a clean place and turned on the mobile phone. There was a text message lying quietly, which was sent by Su Shi.

--- Where are you, come here quickly!

Sikong Ruoling returned one --- Su Shao, what happened to you?

--- The pill you gave me last time, now I feel pain all over.

What do you mean?

The last time she gave him the pill, he had already pained it once and it was fake. Why is it hurting again now?

Si Kong Ruo Ling --- Su Shao, I'm a little busy right now and can't go, otherwise you can let other doctors see?

--- You come out.

Very simple three words, he let her go out.

Sikongruoling received her mobile phone and walked out of the gate of Gutenberg. Soon she saw a luxury business luxury car on the bustling street outside. The rear window slowly slid down, revealing Su Jun's handsome face. He looked at her with cold black eyes, and lifted his thin lips, "Get in the car."

He's crazy?

Why did he drive the car here to pick her up?

"Su Shao, why are you here?"

Su Shi glanced at the brightly lit lights in Guttingborg and frowned her thin lips. "Why, don't you take responsibility for the medicine you gave me?"

"... but my parents are still inside, and I can't just leave ..."

Su Shi opened the rear door, and then reached out and caught S Kong Ruoling's slender wrists. S Kong Ruoling didn't stand firmly, and with a soft cry of "ah", she fell directly into Su Ying's arms .

Su Shi quickly hugged her. The 20-year-old girl was soft and fragrant. Tonight she wore a naked pink long skirt with falling shoulders and fluttering long hair.

Her hair caught on his handsome cheek, with a slight itch.

"Ah Su Shi, my skirt is broken, you broke my skirt!" Si Kongruo Ling, who fell into Su Shi's arms, thought up in a hurry. Then he found his neckline was torn.

Su Ying looked down, and her neckline around her chest was really torn, and her milky skin shook her eyes.

"Don't call me, I'll be with you later!"

Su Shi reached out and embraced her shoulder. Now they are on the street. There are passers-by. Many people have already looked at him. He doesn't want others to see her.

Si Kongruo Ling was really very angry. Everything was fine. He suddenly came over and made it like this. "This is my favorite skirt. I don't want you to pay it. Anyway, it's your fault!"

Si Kongruo Ling lifted her eyes, the next second her lips softened, and she touched Su Shi's thin lips.

Su Shi's eyes are vertical. She raised her eyes and rubbed them together.

Each is deadlocked.

The hustle and bustle on the bustling street slowly subsided in his ears. Su Shi only heard his heart-beating sound. He looked at the clear water eyes of the girl shrinking suddenly, then suddenly raised his hand and clasped her back ...

Skong Ruoling reacted and immediately reached out and pushed him away. "What are you doing?"

Sikongruoling sat on the back seat and hurriedly adjusted his skirt.

Su Ming took a breath, and his brain slowly recovered. He glanced out the window and said, "Well ... I will pay for your skirt, and it will be more expensive and better-looking than yours."

Sikong Ruoling felt that this man was playing hooligan. She was obviously not referring to the skirt, but why he had kissed her just now?

She hasn't met her boyfriend yet, this is ... the first kiss!

But he turned the topic away, and she was embarrassed to hold him back.

"What to do now, I can't wear the skirt on me." Si Kongruo Ling asked.

"It's quite far from the mall. There are my replacement clothes and white shirt in the trunk. Would you like to wear it first?" Su Shi is still a gentleman in her bones, so she is asking for her opinion now.

Sikong Ruoling had no other opinion. Although she was a daughter of Qian Jin, she was not coquettish and arrogant, "OK."

Su Shi got out of the car and took the clothes in the trunk and handed her, "You change clothes, I'll wait outside."

"it is good."


Su Shi Chang Ruyu stood outside the luxury car. The handsome and gentle man could easily become a beautiful scenery at night. He took out a cigarette in one of his trouser pockets and lit it. Then, his handsome eyelids began to swallow the fog .

At this moment, the window of "Yi" slipped down, and Si Kongruo Ling's moving face came out, "Su Shao, you can't smoke now.


More finished.

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