Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

For centuries, it was the prince of the country's valiant monarch who usurped the power to seize the empire. Previously, the orthodox prince inherited the monarch's position.

But Hou Lichen's methods were ruthless, and there were so many families supporting him throughout the empire.

At that time, he had suppressed a lot of wealthy families, supported some small families, and allowed them to work, only now.

And I heard that there is a hidden power behind him. If anyone does not listen to his disobedience, he will send someone to kill someone secretly.

Therefore, as ordinary people, we can only live a good life.

But everyone dare not say, do not dare to do anything, but in their hearts they are thinking and nostalgic.

Assume in my heart what would happen to the empire if Guoying Jun was still there.

But that's all hypothetical, because Guoying Jun is really gone.

Everyone heard the gossip saying that it was Guoying Jun's son who was still alive, and everyone would look forward to the appearance of Guoying Jun's son.

Because everyone thinks that the sons of the king of the kingdom and the queen must be better educated sons.

Sure enough, they were not disappointed, it turned out to be Jun Shao, an excellent young man.

This person, in all aspects, is appreciated by all the Empire.

Jun Shao!

He is really good.

I heard that he has done a lot of things for the people since he was a teenager. At that time, everyone thought that his rumors were very scary and talented.

But he did a lot of things. At that time, he resolved a group of terrorist attacks and destroyed many bandits.

Moreover, I heard that when he entered the barracks, he loved his comrades-in-arms. He heard that when he went to the battlefield, he tried to protect his comrades-in-arms. He saved many people.

And Qingteng Township, Qingteng Town, Beiquan City, Smoky City ...

Wherever there is a young man and a young man, they have become so good and the politics is clear.

Qingteng Township, where is that?

That was the place where the empire had exiled prisoners since ancient times, where the clouds and dragons were mixed, and no one was convinced. How many people did the empire send to govern there, but not all of them were killed inexplicably?

However, it took only one year to renovate Qingteng Township after Jun Shao went there. They were all on the way, and there was peace and good folk customs.

Many people want to go there.

However, people in Qingteng Township, Qingteng Township are strict in auditing nowadays, and most people cannot enter the local area. Outsiders only have envy.

There is also Beiquan City. Beiquan City is the most prosperous city in the empire. It is also the most decaying place in the neighborhood of the giant family.

But if you look at the current Beiquan City, all the atmosphere has changed, and everything is flourishing. Even the school no longer cares about the background of the children and starts to teach seriously.

And now everyone in Beiquan City is united into a group, and the unity is very strong.

I encountered a robbery halfway before, and the whole city was dispatched. Many people on the road heard the robbery, and they all went to block up, and the drivers of the cars also dispatched to help.

The scene was so impressive that it was full of positive energy.

When you think about it, everyone is very excited. "Jun Shao can become the king of our empire. Our empire is just fine. If there is a salvation, our people can live a good life."

"Yeah, look at the places where Jun Shao has stayed. They are all so good. We believe Jun Shao will be better."

"No, it's not the king, it's our king, our king!"

"Our King!"

Loud noises broke out at the scene.

Some of the old people present couldn't help crying.

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