Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2111: You are my hot sun (311)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Su Shi turned his head and looked at Sikong Ruoling.

Sikong Ruoling has replaced his clean white shirt, and the wide men's shirt lined her is becoming more and more delicate. Now she is lying by the window, looking at him like a cute, soft and cute little pussy, Su I thought the girl was irritating.

"Isn't it cold?" Su Shi looked at her with her beautiful eyelids down and asked.

Sikongruoling nodded, "A bit."

Su Shi reached out and handed her the men's trench coat on the back seat, "put it on."

Skong Ruoling obediently put it on, but did not forget the role of a doctor, "Su Shao, don't try to bribe a doctor with a piece of clothing. It's no use, based on your current physical condition, I'm still treating you. , You ca n’t smoke or drink at all. "

Su Shi didn't have a habit of smoking and drinking. Even if his throat was itchy now, he took a few sips of fun. He stubbed his cigarette **** in the trash can on the side of the road, waited for the smell of the smoke to dissipate for a while, and then opened the driving door to sit Once inside, reached out and turned on the air conditioner in the car, and adjusted to a comfortable temperature.

"Follow me now."

Although Su Shi said this to her, he did not solicit her opinion and started the luxury car directly.

Sikongruoling in the back seat, "..."

The luxury car was galloping on the road, and Skong Ruoling said, "Su Shao, you said that I had pain after taking my pills. Where did it hurt, show me."

Speaking of Sikong Ruoling, he leaned forward and looked at the direction of Su Shi's waist belt.

She is really bold!

Su Yingmei, unpleasantly rebuked, "Sikong Ruoling, you are a girl, what kind of system is this?"

She has said it a few times, and the doctor has no help, but I did not expect Su Shi to be quite feudal and conservative.

"Su Shao, have you considered it? This pill has to be treated with my acupuncture. Let me treat you. I have five levels of control to cure you."

Five floors?

Su Yingbi, "You treat me as a mouse in your laboratory?"

"Su Shao, there are a lot of five-layer grasps. I have been studying your condition recently. Your disease is very difficult. I believe you have not found a doctor who can treat you with five-layer grasps these years. So, if you Because of my gender, I can introduce you to my dad and let my dad treat you with my own hands. "

Su Shitong Ren shrinked, "What, let your father treat me?"

"Yes, you know how many people are waiting in line for my dad to treat me. We are also friends, and I can let you cut in." Sikong Ruoling said cheerfully.

Su Shi couldn't imagine a man to treat him. He had treated it before, but he took medicine.

He looked up and stared fiercely at Si Kongruo Ling through the rearview mirror. "Have you told your father about me?"

Skong Ruoling felt the coldness and coldness in his eyes, and his scalp was numb. He quickly denied, "No ... no, I have never asked for your consent. I will never disclose the patient's private privacy."

Su Shi's complexion eased a little, "I don't need your father's treatment, and I warn you, don't tell me your father's affairs, or you should be conceited."


Why is he so afraid of her dad to know?

The people in the Sikong family are all ethical, okay, they have never leaked the patient's privacy.

Sikong Ruoling really didn't know what he was minding.

"I see." She nodded.

Soon the sharp brake sounded, because Su Shi stepped on the brake urgently.

Si Kongruo Ling looked up, and suddenly there was a group of people in front of him, a snake on the ground. Everyone was holding dangerous weapons in their hands, and they would block their way.

They said that they were most afraid of getting a snake on the ground. Skong Ruoling quickly grabbed Su Shi's sleeve. "Su Shao, what do those people want to do?"

Su Yan's eyes were darkened, showing a faint cold light, but there was no emotional wave on his handsome face, only a slight explanation, "Nothing, you stay in the car, don't get out of the car, I'll go and see."

Su Shi opened the door.

"Hey, Su Shi!"

Sikongruo Ling's white fingers tightened his sleeves.

Su Shi looked back, and saw the girl's beautiful little face full of worries. He felt warm for no reason, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Sikong Ruoling still dragged him.

Su Ying looked at her. Si Kongruoling was now wearing his large black trench coat, which was long and covered her delicate and slender ankles. She still had a pair of crystal high heels under her feet. Somehow, this black trench coat added a few to her. Licensor, beautiful and stylish.

Su Shi raised her hand, touched her head, then opened the door and got out of the car.


Su Shi got out of the car, and he looked at the unexpected guests in front of him with one hand in his trouser pocket. "Who are you?"

The boss in front stood out, "I heard that Su Shao had passed from our site. There was no other meaning, but the road ahead was impassable. I wanted to stay with Su Shao for a few days with us. Su ’s family was huge, and we dare not confront Su. With less plans, Su Shao rest assured that we will treat each other with courtesy. "

Su Shi glanced at Jian Jian, "What if I don't agree?"

The boss glanced at Sikong Ruoling in the luxury car, "Su Shao, this is really the sun hitting the west. There are no women around you these years. Why is there such a beautiful chick in this car? Shall we say hello to this chick? "

Su Yan thinned her lips, her voice indifferent, "She is my woman, say hello, do you deserve it?"

The words of simple and overbearing were spoken by Su Shi with an unbiased magnetic voice, with a powerful deterrent.

The boss was stiff and sneered quickly, "Su Shao, just kidding. How dare we laugh at Su Shao's women, just to keep you here for a few days."

Su Shi always had no expression. He raised his eyebrows for a moment. "Since you are invited, why not play a game?"


Sikong Ruoling followed Su Shi to a villa, and she looked around, whispering, "Hey, Su Shao, what do these people want?"

Su Shi looked at her, "Afraid?"

Sikong Ruoling patted his small chest quickly, "I'm a doctor, I can guarantee that your diet will not poison you, but if they use force, you must protect me."

Su Ying hooked her lips, reached out and held her soft little hand, and wrapped her little hand in her warm palm. "Okay, I promise you, as long as you are by my side, I can protect you. "

The warmth of his palm was ironed to Sikong Ruoling's skin. Looking at the warm arcs of the corners of his lips resembling coquettishness, Sikong Ruoling felt his heart beating for no reason.


More finished.

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